Statement of marriage – the first step to a new life


2018-03-19 19:30:10




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Even a child knows that without a family man can not be truly happy. My house-my fortress. So said the pundits and they were absolutely right.

Main stages

Declaration of marriageThe family – a serious step in the life of any person. This question cannot be solved in a hurry. All you need to seriously think and make the right decision. Perhaps that is why the government always gives the newlyweds a special time for reflection before to recognize their family. In our country the relationship between a man and a woman have a legal character only if they are registered.

Among the first Decrees issued by the government after the great October revolution was the law “On civil marriage”. It was he who formed the basis of modern registration procedure. It consists of several stages:

  1. Citizens wishing to legalize their relationship, personally is to make a statement about the marriage.
  2. On the basis of this document, which is signed by both parties, the authorised person produces the official registration and making an entry in the civil status act. First, you must pay the state fee in the amount of two hundred roubles receipt issued by the registry office.

It Seems to be simple. But it seems at first glance. Each stage has its own characteristics. Take, for example, a statement about marriage. In order to make it, young people need to have on hand the following documents:

  • Passport or other document confirming the identity;
  • If any of the citizens were previously married, you must have on hand proof of termination of previous “Union”;
  • If the marriage is going to join a person under 18 years of age, then his hands must be permission (opt-in) parents or guardians;
  • Receipt of payment of the registration fee.

The Statement of marriage must be signed by both persons. However, there are times when one of them is unable to appear in person at the Registrar's office. In this case, statements may be issued separately, with the signature of the absent person must be notarized. Application in our country is usually associated with the queues. Therefore, some offices of the Registrar provide a service through which citizens can apply in electronic form and pre-booked a convenient time for the visit. After that, they will need to come at the appointed time with the required documents, bring a printed “Notice” on the scheduled date and submit an application on conclusion of marriage without the queue.


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For filling

sample statement of marriageStatement – this is an official document. His uniform No. 7 was approved by a special resolution of the Russian Government. Sample statement of marriage can be taken from the specialist during the procedure. In the process of filling the citizens should provide their full personal details and account information and confirm the voluntary and mutual desire to enter into a legal marriage.

Here, both of the future spouses are required to determine in advance what the name will subsequently be wear each of them in marriage. Here everyone has full right to choose. The husband can go to his wife's name or Vice versa. Alternatively, the spouses can keep their maiden names. The law does not prohibit. The top “cap” on acceptance of the application and the registration date will be filled in by the Registrar. Definitely need to read the second page of the statement is an extract from the Family code of Russia. It lists the key articles to be aware of citizens who have decided to start a family.

Special cases and unusual situations

the application of marriageCompleting the application for marriage must be made personally. It is a prerequisite. On the stands in the corridors, as a rule, there are examples of registration forms. At least the people in the queue will always prompt the correct option. The procedure will take quite a bit of time in the presence of all the necessary papers.

But there are times when one passport and the receipt is not enough. If the future husband – a citizen of another country, the document list will be completely different. The full list can be taken from Registrar. Not superfluous to recall that all the supporting documents should meet the necessary requirements. For example, the application will not be accepted if the passport of at least one of the future spouses has expired. Sometimes a specialist will not pay attention to it. But subsequently, such a marriage may be declared null and void. But if the applicants have done everything correctly, then after 1 month they can easily invite guests to a pre-planned celebration.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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