Angora rabbit: photo, keeping, breeding


2018-04-09 16:00:42




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Angora is a group of breeds of rabbit with fluffy long hair. For the first time animals of this species began to breed in Turkey, in Ankara. Once the town was called Angora. Hence the name these unusual animals.

In Europe rabbits this species was first introduced in the mid-eighteenth century. The first beauty angortsev appreciated to know France. The rich people of this country, including the Royal family, contained cute animals as Pets. Later, these rabbits started to breed and the farmers to receive down.

Raising Angora rabbits

Exterior Features

Lately there have been invented many artificial materials, capable substitute for natural wool. So bred in the farms of today are mostly just meat rabbits. But sometimes in the backyard you can, of course, to meet and Angora animals. Especially popular breed in China. In this country downy rabbits bred just in huge quantities. Also Angora animals are often kept in families just as Pets.

The Main feature of rabbits of this kind is, of course, very long fur, 90% consists of downy hair. From the wool of these animals get a very high quality, soft and warm yarn. Angora rabbits grow too large. The weight of adult individuals may vary in the range of 2-4 kg depending on breed. But down with each animal can collect up to 1 kg per year.

The color of the fur from Angora rabbits (photos prove it) can be very different. Farm bred animals of this species are black, white, cream, etc. the Body of these rabbits most breeds are short and bone-thin. So apparently the animals is usually something like a small fluffy ball.


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After English rabbits were introduced to Europe, they, of course, attracted the attention including that of breeders. Breeds of animals of this variety was derived from several. Today the farms can get a divorce Angora rabbits:

  • French;

  • German;

  • A giant.

  • White feather

  • English;

  • Satin.

English angortsy grow not too large. Their weight can reach up to 3.5 kg. the Wool of these animals is fully covered — from head to toe. Muzzle the representatives of the British species is broad and flat. From the wool from these rabbits look out only the nose and part of the legs.

The German Angora breed is primarily pure white fur. The weight of these rabbits can reach 5 kg. a Peculiarity of the German breed is that its representatives are rarely shed.

French downy rabbit

French Angora rabbit whose photo presented above, elongated body shape. Adults of this species weigh about 4.5 kg. the Coat of this breed is very smooth. Care of it for a requires no such careful, as with other species downy rabbits. The muzzle and paws of these animals are not fluffy.

Weight Angora giant rabbits can reach up to 5 kg. Wool from such animals are often white. Rabbits are very fluffy. But, like the German variety, they shed quite rare. Among other things, on the ears of these rabbits have long, dramatic tassels.

Satin Angora rabbits is easy to see in broad forehead, and non-fluffy feet, face and ears. The fur from these animals can be white or colored. Structure it is very soft, and the hair look glossy.

White Angora characterized primarily by a well-developed backbone and lack the dewlap. Also these animals can be recognized by the short ears and tassels. These rabbits were bred once in the USSR. And therefore, this breed farmers believe at the moment it is best adapted to the Russian climate.

How to choose rabbits

Buying Angora animals for breeding, you should first pay attention to:

  • The quality of their fur;

  • Matching the exterior breed standards;

  • Animal health.

English downy rabbit

A good Coat of Angora rabbit has the same thickness over the entire surface of the body. If the animal is where any noticeable bald spots, buying it is not worth it. Of course, the fur of the rabbit must, among other things, look attractive, and fur to be smooth, glossy and not matted too much.

Of Course, to acquire for the new economy to be very strong and healthy Pets. In order to determine whether a sick animal, you first try to pick him up. Healthy active rabbit will escape and attempt to escape. Subsequently caught animal need carefully to examine.

The Eyes of healthy rabbits glossy, shiny, not cloudy. The fur under the tail is no sick animals will never be smeared with feces. And of course, it is not necessary to purchase for their farms skinny rabbits that have defects orany injury.

What should be the cells

Of Course, first and foremost, the farmer decided to breed angortsev, you will need to think about the arrangement for suitable “homes”. Normal rabbits in the farms can be found not only in cages, but in enclosures. For Angora animals this method of growing, unfortunately, is not suitable. Rabbits of this species most often planted in the cells one at a time.

The fact that the nature of Angora rabbits is the same cocky, as members of the smooth-haired breeds. In a fight, these animals often spoil each other's hair and rip down. And this, in turn, may lead to losses.

To Contain together in the same cage only the young Angora rabbits, that is, those animals that have not yet reached puberty. These animals are usually put on 3-5 pieces in one box. While males and females are usually kept separately.

The room where will be installed the cages with the animals, must be light and well ventilated. However, in the draft of these rabbits contain in any case impossible. Animals Angora species differ less good health than the meat breeds. Therefore, from colds they should be protected as carefully as possible.

German downy rabbit

The Cages of Angora rabbits needs to be large enough. The benefits of animals of this species refers to the number and accuracy. The toilet, for example, fur of rabbits always go in the same corner. Of course, in addition to “toilet” in the cage of Angora should be enough space so that he could move freely, sitting and lying down.

Downy rabbits are very shy, so in their cells in any case, there should be no sharp objects. Frightened, the pet dramatically jump up or to the side. Naporovshis on a sharp object, animal can not only seriously injure yourself, but even to die.

Features of the content of Angora rabbit

In order to grow on the farm down healthy animals with high quality wool, the farmer need:

  • To develop for their Pets any diet;

  • Periodically comb in rabbits the Pooh;

  • To carry out prevention of diseases;

  • To perform daily cleaning of the cells;

  • To provide the animals with clean drinking water.

For successful breeding rabbits should choose good manufacturers and properly care for pregnant and lactating females.

White downy Bunny

How to feed

The Diet of Angora rabbits is a little different from the usual menu-haired. As cultivate these animals not for meat, barley or oatmeal " hog " fuel and boiled potatoes they usually give a little less. But dried grass or hay and also root crops such animals receive ad libitum.

A Feature of the Angora rabbits is that they have in the digestive system may be formed of woolen congestion. The fluff of these animals is long, and vylizyval, they often swallow it. Output of woolen tube (as is done, for example, cats) downy rabbits can't. The formation of a congestion in the digestive tract often leads to death of the animal.

To avoid this, rabbits should be given plenty of food, containing fiber. This can be, for example, hay or a carrot. Experienced farmers, in order to avoid loss due to hair plugs, is recommended be sure to add Angora rabbits dandelions.

Terms of gathering the Pooh

The Fluff of Angora rabbits grows pretty quickly. With adults it is collected usually once in two months. And remove the feathers from the animals is allowed all year round. The only winter with rabbits collected is usually not complete. Otherwise, animals might get cold and sick.

To Collect fluff in any event be payable when the hair on the animal's body will cease to grow. This happens usually at the time when the length of the fur of the animals reach 6 cm

On fur farms fur from rabbits may be collected in two ways: haircut and depkeu. While most often used the second method. Pooh, assembled sipkay, has a greater length. Therefore, it can be used including for spinning.

Satin Angora rabbit

Collection down sipkay

When using this technique:

  • Angora rabbit breed is put on the knees;

  • Comb the hair to remove the litter;

  • Take the comb and clamp it between finger and thumb a small section of down;

  • Make a light jerk in the direction of hair growth;

  • Repeat with the next strand.

Start pinching down normally with the front legs. Next, move to the back and stomach. At the final stage are carefully picked lint from the rump and hind legs.

Grooming rabbits

This procedure is produced with use sharp scissors. When such technology is allowed to take even and did not complete hair growth. So cut the fluff usually unequal in length. Remove the wool from Angora rabbits in applying this technique:

  • Prostrogat parted on the back from the tail to the head;

  • Do the haircut right and left ofparting, moving the sides of the belly.

Grab a pair of scissors when using this technology have small tufts of hair of the animal. On the heads of rabbits and the legs down in most cases not cut.


Rags to “homes” for the Angora rabbits, of course, should not be in any case. First, it can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Second, the presence of dirt in the cells will cause deterioration in the quality of animal hair.

The Floors in the cells better to do lattice. In this case, they will accumulate less dirt. Cleaning in the cells is supposed to carry out at least once a day. At the same time in a few weeks it is advisable to do more disinfection “homes” Angora rabbits.


As producers on the farm using only the most robust, active and healthy animals breed without defects and with good hair. In the cells selected for breeding rabbits set Queen cells.

The First mating Angora females and males are usually at the age of 5-8 months, after the second or third haircut. The rabbit sits in a cage to Krol, but not Vice versa. Two weeks later the procedure is repeated for reliability.

During pregnancy the bunnies are given more concentrates and vegetables. During childbirth they cells sure to put extra water containers. After breeding, check the nest for the presence of stillborn young. Take away from the female rabbits usually aged 1.5-2.0 months.

Care of young

Yourself to eat the young of the Angora rabbits starting at about 2-3 weeks. They come out of nursery and try to try anything that eats rabbit. Therefore, at this time in the cage with the female, it is advisable not to put food that can cause diarrhea. This can be, for example, beets, raw potatoes or a large number nepogashennoi grass.

The Concentrates and the carrots to the rabbits, like their mothers, you can give plenty. Hay and grass before you throw in the cage, be sure to check it out. Even a small amount, for example, Solanaceae, trapped in the stomach to the calf can cause severe poisoning and death.

To Isolate Angora rabbits from the mother preferably in divided doses — in batches of 2-3 pieces every few days. This will help the DOE and young to avoid strong stress. Groups of young Angora rabbits kept to a maximum of 4.5 months. Then the animals are seated in separate cells.

Giant Angora rabbit

Home breed

The Look of Angora Angora is very impressive. That's why they sometimes contain just as Pets. Very often people bought at pet stores dwarf Angora rabbits. The exterior of such animals does not differ from the appearance of the animals bred on farms. The only exception is their smaller growth.

The Weight of an adult dwarf ornamental Angora rabbit is usually equal to 2,5-4,0 kg. There is also a mini variety, bred in Russia, weight of which does not exceed 1.5 kg.

In any case, the care of decorative feather rabbits in the home must be no less thorough than on the farm. That is, the animal should be well fed periodically to comb and keep its cage clean.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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