Labour code: part-time and combination - what's the difference?


2019-03-07 11:00:45




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The human Desire to obtain more money to meet their material needs – the phenomenon is quite natural. To implement his plans, the employer often offers a a combination and combination of professions, positions. Is there any difference between these concepts? Could it be that these terms refer to one and the same?

combination and the combination what is the differenceIs that not the same meaning of concepts such as combination and the combination. What's the difference? Of the Russian Federation regulates these two aspects of the different articles of the current Labor code. However, both concepts refer to a part-time job. What is the difference between a combination and a combination? Let us consider this subject in more detail.

Current issues

The Concept of "combination and the combination" is well known to those in the organizations and enterprises involved in the selection of personnel. The fact that one of the priorities of any company in modern economic conditions is finding of optimal solution use available labor resources. Thus there is a need to align company's interests with the interests of the employee. One of the best options in this case - combination, and combination. In labor law both the concept enshrined in law. Advantageously, this distribution of responsibilities not only to the worker who has the ability to replenish its budget, and the organization itself. Because sometimes the employee quickly to cope with given it by the amount of work. In this regard he has throughout the working day remains free time, which can be engaged in the performance of additional responsibilities.


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combination, and the combination of the differenceWith the development of market relations in our country, the employment contract about work in combination, or combination, are not uncommon. People have realized the advantage of opportunities provided to them, and employers save money on wages. The relevance of such a relationship are not only companies but also individual entrepreneurs.

Regulatory law

The Labor code, in its articles stipulates the concept of "combination and the combination". The difference primarily lies in the fact that the definition of the first of these is in article 60.2, and the second – in article 60.1 of the TC.

The Labor code clarifies that a combination of extra work during the shift or working day. In this case the employee is not relieved from carrying out their core responsibilities. The combination is applied by the employer only in case of economic expediency such a busy person. This management decision should not affect the quality of the produced goods or services.

The Combination and the combination – what is the difference? The second concept is a part time employee in their free time. In other words, the part-time – it is quite another not primary for human employment. The contract for its implementation is at the initiative of the employee and by agreement with the employer.

Main criteria

The Combination and the combination - what is the difference between these concepts? The main criteria for the first are:

- the conclusion of labor agreements with any number of employers;
- performance of duties as a primary place of employment, and in other enterprises;
- employment agreement form of work (part-time).

Some legislative acts of the Russian Federation contains limitations for such jobs. So, for 5 of article 282 TK the Russian Federation, such activity is prohibited to engage persons under eighteen years of age, as well as municipal and civil servants, apart from their participation in creative, scientific or pedagogical sphere. Not concluded such a contract for heavy and harmful work, if the place of employment has the same characteristics. Concurrent employment is not permitted and in some other cases stipulated in the labour code and various Federal laws.

inner alignment and combination what is the difference

Let us now Consider the second concept. What's the difference? The combination of part-time labor code helps to distinguish. This document indicates that there are:

- the actual combination that represents the parallel execution of works on its core activities and on the other, similar to it;
- extension of service area when there is scope employee works in the field of their main specialization;
- perform the duties of the employee who is temporarily absent at the moment, in his or any other profession.

All the above types of work are to combine. Moreover, they are made only in the case when the user has confirmed the solution written consent. Pre-agreed and term combination. The employer must also assure his or her written consent.

When considering the concepts of "part-time and combining" what is the difference in the matter of the worker's employment? In the first form of part-time work people working separately at the contract in my spare time.The combination also implies the performance of additional responsibilities for the shift. And to abandon such a load is possible and ahead of schedule. Should be only in writing notify its decision to the head. It must be done within 3 working days.


The economic advisability of executing certain works, the company's management may decide to adopt the practice on a part-time and reconciliation. What is the difference of labor personnel in a particular case? This issue is regulated by the legislation. So, for combining only enough of the order Manager. The basis for its signing must be in writing the employee whose specified period of time, the scope and content conferred additional responsibilities. This is indicated by articles 151 and 60.1 of the LC RF. Failure to comply with these rules, the combination is impossible. Before beginning part-time work should be an Addendum to the labor agreement. On the basis of this document the order of the employer. As for the employment records of the employee, to make them not needed.

If you compare, how to arrange the combination and the combination, what is the difference between these forms of part-time work? In answering this question you should refer to Chapter 44 of the TC of Russia. Making part-time is governed much more detailed and stricter than the expansion of service areas or a combination. The reasons for this increased attention to part-time? The fact is that when a job exceeds the time limit on the work established by the labour code. That is why the employer should follow the separate rules contained in the Decree № 41 as of 30.06.2003, the Ministry of labor of Russia. This document applies to part-time employees of cultural institutions, teachers, doctors and pharmacists.

Inspectors of the personnel Department the difference between the combination and the combination lies in the fact that the last of them is issued with a separate employment contract. Moreover, this document has its own characteristics. It should definitely be an indication that the person will work from this employer part-time. If desired, the log can be made in the work book. One caveat. Makes that entry, the inspector of the personnel Department in the main work.

The Termination of the contract about part-time jobs produced by the General rules. There is only one exception, which applies to the employer. He has another reason for termination of employment.

Place of work

The Concept of "combination and the combination" - what is the difference between them? When combining positions or occupations the employer remains the same. If part time the contract is concluded either with the same or with another employer.

Time to work

Has the combination and reconciliation of the major differences in Russia, and for what number of hours provided to complete the specified scope of work. In the first case, job duties are performed in free time. In this case, the employer is required to take into account the regulations of the Labour code. The document stipulates that working hours of part-time should not exceed 4 hours during the day. This is indicated by article 284 of the TC of Russia. The employee has the right to set and another mode of operation. However, throughout the accounting period, the selected organization (month, quarter, year), the number of hours for which you worked part-time, should not be higher than half of the standard working hours established for employees in this category. For example, it may be twenty hours over five days a week (with working day duration is 8 hours). With a larger number of hours worked, they are considered overtime. The exception here may be only those cases when people while not performing its duties to the main company because of non-payment by the employer of the salary or if he is removed from them for medical reasons.

the difference between the combination and the combination

On-time performance significantly differ in the combination and the combination. The main differences here lie in the fact that in the second case, the employee is always eight hours. He needs to use both at work and on the job. However, he fully takes not only their duties, but also those provided for absent colleagues.


What other nuances are part-time and reconciliation? The main differences payment must also be taken into account when deciding on the choice of a particular form of earning. Those and other conditions are stipulated in the labour code (article 285 and article 151).

Anyone working part-time, the salary is charged in proportion to the time worked. When this is taken into account all the conditions specified in the employment contract. If the person is working part-time, appointed to the position of where the tasks are the calculation of payment for work will be taken into account is actually the volume of work. For part-time working on site, which sets the district allowances and coefficients to the salary, they are also taken into account.

Very different is calculated payment to reconcile. In this case, its amount is stipulated by agreement of the parties. Here are taken into account in the volumeadditional work and its content. It is worth considering that neither minimum nor maximum amounts of such allowances in the legislation is not limited.

the difference between a combination of part-time labour codeAssume that the combination is made in the position of having piecework. In this case, the employer takes into account the number of man-made products as well as set on her prices.

Time-based fee expect one of the following ways:
- as a percentage of the salary that the employee has in their main job;
- hard cash.
- in an amount equal to a percentage of the salary of the office which is subject to substitution.


The Combination and the combination - what is the difference between them in this matter? They are also lights of the TC of Russia (article 286). As for those people who work for the combine, their vacation is put only on primary employment. Another thing is - are part time. Here TK the Russian Federation considers some of the features. Thus, in the annual holidays with pay part-time must go simultaneously in the main and additional job. And what to do with the discrepancy between the amount provided for rest days? In this case, the employee may apply to his second employer to provide him with the days at their own expense.

Compensation and guarantees

Despite having a second job, citizen of the Russian Federation shall not be deprived of social benefits provided by the Federal legislation. Stay with him and all the required guarantees and compensations. For example, it increases the odds for those who combines work with study, and also for those working in the far North regions and territories equated to them. Just to keep in mind that such guarantees for part-time workers are provided only on a primary place of employment.

 the concept of combination and the combinationThere are other social benefits that are provided by the labour legislation and existing collective agreements adopted at the company. These compensations are paid as in combination, and when combined in full. It concerns, for example, sickness and maternity. The payments are required to give employers as the main and secondary places of employment.


What is the difference between part-time from the combine? In the first case, article 70 of the labour code allows the employer to establish a probationary period. The decision taken by the head. In the case where the position to which the person is issued, provides that, the test is assigned part-time in a General manner. This decision, an employer may adopt and in case of doubt about the skills of the new worker. Such a moment is necessarily prescribed in the employment contract. As for alignment, no test time is not set.

Inner part

Many citizens of our country seeking to make money, get more work directly in your company. If the agreements and responsibilities are performed in non-core time, such an activity is an internal part. In what cases is it advisable? For example, the company is required to temporarily replace the employee who is absent for any reason. In this case, the easiest way to negotiate about the performance of his duties with his same employee, whose qualifications and competence there is no doubt from the employer. How to formalize the employment relationship in this case? For this fit the inner part and stitch. What is the difference between these forms?

the concept of combination and the combination what is the differenceThe first step is to consider the cases in which is possible the internal part. For example, this applies to a situation when the head of a small enterprise performs the functions of an accountant. Of course, this internal moonlighting is possible only with the permission of the body which is responsible for the activities of this company.

Often, plus work part-time arrange workers of culture and medical institutions, teachers and pharmacists. Those employees who have sufficient experience and high qualifications, can become an internal part-time at the same as they have positions, if it has no restrictions in the current legislation.

But sometimes, at the enterprise there are situations when an employee works on the combination. This activity can either coincide with his specialty or not. What is different from the combination of part-time work? In the first case, additional tasks will be performed by the employee only with his written consent.

Certain benefits have internal moonlighting and reconciliation. What is the difference between these two types of jobs for the employee and employer? The main difference between inner positions by combining the time of performing additional responsibilities. In the first case, the employee will have to work when he is not busy with main job. This is radically different from performance of duties with the combination. In this casethey operate within the statutory time for the main work.

The Differences between these types of jobs are in execution. For the employment of the employee for internal moonlighting it issued a package of documents, a list of which is provided with the current procedures on records management. First of all, between the employer and the employee signed an employment agreement. It lists all the nuances of performance of additional responsibilities and legal status of the employee defined by the labor legislation (the mode of rest and labour, the rights and obligations of the newly established entity, security rule, etc.).

The combination of the internal type, in contrast to the appointment of the employee in joining, you will need to make adjustments in staffing. It should be the full unit as a whole number with a salary, without any crushing. This will allow to avoid further amendments. One unit of staffing allows for the reception of internal part-time to four employees. Their actual number is indicated in the “note”.

Concurrent employment is reflected in the personal file of the employee, which is where all the information about its activity in the enterprise. Record this in the workbook is not necessary. As regards the conditions of granting of leave, remuneration and the availability of guarantees and compensation, and dismissal, internal time is no different from the outside (whose main activity is with another employer).

What is the advantage of these types of additional earnings? The combination and internal moonlighting carry a lot of positive aspects. These relationships have mutual benefit. The employee receives additional earnings, and employer – made in production order scope of work. In addition, the state is often taken to a qualified employee who is given a low salary. Thus the firm saves finances.

The Best work on the internal part and the employee of the company. First of all, plus the possibility of additional earnings and applying existing knowledge. In addition, the internal part-time – additional sick pay, guarantees provided by the legislation, paid vacation, contributions to the Pension Fund.

The Inner part – a common practice in large enterprises. With proper use provided by the labor legislation of opportunity as an employer and employee receive significant economic benefits.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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