Now - 13:05:41
Who loves rodents? No, we are not talking about the cute, decorative bunnies and white mice, and large rats. These creatures leave traces in your house, chewing on everything that comes across their path, spoiling food. And in addition, rats carry a large number of dangerous diseases. It's a plague and rabies, hemorrhagic fever and many more. Of course, in the apartment rats rarely come more often from their attack suffers the private sector. Rodents especially loved the homes which have Pets. This means the warmth and abundance of food.
Today the market presents many tools to deal with rodents, but to beat them is not easy. Often buyers point out that rats eat up for them poison, but the next day there are new burrows or other traces of the intruders. From this we can conclude that most drugs are not too effective.
Today appeared on the market the product of new generation which differs from its predecessors high efficiency. This is a “Rat's death”, which is very impressive. Consumers say that it is attractive for rodents and leaves the latter no chance.
The Sellers often claim that it is an Italian product. Reviews “Rat's death” is sometimes called “Italian death”. This is not entirely accurate. Made in Ukraine of drugs purchased in Italy. In fact it is not one drug, but two.
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Rats carefully study a new kind of food. If he does something to scare the rodents will refuse to try, and all the efforts will go ashes. The attractiveness provided by unique forms, tablets, and dough. Today, the same drugs did not exist, so your guests will have no reason to refuse the feast.
The Second important point – is a quality composition. An earlier generation of poisons for rats was a poisoned grain or meat. Today the majority of rodents are well recognize such bait and abandon them. And here as a basis is fragrant sunflower oil, flour and sugar, that is, the sources of clean energy, which are highly valued all living beings.
In rodents amazing genetic memory. If one of the rats back to the nest and die, her relatives and descendants will never take this poison. Due to this population to survive in conditions of constant destruction. So today we have to choose the poison with the best characteristics, such as “Rat's death 1”. The reviews confirm that depending on the number of rats, fighting with them and takes from a week to several months, but it is effective.
Since poisoned rodents do not die immediately, the other dogs there when we found food. She continues to consider her perfectly safe. When a week falls the first individual, else already too, can be poisoned.
Poison, which is so encouraging, has no analogues in our country. Moreover, direct deliveries are made not only in Russia but also in Europe.
Even when one-time use of the drug causes death, it is confirmed by the numerous reviews. Manual “Rat's death” recommends to put at the same place for at least another during the week. If the bait had not been touched, then maybe the rodent was one.
Another important point – it's unique packaging. Mass distributed batch of 12 grams for each bag of filter paper. Packaging is fine, it lets the smell, but protects the contents from moisture. This allows more successful use, even in the sewers and otherwet places.
“Rat's death” is a toxic drug that has to be very careful. It is recommended to always wear gloves. Then follow one of the following:
It is Important to remember that it is impossible to violate the integrity of the packaging bag. In this case the bait will be the smell of man. Be careful laying out the individual bags. This is best done with gloves, using tweezers.
This drug can be attributed not only to the group of the most effective, but also affordable drugs. He has another plus, the drug is completely biodegradable. If the remains you don't need, and you don't want to endanger Pets, keeping it at home, it is recommended just to burn on an open fire. In addition, the recommended disposal by burying in the ground. After about a month the collapse will happen on the simplest elements.
It is Necessary to carefully hide from cats and dogs poison for rats “Rat's death”. Reviews, however, say that even taking all precautions, you may face trouble if the cat eats a poisoned mouse or rat. Of course, in his body, it will also be destructive. In the untimely appeal to the vet pet can be lost.
The Venom causes massive internal bleeding, blood stops clotting. The signs will be the presence of blood in the urine and pale color of the gums. In the clinic the doctor will determine the degree of damage, and will likely do a blood transfusion. Clotting is restored by injection of vitamin K. can be Saved not all, but even in this case, it will take another few months to take vitamin K tablets.
By far the best and unparalleled, is poison “Rat's death”. The reviews say that once is enough to put the bait in places frequented by rodents, and you can forget about them. The price of the drug very low. The only negative – this is a high kill capability of the poison. Concentration is enough to kill a large dog, not to mention the cat.
So you need to carefully monitor the baits. If there is a suspicion that feasted here not a rat, then pay attention to their Pets, and at the slightest deterioration ask for help. If this is done in a timely manner, the chances of recovery are. More often affects cats who, in obedience to the instincts, eat poisoned rodents, and feeling ill, leave the house.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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