Methods of determination of density of dry pine


2020-03-16 13:00:13




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Pine Wood is a valuable material used by man. Basically a tree of this genus are used in construction. It is used for major works, and as part of the external finish.


Lots of trees

Wood called the material obtained from different species of trees and shrubs. This material is durable, has a quite long service life and belongs to renewable resources.

One of the most popular wood material is pine. It makes a durable, beautiful and inexpensive furniture durable decor and parquet. Pine is very common in Russia is the main volume of supply of timber.

This tree belongs to the soft rocks, and it has a low density, which is approximately 520 kg per cubic meter. The density of dry pine wood is about 450-480 kg per cubic meter. This is due to the fact that the moisture contained in the wood, gives greater strength to the material.

Density of wood

Dry Density of pine varies in a small range, as it depends not only on humidity but also on the types of wood, place of growth and other important factors. When buying pine you need to consider the percentage of humidity. Manually determine it is not possible without the availability of special equipment, so this procedure is carried out in special laboratories.

Different types of wood have approximately the same composition and, therefore, for calculations of specific gravity using a value of 1.54. Of course, for each type of wood has its own table, it will be located below.


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density table in the Russian language

At the time of purchase of material is to check with the manufacturer of its humidity, as this parameter will also depend on the specific weight of dry pine. Moisture content of pine wood in an average of 10-12%. Therefore, when the density of the dry pine of about 480 kg per cubic meter, only about 50 kg will be in the moisture.

Categories of material for processing

Conventionally, the material for processing is divided into three categories:

  • Wood with high specific gravity. This type of wood is distinguished by the fact that trees of this species have a density greater than 750 kg per cubic meter: hornbeam, oak, white acacia, etc.
  • Trees with average density. Average values range from 550 to 740 kg per cubic meter: walnut, birch, elm, larch, beech, ash, maple, etc.
  • Wood with a low volume weight. In this case, one cubic meter of material will weigh at least 540 kg, and they are: pine, aspen, Linden, poplar, spruce, etc.

The Amount of moisture in the lumber can always be different, for example, lying on the sun boards will be noticeably drier those that will be covered by an awning.

Moisture Determination

To Determine, for example, the density of pine wood using a special device called a hygrometer. There are several different methods of determining the moisture content in the material using this device:

  1. Dielkometric method.
  2. Conductometric method.
  3. Weight method.

The First method of moisture measurement is carried out using a hygrometer, design which provides a generator of radio frequencies. He measures the dielectric permittivity of the material. Sensors on the device should be pressed, for example, to a pine Board, then the device will start to send signals into the material about 2-3 centimeters and are based on the decay time of the currents will be given information about the percentage of moisture in the wood.

dielkometric method

The Second method involves a partial destruction of the material. You need to stick a sharp needle mounted on the device, the object under study and on the basis of the resistance between them will be issued the result.

Device for measuring moisture

The Third method is the oldest, but it gives very accurate results. To get the data you need to take a small amount of test material, suitable even for the part of a pine Board, and place it in a special chamber for drying. After some time, compares the weight of material before drying and after. Thus to calculate the moisture content of the material.

Weight measurement method

The Third method is simple and reliable, but requires special devices and weights, making it unusable in some conditions. Also the price of this device is very high for personal use, so they often can be found only in special laboratories.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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