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This is not the first political attention attracted by the theme of private army. However, not only them: you can regularly hear questions a La “How to get into the private army of Russia?” to Regulate the area should the law proposed for the consideration of the governing bodies of the country under the name “On private military, security activities”. If it is sooner or later accepted, then the activities of the organizations planning private companies, will be finally legalized, legal, official – word, finally have a final clear answer to many question: “if Russia's private army?”
Currently existing legal norms are such that a private military army in the country illegally. And yet there are companies who find the loopholes, taking advantage of the laws regulating the activities of security, detective companies. However, the act imposes very severe restrictions, not allowing to create a full-fledged Russian private army.
Good or Bad the current order? For example, if you pay attention to the military practices of other States, it will become clear that private armies – is not a novelty. Such is, in America, was in Austria and some other countries. At the same time, private armies – business in the war, which sounds (to put it mildly) inhuman. The trend of recent years (at least officially) are such that the need to stop conflicts, regardless of the reasons forcing the parties to fight. This means that the idea of private military companies (PMCs) is contrary to the tendencies of the society development. But in practice things are not so rosy as might be desired.
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Much Can be said about the fact that war is not necessary, do not need money, and the weapons need to be destroyed. In practice it was military conflicts were often the promoters of progress, because it forced the countries to make every effort to the development of technology. After some time, the developed products have become available to the civilian population. Because of this, we now have good jackets and shoes, telescopes, machines that manufacture a variety of machines, household items. It is extremely difficult to imagine everything that was initially developed for the army, and then became an irreplaceable component of civil life.
In addition, the law on private army in Russia, would legalize participation in military conflicts not only at the state level. And it will attract a lot of money. Traditionally, just war – where spent the most money, but this method of making huge profits. Of course, the pockets stuffed with units, and die for the thousands – but it is difficult to change the established order in human society thousands of years ago. So, the question on how to create a private army, will rise up again and again.
Update legislation to offer, as work in the field of military security is quite specific. On the one hand, it is a commercial activity, on the other – tasks still are in synergy with the objectives formulated by the government. This means that the set of private in the Russian army will collect those who will serve the owner, but at the same time for the benefit of the Fatherland. The resulting formation will be used to protect the interests of the nation. In this position, insist the authors of the draft law.
What will be the salary of a private military company in Russia? While the exact predictions impossible, but we can assume that amount will pay are quite large. First, working with private owners are always more profitable than service to the state, and we in the army and the state pays good money. Secondly, you need to attract the best of the best? And in such a dangerous region, it is possible to make only a decent money.
The draft law, describing the prospects of private armies in Russia, it follows that license, if the action of a military formation will occur abroad, the Ministry of industry and trade. But for those who will serve in the private army in his native state, will have to obtain a license of the Ministry of defense. Definitely will be created and such PMCs in Russia, whose activities will affect a state secret. On the proposed version of the law of the license for the activities of such organizations need to trust the FSB. Frankly the system is complex and intricate, so at the stage of the initial draft of the law has caused disagreement of a large number of officials.
Another controversial issue that do not fit within applicable state laws – customers. Who can order a military campaign? From the documentation it follows that such rights should be granted Executive power, state bodies, which have signed an agreement allowing this practice.
However, while the officials argue on the outstanding issues among the inhabitants of ply rumors about PMCs Wagner. It is believed to be the country's first private military company and it is possible to do to get a good salary and to serve the Fatherland. Is it true? Official information publicly available, says that this is nothing more than fiction.
Why the myth of the PMC Wagner became so popular? It is generally believed that this is the place where the pay is really huge money. Of course, the townsfolk want to believe that the way it is. Others suggest that the firm is in fact a private army, and the documents written in another way, not yet adopted the law. Some even talk about how the CIA hunts for soldiers of the army of Wagner. But all information available to the common man, – unverified rumors, not credible.
There will be No private armies in Russia, while officials can not find the exit from all the bureaucratic pitfalls associated with such an initiative. Current projects are extremely crude. There are no foundations from which to create the position of PMCs in the country, it is not clear how to work with similar organizations in other countries – simply put, how to send private soldiers to other places? And it is precisely such activities and assume mainly.
Many officials agree that actions on the territory of our country more than enough with the current legislation, where there is a description of chop and regulations in which private security guards operate. Many are convinced that increasing military forces in the country not required and, therefore, private armies in Russia is not needed.
However, if we talk about those MPs whose votes have real weight when making laws, they agree that PMCs in Russia is necessary. Doubt that you can hear, mostly – opposition opinions are pretty weak. And yet like-minded people converge not in all aspects of the question. Why the need for private armies in Russia, you have the right to establish such organizations and why to create them – these aspects cause plenty of conflicts.
Some activists, for example, believe that the law should be adopted in such a way that the activities of the new entities has been a tool of the state carefully, dot to affect specific regions. For example, there are many areas where regular troops are not necessary, but from time to time there is a need to restore order to forceful measures. Here, according to activists, and will be useful to private armies in Russia.
According to other experts in the field of legal literacy and legal relationships, the law can be taken in the case when the regulations will be to allow voluntary actions abroad.
According to critics of the bill, a fairly obvious rationale of the initiative, that is, it is not so much about how to make legal actions in the country, as about the possibility to conduct a military campaign outside of Russia. And in this case it is quite difficult to guarantee the preservation of the rights of all Russian citizens who found themselves involved in the conflict. Everyone wants to protect themselves, because in war the question is about survival, and everyone strives to ensure the safety of yourself, loved ones. Positions becomes mandatory protection of third parties. If the process is not organized very precisely, it will soon turn into chaos and lawlessness.
While some consider that it is necessary to introduce a clear legal status of what now passes under the name of “volunteer detachment”, others strongly disagree with the initiative. Others are convinced that these groups will really only apply within the state.
The experts argue the experience of warfare in recent years, starting in 1905, to modern Ukrainian conflict. It is believed that virtually mass protests of military formations, employees of the state, ineffective. This is due to issues of ideology, when you have to go "brother to brother”.
There are some opinions: overseas activities of private military forces do not need to regulate enough laws to regulate within the country. Argue that PMCs will not encounter abroad with the opposition. At the same time, we need to introduce mechanisms for the protection of those who found themselves outside their native country. As you know, our laws still have that head “Mercenaries”, the responsibility for which is assigned according to the standards of the Criminal code. The new law on private armies must resolve the situation to the defenders of the Motherland with a different view of the situation was not suddenly criminals.
In fact, the law as it was on the stage of the project a few years ago, so there remained. This is due, for example, with the following definition: inside Russia's forceful actions available exclusively to the Supreme power. That is, the establishment of PMCs in theory, perhaps, Yes, but what they'll be recruited by the military, but to fight outside the country? Because inside-that is impossible! Or cancel the state monopoly? But this issue is even more controversial, as it can be the beginning of a chaotic situation. Well, guard can, guided by the laws of detective work. Total logical there is the question of the need for a private army in the country.
And some people confidently assures thatthe law, even when entered, the effect is still no not have. Argument is that too many in it of blanket rules, that is, those formulations that are valid to interpret too wide limits. So, it is necessary to introduce regulations, otherwise the result will be the opposite of the desired effect.
Nowadays, private armies – is one of the most effective and efficient tools to control the political situation in various regions of the world, introducing the official forces of the country. This point the effects can be quite mild, but bring a great effect. This argue their position those who insist on the introduction of private companies. Russia – quite an ambitious country, the subject of regional, global, in need of the most effective means of influence on the world, fortunately, resources abound. You can't miss the situation?
Incidentally, it is already known some companies that worked quite successfully on a private basis in different States, providing there security services and military action. Of course, the place activities – complex regions, such as Sri Lanka, Iraq and others.
Private companies specialized in security and military operations, there are quite a long time. Private services in this field are in great demand, they are investing huge sums. For example, in a year in America alone is 350 billion – not some rubles, and full of green dollars. It is terrible even to imagine how huge this value. The company offering their service in the military sphere, are serious about this matter – train the staff, teaching various honest and not very methods of struggle. Often there attract also foreigners.
What do American PMCs? Guard the property belonging to the state, critical infrastructure, and other similar services in countries where there is military conflict, and America takes part in it. While in the country, such a firm should not only have the polygons for the quality of the training of soldiers and senior personnel. You need to have a detailed understanding, fully legalized, carefully decorated with the enterprises working in the field of weapons. This is a very serious thing.
Private military companies are commercial organizations with a very large income, all of which have a staff of specialists of the highest level. The work of the company very carefully keep to the authorities, and the company should be guided primarily by the interests of the state, and then only in commercial benefits. This is why PMCs are acceptable from the point of view of the law, and mercenaries, terrorists outside the legal norms and prosecuted. The particular PMC is quite conditional, as the objectives, interests and plans of the companies are fully regulated by the authorities. However, some freedom is still there – every company has the right to choose, what methods to achieve results that must be achieved in an unconditional manner.
In our world in the last years the big distribution has received so-called “peacekeeping” operations. In them and participate PMCs. These companies – legal entities with the same opportunities and responsibilities as a state's armed forces. Experts from America came to the conclusion that in the future, PMC will build strength and play an even more important in battles, conflicts at the international level. This is partly confirmed by the financial results of international entities associated with such activities.
Statistics show: some time ago, in the early 90's, private soldiers met, compared to the state, 50 times less. But now one owner has only 10 of the state military forces. And it does not mean that countries reduce their armies, but reflects how actively developing the area of private services in the conduct of armed conflict. Suggest that in the future the difference will decrease even faster. Hundreds of private companies working on the territory of the troubled countries and hot spots. Some time ago the total number of private soldiers were only in Iraq, Afghanistan 265 thousand people.
Nothing surprising in this. It was immediately clear that private military services will be a source of great profit, and this was soon confirmed. Today it is considered hardly probable not the most profitable business from all legal. Additionally, it is also a tool allowing to solve various problems within the country and abroad. The conflict outside their home States require the conclusion of interstate contracts, and this greatly affects the income of traders, increasing their. For example, before the war in Iraq, a well-known PMC America had an annual income in the amount of one million dollars, and soon signed a contract with the state to operate in Iraq, as the revenue component grew to a billion.
A Few years ago was officially registered 450 private military companies. When this whole business first started, the firm tactically support the armed forces specificthe country participated in the battles. After some time, the activity stopped until the “orange” revolution, after which everything went according to the new. Objects and now a lot of, and potential – more.
The firm Mainly work as “military consulting». This means that they are planning the strategy of fighting, reforming power available to the state, train soldiers, train officers and technical staff. Besides them there are also organizations involved in logistics. They provide everything you need rear, build facilities important for the conduct of hostilities, including outside their home country, as well as service information systems, and other complex devices and mechanisms.
Finally, there are firms on security. Such work as crisis managers, can give a correct risk assessment of the situation, to advise on security. They also offer security services, including professional bodyguards can demine the area. Of course, there are departments responsible for the transfer of experience. Training typically send police, military.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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