The competitiveness of the enterprise


2019-10-08 09:20:22




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Table of contents:

The Competitiveness of the enterprise consists of components that are not connected directly to each other, but influence each other.

The Ultimate manifestation of competitiveness can be considered as the size of its market share.
The Ideological basis of competitiveness can be considered the focus and ability of the enterprise to satisfy consumer demands with high quality at low price.

The competitiveness of the enterprise is characterized by its ability to provide: low production costs; the uniqueness of the product; qualitative and affordable service; ecological purity of the product; product quality; timely bring the product to the market.
The inability of the enterprise to provide one or more conditions, significantly reducing its competitiveness.

Competitive strategy of the enterprise – is the result of systematic work to develop methods and ways to increase competitiveness. The strategy may be different, depending on the market orientation of the enterprise. Total for all that they purposefully affect the entire organization and its development in the future.

No company can provide the most effective implementation of all policies to ensure competitiveness, at the same time.
Each company is strategic plan, which defines the order of execution of competitive strategies, the analysis of their importance.

Typically, the priorities of the strategic plan is to optimize the company's structure and management. The logic is simple – from competent management decisions and their implementation depends on the success of the implementation of any local strategy of the company.


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The company's Competitiveness shapes and determines its market value.

Among the competitive strategies, we highlight behavioral strategies separately. They have a significant impact on the formulation of a strategic plan.

Among the behavioral strategies of businesses allocate:
- a complete disregard of the actions of competitors, for different reasons.
- selective response to the individual actions of individual competitors;
- aggressive, overwhelming competitors behavior;
- situational behavior, without pre-defined policy.

Companies with visionary leadership, competitive wars, prefer cooperation with competitors. Developing common standards of conduct, competitors may reduce the intensity of the struggle and preclude the application of methods of discrediting well-known brands.

The Strategy of cooperation enables small businesses to compete with large companies.

The Factors of competitiveness are determined by the peculiarities of the country and enterprises, and clarifies the market.

The Factors of competitiveness can be external and internal, and resolved:

with the introduction of advanced technologies;
with the introduction of effective management technologies;
- the most accurate forecast of market development;
with the development of innovation;
- sound personnel policies;
- quality management
- risk management
- managing quality;
- availability of needed resources;
- the actual structure of the enterprise;
- politics to competitors;
- etc.

The company's Competitiveness technical can be provided by a consideration of the major factors of competitiveness and their resolution through the strategy of the company.

The Main difficulty businesses to their strategies to fill effective methods and techniques that are able to provide the expected result at the scheduled time.

In competition win those companies that are able to accompany your intentions specific and competent actions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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