Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai: sights, their photo and the story


2018-05-17 17:00:42




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Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) – a small town located in the North-Eastern part of the region.

The city on the edge

Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) in Soviet times was a small but promising town. It worked for pulp and paper mill, mining diamonds, oil, and worked many other industries. Unfortunately, all large enterprises were declared bankrupt. Work in the city at large enterprises no. The city of Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) included in the Federal program of development of monotowns of Russia.

Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai

The Development of eco-tourism has breathed new vigor into the life of the city. Here on vacation Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) tourists from all over the region.


In this part of the Perm region since ancient times people settled. The city in the XIX century there was a settlement Vijaya. A number were discovered rich deposits of iron ore. In 1894-97 the years of Russian-French joint stock company built a steel mill. But the deposits of ore was quickly depleted and the plant was closed.

With the advent of Soviet power in the area decided to construct a pulp and paper mill. Moreover, all needed for the production were: the forest and the river. Built by prisoners, who served time in the open here in 1926, the 4th branch of the Solovki camp. And in 1929, the camp was renamed in Vishera and became a separate division.

2 Jul 1942 Krasnovishersk was officially granted city status. Now there are about 17 thousand people.

City sights

Despite its modest size, the town has several attractions which are worth a look visiting tourists.

The monument to the writer Varlam Shalamov, located in the city centre. Disgraced the writer was serving his first term in these places. They are described in his famous novel "Vishera". The terrible events of the narrative in the novel, is still not forgotten by the residents of the city. From the camp at the present time is not gone. The monument is a plaque on the stone. It was established in 2007 for the 100th anniversary of the writer.


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Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai

Park "Vishera-port" is located under the open sky in the city Park. Here visitors can see a real Russian and Komi-ezhvinsky hut. Komi-ashwini – the small people of Russia, the size of which does not exceed two thousand inhabitants, according to the state standards, it is not a separate ethnic group. Only There you can get acquainted with the culture and life of this nation. Local activists museology recreate real Russian rook in a sign that in ancient times it was by Moscow to Siberia.

Fountain “Vetlan, poljud and Vishera” was opened not so long ago. It is a sculptural composition of the two male and female figures. The fountain embodies the old legend, without which none of the old town. According to legend, lived in these parts of the two knights - poljud and Vetlan, who were best friends, until he met the beautiful Vishera. Both loved the girl, Yes, but she could not choose someone one. The duel with equal force heroes to no avail, and they turned to stone. Vishera and sorrow and anguish rushed between them and turned into a river. Since flows the turbulent river between two huge rocks, and on the shore near that place is Krasnovishersk. Perm Krai is rich in legends and traditions.

Museums and nature reserve

Museum. Here visitors are offered a rich exposition on the history of the region, steel plant, mining and oil. Not spared here attention to the tragic pages of history of Village, one of the halls is completely devoted to her. One of the walls is the wall of the camp Barca. Here you can see archival documents, photographs and personal belongings of prisoners. And next there is an exposition dedicated to the memory of Shalamov.

The Museum of nature of Vishera nature reserve. the reserve is located in the North-East region, and to get there is problematic. But for nature lovers in Krasnovishersk is a Museum, where detail and talk about the history of the reserve, its flora and fauna. Visitors can see stuffed birds and animals, herbaria growing on the territory of the reserve plants. And next to the Museum there is a small plot on which plants are grown, brought from the reserve, a nature reserve in miniature.

Beautiful surroundings

All the most famous attractions for which people travel to Krasnovishersk, are outside of the city. This unique beauty spot with dense forest, rogue rivers, steep cliffs and picturesque mountains. Almost untouched by civilization nature with the cleanest air and clear water. In recent years, more and more fans of ecotourism visit Krasnovishersk. Perm Krai, photos with kinds which will certainly spread to the Internet and Amateur and professional photographers, captivates at first sight.

The Vishera River is very beautiful in itself. Besides, over 415 miles of its course the breathtaking scenery of pristine nature. Popularly it is called the Diamond river, as near it was developed in the field of the solid mineral. And in the river itself you can find precious crystals. The alloy for thisthe river can take up to weeks time and is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Rafting start from there and you can swim to to the reserve, located upstream.

the city of Krasnovishersk in the Perm Krai

Rock Vetlan located 3 km from Krasnovishersk, on the left Bank of the river. You can get there on foot. Not so long ago for the convenience of tourists built a wooden staircase from the bottom to the top. A cliff offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside, the town, the course of the Vishera from the chain created by the hands of convicts islets. These Islands were necessary for the convenience of rafting on a stormy river.

recreation in Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai

Small Stone Vetlan - slightly smaller and located just North of Wetlina. It also is possible to admire the surrounding beauty. And yet this stone is known for its huge cave.

Poludov stone is the most Western of the Ural mountain. Its altitude is 517 m. the Mountain is densely covered by forest, but the rocky peaks beckon adventurers. recreation in Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai

To the top is the road on which you can drive on the SUV. But the Northern slope is steep and tough – a Paradise for lovers of mountaineering. To get to Poludov stone from there, you need to cross Vishera to the village of Bahari. weather week Krasnovishersk, Perm KraiOn top of the stone, you can find the footprint of the epic hero Poluda.

The Vishera nature reserve is 1.5% of the territory of Perm Krai. The grounds are huge. In season, from April to October, the entrance to the reserve is open by special permit. But the path to it is long and quite complex. Here you can fly by helicopter or drive the jeep on the highway from the town of Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) to the village of Wai, and then across the river by boat directly to the gate of the reserve. Now, many tour operators organize excursions in the reserve, and if you want you can get there with a tourist group.

Krasnovishersk, Perm Krai

How to come to there

The Outskirts of the region is the city of Krasnovishersk. Perm Krai is vast and beautiful, but sparsely populated. From there to the North of the settlements is no more. But to get to the city is possible only by motor transport at the paved road from Solikamsk, a length of 100 km Before the city was the airport, but now it is closed. Rail there has not. The nearest station is in Solikamsk. In addition to private transport, it is possible to get on the bus. 4 times a day he walks from Solikamsk, it takes about 2 hours. And the same operates flights to Perm, but to go there for about 6 hours.

Where to stay visiting tourists

Krasnovishersk (Perm Krai) has several hotels. In the city there is a cafe where you can eat. For tourists arriving groups, operates a recreation center in Krasnovishersk. Perm Krai is famous for its nature and tourist routes of varying difficulty. Currently this area is most promising and developing. In the area there are many recreation facilities with rental of tourist equipment.

Climate conditions

Weather in the town of Krasnovishersk is quite severe. Even in the summer months the average temperature does not rise above 18 °C, and average annual amounts of -0.3 °C. In the hottest month of July can stand the hot weather week. Krasnovishersk, the Perm region to spend a weekend - so to get into an amazing place to gain sensations and adrenaline for the whole year.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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