Like tempering metal at home?


2018-03-22 00:13:20




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Many people wonder how to temper the metal in the home and in some cases require this process? Hardening of products made from this material is carried out, if necessary, improve its strength. For example, for hardening of cutting edges to kitchen utensils (knife, secateurs) or tools (chisel, chisel, etc.) in addition, the metal acquires a certain amount of plasticity, which facilitates the processing of the material. This rule is familiar to the Smiths. In the article, you will learn how tempering metal at home.

How to temper the metal in the home

Why you need tempering?

Hardening of the metal increases the hardness of the product about 4 times. In this case, the subject of this material can easily cut the glass surface. Hardening is required because of the lack of strength of the subject or Vice versa. In the first case, the metal products will be jammed, and the second to crumble.

Check the level of hardening metal products

To check the level of hardening of metal products need to take a file and hold the tool on the edge of the object for cutting, for example, axe or knife. If you feel that a file begins to stick or stick to the metal, it indicates that the product is tempered enough. Thus the edge is soft and pliable.

If the tool falls off of the subject and a feeling that he his stroking, and my hand feels no bump, then it means that the metal is tempered too.

Tempering metal at home possible. Thus it is not necessary to turn to complex technologies. The process is carried out with their hands.

Tempering metal at home

It Should be remembered that the process not be mild steel. But to achieve increased strength of the products of carbon or tool materials really.

How is hardening?

Quenching involves two processes-the heating of metal products to a high temperature and subsequent cooling.

Thermal treatment of the surface is only useful if:

  • There is a need to give the metal additional strength;
  • Requires an increase in plasticity, for example, for subsequent hot forging.

The Price of hardening metal products at a professional level is 200 RUB for 1 kg. fire Processing of small parts is cheaper. The price for this service equal to 20 rubles.


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As tempering metal at home? You must understand some nuances of this case.

How to temper the metal

The Heating should be uniform. The metal should not have spots of black or blue. Do not heat the product to extreme temperature. That the process operates correctly, shows the appearance of a bright red color.

What equipment is used for tempering?

For example, to temper metal in the home in the form of a drill, used electric oven or heat lamp for soldering or a fire. What would be appropriate in a particular case depends on the temperature required for the material being processed.

Cooling miscellaneous tools

The Rules for the cooling of tools may be different. The process can be done in one or more steps. It depends on the type of metal.

How to temper the metal over the entire surface, but only in a certain place? In this case, the applied jet type of school. It implies the direction of the jet of cold water on the subject of point.

If the action is carried out with one chiller, there is a need for specialized devices in the form of a barrel or bucket. For this purpose, use even a bath. This method of cooling suitable for items based on carbon or alloy steel.

If lowering the temperature products require cooling scheme comprising two steps, that are used in different environments. This process ensures that the release of metal. Originally drill or disks are cooled with water, then by machine or mineral oil. Cooling also is the second stage of the process, as there is a risk of ignition under the influence of high temperature.

The Use of water for cooling

The Primary fluid for cooling is water. If it add a little salt or soap, the cooling rate will change. Therefore, a tank for tempering cannot be used for hand washing. For equal hardness on metal surface is to maintain the temperature of the liquid 20 — 30 °C. it is Impossible often to change it in the tank. It is prohibited to conduct the cooling of the product in running water.

The Disadvantage of hardening with water is the appearance on the surface of the metal many cracks. In this way should be subjected to the process objects of a simple shape or cemented.

What is used for hardening of complex-shaped parts?

How to temper the metal complex forms? Alloy steel is used for a fifty percent solution of caustic salt into cold or heated to 50 — 60 °C . Parts heated in salt bath and in her past training, go light. It is impossible that the temperature of the solution was above 60 °C.

Couples whooccur when hardening, pose a health risk, so the bath must be equipped with a ventilation hood.

How is hardening alloy steel?

How to temper the metal? At home the alloy steel is subjected to the process in the tub with mineral oil. Delicate items made of carbon steel quenched in the same way. Advantage of oil bath is that the cooling rate is not depending on oil temperature. It will go equally fast at any rate.

How to temper the metal in the oil right? In such a bath should not be exposed to water, as this can cause the appearance on the surface of the metal cracks. It is noticed that if the oil is heated to a temperature of 100 °C, the water will not cause cracking of the product.

How to temper the metal in the oil

Cons oil bath

  • When tempering emits toxic fumes.
  • On the subject of the plaque.
  • Oil can ignite.
  • The Quality of tempering in an oil bath gradually reduced.

How is the release of metal?

Leave exposed all the details, the last hardened. This relieves the internal stress. As a result of this process decreases the hardness and increases the ductility of the material.

How to let go of the hardened metal? Depending on the desired temperature the process is carried out:

  • Bath oil
  • In baths with nitrate;
  • In ovens with air circulation;
  • In alkaline baths.

How to let go of hardened metal

What determines the choice of tempering temperature of?

How to loosen hardened metal correctly, that should be considered? An important factor is the temperature of the home. It depends on the type of steel and desired hardness of the product. For example, the product for which you want indicator HRC 59 – 60, subjected to vacation at a temperature of 150 – 200 °C. In this case, the internal voltage decreases, and the hardness does not change.

High-Speed steel is lowered at a temperature of 540-580 °C. This process is called secondary hardening. Its result is to increase the hardness of the product.

Metal is tempered to the color of the tint. It is heated on a hot plate, oven or hot sand. The film of oxide that appears upon heating, painted in different colors. The surface of the metal product is cleaned from scale, sludge and oil.

After the holidays metal, usually cooled in air. Chromium-Nickel product is cooled in water or oil, because the slow cooling of these brands leads to brittleness.

How to temper the steel in the open fire?

How to temper the metal in the fire? For facilitating the process of hardening metal at home, you should build a fire and prepare two containers of large capacity. The fire should present a lot of hot coals.

One tank should fill with diesel or engine oil, and the other clean water. It is better if it will be well. Initially prepared the tool, which will keep hot up to the limit metal. Use blacksmith tongs. But if not, then you can use something similar.

After doing the preliminary work, drill, metal, or other tools are placed in the center of the flame on hot coals. The embers white is much hotter rest. The process of hardening it is necessary to observe carefully. The fire must be crimson. If the fire becomes white, then there is a danger of overheating and even combustion of the metal.

You Must ensure that the crimson color was distributed on all area of the fire evenly. On the edge of the metal should not show spots of black. If the material has a blue spot, it indicates excessive softening of the material and its excessive plasticity. This should not be allowed.

After burning in the fire of metal products should be removed from the hearth to high temperature. Ignition source is lowered into a container of oil many times with an interval of 3 seconds. The time interval is gradually increased. Delay at this stage is impossible. The operation is performed soon, and dramatically. The product is dipped in oil until until its color will cease to be bright and saturated.

Then the object is immersed in a bucket of water that you need to shake. At this stage you should be extremely cautious, since drops of oil on the knife or axe can be draining when immersed in the aquatic environment. The drill should be lowered into the liquid the thick end.

How to temper metal, you already know. If you follow all the recommendations, the process will bring the desired effect.

How to temper the metal

In some cases, resort to the use of an electric furnace?

At home we have to temper the products of non-ferrous metals or steel. In this case you will need very high temperatures up to 900 ºC and above.

Heat the metal product to such a figure only for an electric or muffle oven. The latter can be made with your own hands, but the electric can be done.

How to make a furnace?

As tempering metal at home with the help of muffle furnace, made with their own hands? This device will become veryneed in the household. It will allow to carry out heat treatment of metal products without further manipulation. For the manufacture of the furnace with their hands requires a refractory clay used for coating. This material creates a camera with a thickness of not more than 1 cm the dimensions shall be 210х105х75мм.

By modeling a muffle furnace with their hands, use to pre-made shapes out of cardboard. So it does not stick, it is impregnated with paraffin.

Clay plaster to form the inside out. In this case, during drying it will not shrink. During the solidification of the material itself depart from the shape of faces. Refractory clay can be the basis of the oven door.

Improvised muffle furnace should be allowed to air dry. Then it is dried to the end in a furnace at 100 ºC. Doors and the camera fired gradually increasing the temperature to 900 ºC.

Details should be given to cool without removing them from the oven. Then it joins the door. Its surface is polished with a file.

On-camera wrap-18 m wire nichrome. Its thickness should be 0.75 mm. the First and last turns, you must roll. To avoid a short circuit, the distance between the coils coated with clay. On a dry layer of material is necessary to smear one layer with a thickness of 12 cm.

Muffle furnace made by your own hands is a metal frame, which is 270х200х180 mm.

How to temper the metal in the home

For a lightweight frame Assembly should be constructed with two removable covers fixed by screws.

The front cover for a hinge mounted door. It should open in the horizontal direction. To this the door using the bolts and gaskets you need to install ceramic detail.

All gaps smeared with clay, and the wire edge removed on the back cover of the frame.

Then made a connector and a standard power cord with plug. All openings between the heating parts and the frame are filled with asbestos crumb.

To install the thermocouple and be able to monitor the hardening process of the metal in the chamber it is necessary to drill two holes. The diameter of the first should be 1 cm, and the second 2 cm are attached To them closing curtain of metal.

Weight homemade muffle furnace is 10 kg. It is heated to the temperature of 900 ºC for one hour. It can facilitate the process of tempering drills, files, matrices, and many other metal products.

Muffle equipment for hardening metal is not the only device. For this purpose, use a chamber device, or electric thermal oven, and the oven-tub. To make the oven muffle with your hands cheaper than purchasing ready equipment. For example, the average price of such device on the market is 40 000 rubles.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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