Saint Petersburg: museums are interesting. The most interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg


2018-03-23 19:48:19




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Lovers of cultural and historical attractions from around the world at least once in life tend to visit Saint Petersburg. Interesting museums, old churches, numerous bridges, parks and beautiful architectural buildings are able to produce for each guest of the Northern capital a lasting impression.

Museum-reserve «Peterhof"

Peterhof able to bewitch with its beauty every visitor. It includes numerous parks and palaces, characterized by the grandeur and uniqueness. The ensemble of palaces consists of a Large Palace, the Hermitage pavilion, Cottage Palace, the Catherine block, the palaces of Monplaisir and Marly. It should be noted that Monplaisir deserves the greatest attention of tourists who came to St. Petersburg. Interested in museums of many countries of the world can't obscure the beauty of this coastal Palace. Monplaisir was built in the XVIII century and until today has retained its original appearance.

St. Petersburg museums

Of great interest 8 parks of reserve, namely Alexandria, Colonist, Alexander, English, meadow, Park Oldenburg, Private cottage, serhiivka. Are famous all over the world, and four of the cascade of Peterhof, the Great Lion, gold and the Chess mountain. Each of them is characterized by its unique architecture. Just to see these fountains, it is necessary to include Peterhof in the list of scheduled objects to visit.

Now let's talk about the many interesting museums of St. Petersburg.

Water Museum

As a rule, the specialized agencies, rather, of interest to professionals in a certain sphere, than simple visitors, but this does not apply to Museum of the waters occupying the Main water station on Shpalernaya street, built in 1861. It should be noted that it is thanks to this water tower Petersburg was able to get on a par with such European cities as Paris, London, Rome. Waterworks provided water to every house of the city, replacing water carriers. Tower project was developed by Ivan Merz and Ernest Shuberskaya.


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Since that time much has changed, and today, the story of the tower allowed us to create another object that can successfully complement the interesting museums of St. Petersburg. For teenagers, children and adults there are organized interesting excursions, during which it offers to explore the following exhibitions: multimedia complex, historical exposition and exhibition hall.

the interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg

Museum tool

Considering the most interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg, it is impossible to ignore this institution, located in Novgorod. The Museum was the initiative of the trade and production enterprise "Prommashinstrument”. The main task of this cultural institution is to familiarize the guests and citizens of St. Petersburg with the history of the development of the tool industry in Russia and the world.

This Museum features ancient prototypes of modern tools. The collection includes more than 2,000 exhibits, which were created in the late XVIII-mid XX centuries. Among the tools, various equipment, antique catalogs and books related to the instrumental case. The designs of many objects presented in the Museum, is already outdated, but nonetheless most of the exhibits are in working condition and have wonderful characteristics.

In the Museum you can see manual and electric drills, measuring, gardening, shoemaking, carpentry, weaving and many other types of tool. Widely represented and bench tools: drill, pliers, hammers and other objects made at different times.

The Museum of chocolate

What child doesn't love sweet? Moreover, even rarely what adult can resist the temptation to eat a chocolate. That's why no chocolate at home, it is impossible to imagine the interesting museums of St. Petersburg. For students and adults on-site shop where you can buy a delicious and beautiful products.

the interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg for schoolchildren

The Museum presents a huge number of chocolate exhibits, made in the form of a panel with well-known places of St. Petersburg, the bust of Lenin or Peter I, St. Isaac's Cathedral layout. There are easier chocolate figures: dolls, donkeys, rabbits, horses, bears, etc.

Freud Museum of dreams

The Most interesting museums of St. Petersburg are also associated with the life and activity of famous personalities. It is to such cultural objects belongs to the Freud Museum, located in the East-European Institute of psychoanalysis. Open Museum was in 1999, thanks to a decade of hard work of psychoanalyst Viktor Mazin. The opening was timed to the centennial of the publication of the book “the Interpretation of dreams”. Museums dedicated to the life and work of Freud, also feature in Vienna (Austria), London (England) and Pribor (Czech Republic).

The Museum occupies two small rooms (Introductory and Dream halls), but, despite this, you can spend a lot of time trying to unravel the secrets of the mysterious objects. The first room has 12 Windows, the contents of which is devoted to the stages of life of the founder of psychoanalysis. In the second hall there are exhibits thatmake visitors dive into the world of their own fantasies, memories, perceptions and dreams. Especially interesting is the visit to the Museum will be the people who once read "the Interpretation of dreams”.

Railway Museum

Not to mention another object, considering the interesting museums of St. Petersburg. The list would be incomplete without a Train Museum, which was opened in 1813. In 1902-m for him was built a new building where it is located today.

the most interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg

The Museum Collection contains numerous exhibits that are related to railway transport. And trains, cars, and locomotives, and auxiliary items required for the movement of trains and construction vehicles, and other structures. Some of the Museum exhibits in 1900 and exhibited at the international exhibition in Paris. Frequent visitors are students studying specialities related to railway transport. In fact, probably impossible to come up with better tutorials than real objects or their models.

Today the Railway Museum in Saint-Petersburg can offer the visitors more than 50 000 exhibits, which include both the models and real ones, more working locomotives and trains.

Club cafe and Museum «Kamchatka»

Not only ancient places and objects is famous for St. Petersburg. Interesting museums of this city are often more modern exhibits, the history of which still remember the modern inhabitants. Such cultural objects owned by the club café and Museum «Kamchatka», located on the street Blokhin.

Until 1999, there was a working boiler, where from 1986 to 1988 he worked Viktor Tsoi is the leader of the rock band «Movie». In those days, Choi worked for over three hours, so it was enough time for creativity, and the Soviet government did not consider him a parasite. Frequent visitors in this boiler-house in those days was Sergei Kuryokhin, Boris Grebenshchikov and Alexander Bashlachev. Here was born many famous songs.

After the closure of the boiler on the initiative of businessman Alexey Sergeenko and his friends historical site was restored and converted a bit. Today it is a café-bar with a stage, where every week are young rock bands. In the room, collected the exhibition, consisting of plates, posters, diplomas and photographs of the group «Movie». In a separate niche under glass are 12-string guitar singer and musician. The greatest interest of this Museum is for fans of Russian rock in General and creativity of the group «Movie» in particular, there are other interesting museums in St. Petersburg do not mention this epoch.

Museum of brewing history

The brewery Museum, located in the building of the plant. Stepan Razin on the same street, is the first cultural institution of a beer theme on the territory of the Russian Federation. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn the secrets of beer making, as well as to get acquainted with culture of consumption of this drink. Here you can see exhibits that are not in any Museum in the world. By the way, many interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg for children and adults represent a unique exhibits from different spheres of life and activities of mankind.

the interesting museums of St. Petersburg list

Date of establishment is 1995. His collection consists of more than 600 exhibits. Some of them were previously used at the same factory, some were bought by collectors and some are donated to other museums. Here you can see a copy of the ancient Egyptian brewery (the original is represented in the Hermitage). In one of the halls of the Museum there are exhibits that tell the story brewing in Russia. This vintage copper pot, tongs, forged scales, various bottles and labels.

Doll Museum

Not only the government cares about the cultural development of citizens, the city which is Saint Petersburg. Interesting museums and sites there are and individuals. So, one of the first private cultural facilities became a Museum of dolls. Creating it began with several private collections of dolls, and today the number of exhibits exceeds 5 000. In addition, Museum visitors, which often include not only children but also adults, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of puppet cases and also to take part in one of the workshops.

The exposition of the Museum of dolls consists of 9 rooms: “Petersburg pershpektiva”, “Village street”, “the Pride and Glory of the Fatherland», «Departed Russia”, “the Forest Kingdom” Halls of the fairy tale, interior dolls, dolls frivolous, workshops, and theater room. In each of them you can see a lot of new and interesting both adult, and child.

Butterfly Museum

Some tourists believe that the most interesting museums of St. Petersburg – the butterfly Garden of MINDO on the street Ropshinskaya and similar garden on the street. Visitors to both gardens get into the real world of harmony and beauty. Here comes the light, carefree flutter, eat, sleep, sit on the visitors butterflies of the most various kinds. The Museum is a real tropical Paradise with swamp Creek and water turtles.

the interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg for children

Excursionsin the garden are accompanied by a guide, the cost of which is included in the entrance ticket. The greatest pleasure you get the smallest visitors, because here they have the opportunity to examine and even touch many butterflies.

The Museum of Russian vodka

Familiarity with the history of Russia – that is the goal in front of you, usually put tourists gathered to visit Saint Petersburg. Interesting museums in this town, acquaint its visitors with many outstanding individuals, their activity and lifestyle. It is known that in all times in Russia took place a feast, and it was not just the process of absorption of food and drinks, and beautiful ritual, which you can learn a lot by visiting the Museum of Russian vodka.

It was Opened in 2008. Russian vodka – this is a national drink which didn't do any exercise. In the Museum you can find about 1,000 exhibits, including the original vessels for drinking the beverage, made at different times, and prints of portraits of great rulers.

Museum «Cross»

When visiting the interesting museums of St. Petersburg, “Cross” should also be included in the route. This Museum is located on the territory of the detention facility down the street Komsomol. During the tour you can visit administrative and custodial buildings, as well as visit one of the cameras. Built the prison was prisoners in 1884.

the interesting museums of Saint-Petersburg crosses

It is Worth noting that the above museums – not all objects of interest of Saint-Petersburg, because this city can be called a Museum under the open sky. Here, wherever you go, be sure to come across interesting Museum building and the monument.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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