Cathedrals and temples of Krasnodar


2018-03-23 01:49:17




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A Large southern city with a long history, hospitable Krasnodar is always glad to visitors. In addition to the luxury of nature, there are many attractions, unique monuments of history and culture. Undoubtedly, special attention to the Orthodox churches of Krasnodar, the Cathedral of this city, which we now describe.

Nevsky Cathedral

This beautiful temple is located in the heart of Krasnodar, not far from the Fortified area. Once upon a time this area was a military wooden resurrection Cathedral.Church of Alexander Nevsky in Krasnodar

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Krasnodar) was built in 1872. Construction of the Cathedral lasted 19 years because of lack of funds and building materials. The solemn consecration of the Church was made in 1872. He later became a Cossack Cathedral. When it was the military and singing the chorus — the ancestor of the famous today, not only in our country but also far abroad of the Kuban Cossack choir.

After the revolution

After the October revolution (1917), many churches and temples of Krasnodar were closed. Nevsky Cathedral expected a more sad fate – it blew up. The restoration began only in 2003. These days, many tourists and pilgrims come to see the temple of Alexander Nevsky. Krasnodar always warmly greets guests, so visit the Cathedral can be anyone.

Cathedral of Saint Catherine the great Martyr

This Cathedral is mostly in the Krasnodar diocese. Here is the miraculous icon of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Parishioners call her Catherine. Temples of Krasnodar are the most valuable attractions of this southern city. Is no exception and this magnificent Cathedral. It was decided to build in 1888, a year after the terrible train accident in which miraculously managed to survive the Royal family. Shortly before this tragedy, the Emperor Alexander III in support of the family visited Ekaterinodar. On the occasion of the salvation of the king and it was decided on the construction of the majestic Cathedral with seven altars.temples g Krasnodar


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The First worship service was held at the Church in 1914. Funds for its construction were collected by the citizens. The temple is a monument to the famous architect of Malherbe. In the years of Soviet power the Church wanted to tell. But to do this failed - the construction was used a solution of egg white.

Christmas Church (Krasnodar)

The Ceremonial laying and consecration of the first stone laid in the Foundation of the temple took place in may 1992. It was made by the Archbishop of Ekaterinodar and Novorossiysk Isidore.Christmas Church Krasnodar

To raise funds for the construction of the Cathedral was opened the account in August 1991, Funds collected by local residents and city organizations.

New life Church

For the Church, the city administration has allocated a temporary room in a small extension of the house located on the prospectus of security officers. In July 1992, in this room, began to hold regular services. Here was held the first baptisms, weddings and religious processions to the place of the future temple.

In August 1992, in this place, Bishop Isidore celebrated the divine Liturgy. In mid-1994 was the service in the lower chapel, and the following – 1995.

The Lower Church consists of two chapels. The main one was consecrated in March 1998, and the South – in March 1999. In late 1999, completed the device in the upper Church, which was consecrated in early January 2000, Bishop Isidore.

Charitable activity

All tourists visiting Krasnodar, the Church of the Nativity visit is necessary. I must say that it appeared first in the Kuban Orthodox school Sunday school for children, open orphanage and known in the city charity.

Not all tourists come only for holidays in Sunny Krasnodar. The Church of the Nativity is one of the most revered religious buildings of the city. This two-storey five-domed brick Church, surmounted by a belfry. The authors of this project - architects Peter and Yuri Subbotin, the natives of Krasnodar.

London: Church of the Holy spirit

The blessing of Isidore, Metropolitan of Kuban, in 1993 in one of the houses new of Komsomolsky micro district of the city opened a parish in honour of the Holy Ghost.Krasnodar Church of the Holy spirit

The project of the temple was ready in 1999, and at the same time received a place under construction. In 2000, he was solemnly consecrated plate at the construction site of the Cathedral.

In September 2007, it installed a small dome, and a year later it already was crowned by the main dome.

If you come to Krasnodar, the Temple of the Holy spirit must necessarily be in your tour program. The Cathedral has two altars. The main, upper altar of the Church built in honor of the Holy spirit. The lower altar was consecrated in honor of the new martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Shrine of the temple

In July 2011 the Bishop of Yeisk, Herman was consecrated the lower chapel of the Church. It holds several unique Orthodox shrines. This is the ark with the relics of God's saints. As well as relics of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, Peter and Fevronia. They can be applied in holidays and Sundays.

Another Shrine of the temple-the iconSt. Dimitrii rostovskii with relics. It is written in Rostov the Great, in the monastery.

The Cathedral

Now we will visit the oldest religious building of the city - St. George temple. Krasnodar has a great variety of cathedrals, churches. But in this temple to visit it is necessary. Its history goes back more than 1000 years. According to legend, on the place where now is located the ancient temple, in 891, there was a terrible hurricane. The people began to plead for help. Hearing their cry, came down from heaven, Saint George and stilled the wind.sacred George's Church in Krasnodar

In gratitude, the people built a temple and named it in honor of his Savior. Due to the fact that nearby was the village of Balaklava, it became known as the Tauric Balaklava monastery.

During the construction of Ekaterinodar in the Northern part there was a small monastery, subordinate to the Balaklava Church. The Ministers of the temple appealed to the city authorities asking for aid in the construction of a Church on the site of the monastery.

St. George's Cathedral (Krasnodar) was founded in July 1895. This year marks 100 years since the establishment of the city. Unfortunately, the names of the project author and architect has not been preserved. But it is known that its construction took part known at the time the architect I. K. Malherbe, who is the author of many magnificent temples.

The Cathedral was built with elements of Byzantine architecture, which is characterized by the presence of a large number of domes. Its facade is faced with brick made by craftsmen. Over the main part of the building are five cupolas. There are eleven.

Trinity Cathedral

The Temples of Krasnodar amazing diversity of architecture. Trinity Cathedral, which is the main attraction of the Kuban Cossack army. The decision to build this amazing temple was made in 1899. However, the preparations for its construction was delayed for several years. It was difficult to find a suitable place for the Cathedral. The best places were already occupied by other temples of Krasnodar. Keywords temples of Krasnodar

The Laying of the first stone buildings took place in October 1899. Cathedral it was decided to build on the site, which belonged to the widow of Sergeant S. Shcherbina. The construction work continued until 1910. The project author architect I. K. Malherbe.

Trinity Cathedral was built in traditional Russian architectural style. It was consecrated in June, 1910, In 1912, after the consecration of the Cathedral began restoration of the lower Church, which was damaged when the construction was temporarily suspended. Was consecrated the lower Church in November 1912.

In Soviet times, the Church suffered the fate of all Russian churches-it was closed in 1934. It resumed service in 1942, but after the war it was closed again, now already for decades. Priceless icons, unique Church utensils taken from the temple. In the postwar years the Church was used as a utility and storage room. In 1972 there began the work a sculptural workshop of the city branch of the art Fund of the Soviet Union.

Since 1979, Trinity Church became a historical monument. And only in 1990 it was returned to Orthodox Church. The temple was in poor condition, but thanks to the parishioners and the efforts of the clergy in 4 years has changed. After the restoration appeared the bell tower, new roof, above the domes shone Golden crosses.

All the temples of Krasnodar (the photo you can see in our article) of the road for the citizens, but for the Cossacks, the Cathedral is important for another reason. On its territory in 2008, buried academician, writer, poet, chronicler of Cossack history - F. Shcherbin.

St. Elijah's Church

The Construction of this modest-sized temple was preceded by tragic events. In the Kuban region in 1892 was raging cholera epidemic that has claimed 15045 lives. The parishioners and all the faithful of the Kuban decided that it was a punishment for sin, so it was decided to hold a national prayer addressed to the Holy prophet Ilya. Believers promised to build a temple, if the disease will leave the city.temples of Krasnodar photo

It is Unknown if the prayer or the work of physicians, but by the late autumn the epidemic subsided. In 1901 it was decided to begin construction of the temple in the name SV. Elijah.

The New Church was consecrated on 25 February 1907 with a huge number of people. And then he was made the first divine Liturgy. In 1918, this small Church received the status of a parish. In 1931 it was closed. Only during the German occupation (1941), the temple was open. It was still a little more than twenty years - and it was closed again (1963), removed the dome. For over 25 years the Shrine was used as a warehouse for the storage of sports equipment. His condition worsened with each passing year. In 1990 the Church began restoration work. In early August 1990, the temple was again consecrated. To his former place back of the dome, which renovated the structure was installed using a helicopter.

Since 2002, began interior work-painting the walls. This work took more than four years. Today it is a working temple, which many of the congregation with its joys and sorrows.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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