Andean chandelier: description and photos


2018-03-28 12:22:15




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All achievements of mankind in the entire history of its existence, ranging from the invention of the wheel and gunpowder and ending with the splitting of the atom, the search for the God particle and space flights, it pales next to the puzzles, which are no bright minds in the world can't answer.

The candelabra of the Andes, located in Peru, puts scientists in a position where the mystery of their origin, even those that can't come up with decent versions about what it could be.

Painted planet

The Giant icons and figures larger than 4 meters, deposited on the surface of the Earth, – geoglyphs, a kind of written language or cipher that is visible more often from space or from aircraft. The most popular signs are the symbols of the Nazca desert, which was embossed on its surface in 5-1 century BC.

There are scientists who have tried to draw these lines, geometrical figures, images of birds, animals and strange beings, at least under some kind of scientific hypothesis.

Andean chandelier

Peru is not the only country, where it was found geoglyphs. For example, the most repeated, and hence the favorite subject of the ancient peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Britain, was a white horse. But, at least, it is quite recognizable animal that for people of that time was sacred or something personified.

The Andean chandelier became an example of what value he was given depending on the thinking or beliefs of people who saw it. So, the Spaniards conquered Peru, perceived it as the Holy Trinity, depicted as three crosses, and the sailors he resembled a constellation, or the ancient lighthouse. However, the same happens with most of the geoglyphs on the planet. Not knowing the true purpose of an object or phenomenon, the human mind tries to squeeze it into the framework of his perception of the world.


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The location of the mysterious object

Somehow it happened that about objects in Peru a lot of writing, their study and defend their dissertations. In fact, on the planet there are many geoglyphs, much higher than the Peruvian as the age and number of images.

But apparently, the interest is always higher to what thinking long and inconclusive (for example, an unfinished game of chess or unproven theorem). No exception here, and the Andean chandelier. Where is this object easy to identify – on the Paracas Peninsula, a 6-hour drive from Lima. The towering mountain is a small Crescent shape and became a place of creativity unknown to the ancient "graffiti artists". It can be seen either from the water or from the height of bird flight. When you look at the geoglyphs, found on the planet, you can see that most of them have some similarities in the technique.

For Example, “long” in Sussex and drawings made in Peru, though at different times, but clearly descendants of the same talented artists suffering from megalomania.

Andean chandelier Peru

If so, it seems that they are either performed someone task at a certain time to cause a desired pattern, or were itinerant creative types, which is unlikely.

People often tend to attribute objects and phenomena properties that they themselves invent. For example, some believe that the Andean chandelier (Peru) indicates the Nazca lines, although this is not quite true.


Scientists suppose this object 200 BC, and if this fact more or less all agree, the purpose of it remains a mystery. A giant Trident, calls it a local population, has two branches in the form of candles with spirals, while the third candle is growing right from its inception.

Andean chandelier photo

Length of the object about 180 m, which suggests that its creation took a lot of time and some special tools, otherwise it so good would have not survived to the present day. Andean chandelier, which is available in this article, though looks attractive, but it is quite trivial. A little something, the tridents in the world, here at Neptune's was just the same. Ordinary people and scientists was always interested in the question is not “how” and “why”?


When the matter was raised, the answers could be hundreds, we offer you the most clear, for example:

  • This is the lighthouse, just visible from the water, but not visible from the shore - of course, the version is so-so, because of evidence that it fomented lights, not found;
  • Andean chandelier is a Navigator of a spacecraft indicating the direction to the spaceport at Nazca (there are no words, and suddenly it's true!);
  • It's a lightning rod, as a Trident-the symbol of the Creator God Viracocha;
  • It is a sign of taboo, because in the Peninsula there are pyramids and burial with mummies, which were usually buried with jewellery;
  • Another version that is a Navigator, but on it under the Nazca lines is never found gold of the Incas or the whole of the Acropolis, full of dead people and treasures.

Maria Reiche, who all his life studying the Nazca geoglyphs and the Andean chandelier (photo scientist you can see below) managed only to determine that some of the drawings coincide with the constellations, for example, spider legs and his head repeats the location of Orion.

 Andean chandelierwhere is

There is a version that these drawings were left by human civilization. Judging by the fact that humanity itself doesn't know what it is, not for what is was created, then perhaps such a conclusion - the right one. Maybe these images show the way that made distant space travelers, and through what constellations they had come to us. And the figures are clearly not people on a plateau in the Nazca may be a self portrait of the aliens.

Anyway, perhaps humanity still has a chance to uncover the cause of the geoglyphs, which are clearly visible from space.

The Nazca Geoglyphs

The Andean chandelier and the Nazca lines differ in technical execution, which suggests that there was at least 2 of the ancient culture which created them. In the desert today detected more than 30 designs and 788 lines and geometric shapes.

 Andean chandelier description

The Trident on the Peninsula presented in a single copy, and as near it were found pottery of the same time as the drawing, it can be assumed that this is the handiwork of the ancient inhabitants of Paracas.

Technique Nazca

The Nasca Geoglyphs were characteristic of shallow trenches (30 cm) with a width from 50 to 150 cm, while the chandelier they are deeper and wider. Some scientists believe that the Andean chandelier, the history of which is somewhat younger than the figure on the plateau is the successor of a more ancient counterpart.

It's Amazing how the ancient Incas were able to spend in the earth's crust straight lines with a length of 500 km²? Even the modern equipment allows to make a smooth trench not more than 10 km without veering off course. Many of the drawings are striking for their size, and again the question arises: how was it possible to connect all lines to get a 285-foot Pelican or 188-foot lizard?

Either of these artists had a special vision three-dimensional space, or their tools were totally modern.

Paracas Peninsula

The Andean chandelier, a technique which is easier done in a different style, although it can be assumed that the perpetrators were familiar with the drawings on a plateau in the Nazca lines.

Andean chandelier history

They did not need the precise devices, as the height of object 180 meters, but even he is amazing and makes you guess what it was applied to the rock.

Mystery awaits

Well, humanity will have to wait. There will be those who know why it was done, or people will find instructions for use. Let's wait and hope that one or the other will happen in our lifetime, but until scientists create a new version and make films about the mysteries of the Earth and the Universe.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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