How to register a home: a step-by-step instruction and pitfalls


2019-03-07 21:00:32




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If you have purchased or built a house, then there is a question about how to register property. This procedure allows you to purchase property that will belong to its owner. Typically, under construction house is available for rent, which first need to draw the property.

how to register a home

Now, a simplified procedure for the registration of real estate. You can register a holiday home on dacha Amnesty. It is only necessary to prepare the documents. The procedure is easy, you will need to go through several stages. How to register a country house? This should refer to the current legislation.


According to the Land code, there the order of registration in a simplified form. This applies to those homes that are part of cooperatives or associations. Previously, it was difficult to do, and now you need to prepare a minimum of documents in a short time, after which you can perform the procedure.

How to register a home? This work begins with cadastre what needs to be done prior to state registration. When the object is constructed on a country or garden site, it is not necessary to make cadastral registration, it is only necessary to take the information from the project and to make a Declaration.

How to register a house for farming? This procedure differs from the standard. For a plot of land to conduct private sector, need the procedure of state registration. Even if it is planned to build facilities. You will need to submit a cadastral passport for it, put it on the record, to pay a fee, then issued a document to the house.

how to register a country house

Object Types «dacha Amnesty»

To Register a holiday home on dacha Amnesty will only be the case if the property applies to the following objects:

  • Building, located on the plots for individual housing construction;
  • The houses are in areas where horticultural activities, subsistence farming;
  • Outdoor facilities located on the plot of land that was issued for country activities;
  • Commercial units, garages, sheds, gazebos, barns, issued for IH and LPH;
  • Other buildings that do not require planning permission.

The Main requirement that buildings require government registration, is the construction of a purpose. In other cases, you must undergo the standard procedure. Only if the property meets these requirements, you can learn how to register a country house on a plot.


To register a house on the land, you need a proper filling of the Declaration and measurement of all facilities on site. A well-designed document will serve as the confirmation of the construction of the property. The Declaration constitutes the basis for acquiring ownership rights to be able to carry out the state registration.

how to register a country house on a plot


Each building should have such a document. Entered in this area cannot be challenged. The Declaration includes the following information:

  • The location address of the facility;
  • The name and purpose of the building;
  • Number of floors, including underground;
  • Outer material of the walls;
  • Availability of engineering networks.

For each object is issued 2 copies of the documentation. Only then the procedure will be considered completed.

to register a house on the land plot

Required documents

Where to register a house? For this it is necessary to contact the local territorial authority performing the registration of land and real estate. It was there that the procedure will be done legally. To register a house on the land will succeed providing the following documentation:

  • Title;
  • Declaration of building;
  • Confirmation of payment of registration fee;
  • Passport of the owner.

A month Later, on a certificate of registration of ownership of all the objects that are identified in the Declaration.

House Number and residence in the country

Residential facility must have an address, because only then the home can be prescribed. How to register a house and become its rightful owner? Consult the municipal authorities, giving the desired list of documents. The procedure is performed about a month, and when assigned an address, you can doregistration of the cadastral passport.

register your holiday home on dacha Amnesty

How to register a home on the site that he acquired the status of the dwelling? The object must conform to the requirements of the legislation. To get this status, you must provide documents:

  • Passport host;
  • A statement requesting assignment of the status of housing;
  • The title;
  • Plan and technical description;
  • Redevelopment project.

The structure must be compliance with all legislative requirements. The object acquires the address, cadastral number. If everything is correct, provided that the document confirming legality of residence. You can then apply for a residence permit.

Registration documents

The Procedure moves much easier if you have all the documents needed. But if not, the design is far more complicated, and can take a long time. But how to register the house in this case? These documents need to be obtained. This will require:

  • Proof of purchase to 06.03.1990.
  • A description of the land;
  • A statement requesting that the definition of borders.

how to register a house on the plot

Over the last month, signed a project with defined boundaries. How to register a holiday home to become private.

  • The document with the boundaries of the site;
  • The document of confirmation of purchase of the structure;
  • A statement on the land acquisition.

All documentation for local authority that is within the territory. After 2 weeks will be issued a document confirming the possession of the plot.

How to register a country house on a plot to have everything formalized? Last executed statement of rights to land. Documentation is submitted to the organization for state registration, and a month later provided the confirmation. It will serve to execute various land transactions.

The Whole process of giving is simple, but takes time and need patience. You need to properly perform registration, otherwise the house is illegally built. It is important to go through all the stages, starting with the plot turning to the buildings.

In the absence of time and desire to carry out this work yourself, you should order it from the company, professionally engaged in such activities. In this case, will in a short time become the owner of land and houses, and perform necessary transactions with them.

where to register a house


The Procedure has a few subtleties that allow the right clearance. Before registering your home on dacha Amnesty it is necessary to consider some nuances:

  • This law applies only to those territories that were granted prior to the enactment of the Land code, to 30.01.2001, and for new parcels, there is a standard procedure;
  • Execute right for all the land, because it is impossible to obtain on-site, withdrawn from circulation or limited in use;
  • Often the square footage recorded in a document less: register should only be valid for the territory, the boundaries of which are consistent with neighbors;
  • To establish a real area of the site, you must appeal to the Federal property management Agency.

The Advantage of dacha Amnesty is considered that there is no limit to the number of areas and facilities, subject to clearance. Properly registered the property will be considered property of its owner. With the resulting documentation can be performed in a variety of transactions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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