Kislovodsk, attractions: parks, waterfalls, museums, boarding houses, sanatoriums and temples


2018-03-20 10:18:16




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In this article we will tell you about the wonderful Russian city of Kislovodsk. It – the second largest after Sochi well-known resort of our country. But, oddly enough, quite a few tourists, even in high season, come to Kislovodsk. Landmarks, photos of which are replicated on postcards and posters, few Russians have seen with my own eyes. Probably, the reason for this tendency is that Kislovodsk is not on the Black sea, like Sochi. But not one thalassotherapy man alive. In addition to the famous Narzan, Kislovodsk is than to conquer the hearts of guests. It is not only a balneological and climatic resort.

Kislovodsk sights


Is a resort in the region Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is located on the southern Stavropol region, on the border with Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Kislovodsk separated 64 km from the Mineral Water. More mile more – and now the peak of mount Elbrus. The town is conveniently located in the intermontane valley at an altitude of 800-1050 m above the sea level. The elevation of the terrain means that even in the summer months you won't feel on the streets of Kislovodsk oppressive heat. But in the winter you can get a bronze tan mountain. Therefore, those who love to relax surrounded by snowy peaks and shining glaciers takes Kislovodsk. Attractions, parks and museums of the city surrounded by the majestic peaks of the Caucasus mountain range. The river Olkhovka and Beryozovka, a tributary of the Podkumok, with three sides bordered by the resort.

How to reach

Unfortunately, in Kislovodsk does not have its own airport. Stavropol, the capital of the province, too far away – and to 234 kilometers. If you plan to fly, the closest civilian airport is in Mineralnye Vody. Buses No. 10 and No. 11 or taxi to get to the railway station of this city, and then to go by train. Using a passing train to Vladikavkaz or Nalchik can be reached in Kislovodsk. The sights of this city-the resort will pick you up at the railway square. One of them – the Philharmonic, the building of which was built in 1898. To Kislovodsk, Mineral Waters walk and buses to minibuses (travel time – about two hours). But if you plan to come to the resort on their own vehicles, on your way from Moscow will run on the main highways M4 and M6. Capital is separated from the famous mountain resort of 1612 km.


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Kislovodsk attractions photo

Climate and natural attractions of Kislovodsk

With its convenient location in the intermountain plain, this area boasts the unique weather characteristics. There are 300 clear days a year. Such cloudless weather with lots of high mountains of Caucasus Range, which protect the city from the wet, the bringer of rain of the trade winds. At the same time, a considerable elevation of the resort above sea level leads to the establishment of an Alpine climate. In the winter the city compared with the Swiss Davos (for the amount of snow and the sun and not the level of service). In summer and autumn, the Russian resort on the climatic characteristics similar to the Italian town of Merano. Sun, windless weather, crystal mountain air Yes, healing water Narzan Kislovodsk glorified. The resort welcomed its first tourists even before the Foundation of the city – in 1798.

Kislovodsk sanatorium


Archaeological excavations give reason to believe that this valley was inhabited seven thousand years ago. In the early middle Ages there lived the people of the Alans. Scientists find near Kislovodsk traces of settlements and necropolises. The Kislovodsk attractions which are very numerous, were formed in 1803, when the Russian Emperor Alexander I decided to seize and Annex the North Caucasus. He issued a decree on the construction of military fortresses to protect the rights of the Russian population from the encroachment of local peoples. One of these outposts was the citadel of acid Water. The name is derived from the Seltzer that tastes really "sour". In 1812, the fortress was refitted with the latest fortification technology of the time. Retired soldiers and officers settled with their families at the foot of the citadel. They formed their houses Posad. But the status of a town settlement was completed in 1903.

The Citadel

Temples of Kislovodsk

The Fortress is located inside her local history Museum – the most well-known famous Kislovodsk sights. From the fortification built in 1803, is preserved part of the wall with Windows, battlements and tower. But it is known that the citadel perched on a rock between the rivers Berezovka and Olkhovka, included five bristling guns of the ramparts, which were surrounded by a deep moat. Inside the strong walls were barracks, a kitchen, stables, Arsenal and the infirmary. It was provided a way to retreat – a secret underground passage. The strength of the sample of 1812 was mentioned in “the Princess Mary’ Lermontov. From this building survived more gates, corner tower, part of the wall. In 1965, in this example of Russian military architecture of the XIX century was opened the historical Museum, which hashe gathered his collection of 60 thousand exhibits. The address of the fortress - Mira, 11.

What cures Seltzer?

Yes, almost everything. Allergies, gastrointestinal tract, ginekologicheskiy diseases, urology. Coupled with curative path (walk through the countryside with the calculated slope and duration), bicarbonate and sulphate mineral water has a beneficial effect on the health of people with cardiovascular diseases, problems with the respiratory system. Baths soothe the nerves, treat skin diseases. And just drink the sour water never hurt anyone. This explains the popularity of Kislovodsk among those who wish to improve their health. In this resort there are more than one-third of all health centers in the region. Sources in Kislovodsk lot of water at different temperatures. What to take and in what doses, tell the doctor in any medical institution.

Resorts of Kislovodsk

The fame brought to the Caucasian resort and healing water - Narzan. Initially it was used only externally. In 1812, was erected the public baths - one-story building that was later demolished. But still, something from the ancient resort of Acidic Water left – the source of the giant dried up and they continue to use it. In 1903 appeared the Main Narzan baths. Why such a name? Indeed, under the majority of the territory of Kislovodsk at a depth of six metres along the river plain Seltzer. Main bath – the main health resort of the city - was built by architect Klepinina. It's working so far. In Kislovodsk, in addition to the 39 health centers, recites, and eight boarding houses. They can not only heal, but also just to relax, making tours of the city and its surroundings. The resorts of Kislovodsk designed for tourists of different income levels. They offer standard rooms and duplex suites. And as much as possible to bring your body back to normal, you can buy a voucher in a sanatorium.

Kislovodsk sightseeing sights

Floral sights of Kislovodsk

The resort everything should be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, to delight holidaymakers. And local authorities of Kislovodsk has always adhered to this principle. The first Park in the city laid the soldiers of the fortress, in 1823. The initiator of its creation was the commandant of the citadel – General Yermolov. On his orders, the soldiers planted and settled the banks of the river Olkhovka. Later the new government develop new territories, build Collonade, delicate bridges and pavilions. Now parks of Kislovodsk are a real decoration of the city. Some names which are: “Valley of Roses”, “the Silver Jet". At the Resort Park is the lower station of rope-way road (in pavilion of Air Temple). Upstairs, a Small mountain Saddle (1325 m above sea level. m) you can admire a wonderful view of the city, the valley and the towering right in front of the MT.

Interesting sights

Wander through the historical part of Kislovodsk – a pleasure. There are many interesting architectural houses. Especially these famous Resort Boulevard. Each building here-a beautiful example of Russian romanticism or French Gothic. This is not surprising: after all, in Kislovodsk has come to rest the nobles, many here were home-Dachi. The building of the Narzan baths look like a Palace from the fairy tale “1000 and 1 night”. You also need to pay attention to the Cascading stairs and the bridge “the Ladies ' whim”. For curious tourists hospitably opens its doors to museums Kislovodsk: we have already mentioned, local history (the citadel), the history of space exploration, theatrical and musical culture. It should be remembered that the streets were such outstanding people as A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, A. P. Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Glinka, Isadora Duncan, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and others. In Kislovodsk there are so-called «Dacha Chaliapin” and the Museum-estate of N. A. Yaroshenko, a Russian artist.

Waterfalls Kislovodsk

Religious buildings

Unfortunately, the era of the Soviet cultural enlightenment distinguished herself in the region of Caucasian Mineral Waters. In the thirties of the last century all the churches of Kislovodsk were destroyed. But now managed to restore piously-Nikolsky Church. The date of its initial construction accounts for the year 1888. After 120 years, in 2008, she was re-lit. Now it is the main arrival with the sonorous name “Kavminvodskaya Diocese”. This Christian Church is located near the old citadel. Once he was surrounded by a cemetery. But currently, the fence is only one grave. Under a beautiful slab of black marble lie the great Russian artist N. A. Yaroshenko. Literally a few dozen meters separate the grave from the former home of Nicholas II, "the White Villa”, which is also the landmark of the city.

Theaters of Kislovodsk

We have already mentioned the Philharmonic, which now give concerts. The building of this temple of culture was built in 1895 in the style of the French Beaux-art. The abundance of winged cupids and stucco highlights the Philharmonic hall from other buildings. You can call the theatre and so-called «Dacha Chaliapin”. Why the name of this building is given in quotation marks? Because the cottage is built in modern style, belonged to a certain singer Semenov, and the legendary Chaliapin only stayed here when he came to rest inKislovodsk. But we know that he gave concerts from the veranda of this house. In the interior, remaining unchanged, are paintings by Konstantin Korovin and fireplaces, made by the Roerich's sketches. Currently on Saturdays on «Dacha Chaliapin” are “theatre of the Sabbath”.

Natural beauty of Kislovodsk

In Addition to Seltzer and positively acting on the body climate, the city can boast of the amazing beauty of nature. Enough to go out, as my enfilade the Caucasian peaks. Near the town there is a bustling river Alikonovka. It forms a lake-dam, where you can swim in the summer months. And the river is famous because it is formed of chalk and Sandstone cliffs of the most fantastic shapes. The most famous of them – “Castle of love and deceit". Far from it flow the five jets foamy Honey falls Kislovodsk. The altitude of the highest of them – 18 metres. And a little further lies the famous mount Ring. It got its name from the weathering arch rock. In ancient times it was believed that if the rider slip at full speed through this ring, it will be immune to sword and arrow. In the gorge the other rivers-the Olkhovka is located another rock – Lermontov, named for the poet a waterfall.

Parks of Kislovodsk

Surrounding area map

If you are tired take a daily leisurely walk around the Narzan gallery and photographed on Lermontov's site, so it's time to make a run for Kislovodsk. Tours – sights of the surrounding area allow it to do – very diverse. They can be booked at local travel Agency. Tourists are offered such as Hiking in the immediate vicinity of the city (Alikonovka, olchowski gorge), and a bus trip to Bereza the hollow to the top of the rim mountains, where once was the Byzantine settlement), in a cave ‘Damn caves” and so on. You can go on day trips to Kabardino-Balkaria, to the famous Valley of Narzans. There are healing water bubbling up right from under his feet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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