Lyudmila Porgina: a biography, personal and family life, filmography


2018-03-22 17:04:10




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Today, for many viewers, the name of this woman is associated with family, love, dedication to the struggle for the life and health of a loved one. And now very few people remembers that Lyudmila Porgina – a talented actress who has successfully played on the stage and starred in the movie.Ludmila Porgina

How it all began

People Polina was born in the autumn of 1948 in Moscow. The family lived very modestly, lived in a communal apartment. The girl grew up smart and capable. It early began to see acting ability.


Biography of Ludmilla Parginos went well. After successfully finishing secondary school she entered the School-Studio of the Moscow art theatre in the course of P. massal'skaya. Lyudmila successfully graduated from it in 1972. After graduation she was invited by Oleg Efremov to the Moscow art theatre troupe. In this team she worked for only one year, and then moved to «Lenk», where he served until 2010.

Personal life

The First strong love Lyudmila Porgina experienced in 17 years. Lover was her peer Michael Polish – an aspiring actor. It is quite natural that such an early marriage could not last long. Young creative people very quickly tired of everyday problems, and two years later the couple parted.biography of Ludmilla parginos

The Following elect Lyudmila was Victor Korzun. He was older than wife for eighteen years and has become a pillar of strength. Introducing young people took place at the filming of the movie “Much ADO about nothing”.

Biography of Ludmilla Parginos changed dramatically in 1973 when the young actress began to work in “order” and met my greatest love of all – Nikolai Karachentsov. The young actress first started to get the attention of the famous beauty. At that time she was still married to Korzun, her choice, too, were not free. But this did not prevent them to love each other for two years, before the formalization of relations. In this case, the initiator was Lyudmila Porgina. She put her lover an ultimatum: if they will not get married, she would marry another man.


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Family, kids

Three years later Lyudmila Andreevna Polina gave birth to a son, Andrew, who today is a very successful lawyer. Nikolay and Lyudmila happy grandparents – they grow two grandchildren. Peter and Jan seriously study music at the Moscow school. Chopin. Peter had decided that it would be a conductor, and even knows where to learn this profession. He believes that he must go to Berlin.

Lyudmila Porgina: filmography

In the movie, the actress starred little. Her main work was in the theater. But after Nikolay Petrovich was a tragedy, the theater, she also left, and has dedicated his life to the beloved husband. Today we present you some of the work of the actress.Lyudmila Andreevna Porgina

"Small favor" (1984), Comedy

The Famous singer Valentin Azernikov returned from their tour and pondered the meaning of life. He even tried to formulate criteria of its existence…

“Deja vu" (1989) - Comedy, parody of the gangster movie

The Events unfolding in 1925. Underground Chicago merchants alcohol under the threat of exposure because of the treachery of their partner in crime Mika nica. It starts to hunt for the killer John Pollack. In search of victims, he gets to Sunny Odessa. Here Mikita Nichiporuk (former Mickey SRD) organized a “moonshine path”. The killer, posing as a Professor, looking for a sneaky traitor in the city, which is developing the NEP. In the result of clever combinations of a mobster becomes the guest of honor of Russia. Mikita's aides announce a visiting performer a real war, and the unfortunate American, tortured by the hospitality of the citizen, shall be security officers…

“Salome" (2001), romance

Peter Bronin, provincial nobleman, lost to the last penny. His estate is mortgaged. There is only one way to fix your situation – to successfully give daughters Salome and Katya married. Kate humble are ready to obey the father's will. But stubborn Salome thinks differently. She wants to drive men crazy, wants to crawl before her on his knees, offered their treasures for moments of pleasure…

“Clown Balakirev" (2002), romance

The Events unfolding in the time of Peter, which are characterized by great transformations in the country. The court jester of Peter is involved in all the festivities which encouraged the Emperor. He unwittingly becomes a participant of Palace and family intrigue…

“the first circle" (2006), drama

Based on the novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Gleb Nerzhin, a mathematician, decided again to take in the tragedy of the Gulag. This image is charged with Solzhenitsyn himself. This is a picture of the victory of the spirit of a strong personality over totalitarianism. The film is set three years before the death of Stalin.Ludmila Porgina filmography

Lyudmila Porgina today

The couple shared all the joys and sorrows for over thirty years. The tragedy of 2005 has not weakened senses Lyudmila Andreevna. She made this strong woman to focus on as a loved one and help him to partially recover.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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