The formation of pepper in greenhouse and open field


2020-04-08 18:00:21




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Sweet pepper – delicious and healthy vegetable is grown in almost every plot. High yield – a cherished dream of every gardener. To achieve this, growers use various methods which consists not only in the use of all kinds of dressings, but also in the use of special methods of cultivation. One of these efficient technologies is the formation of pepper at certain stages of its growth.

The Need for the formation of clusters

formation pepperThis method is, as fans and opponents. The last too are right only partially. The fact that the formation of a Bush of the pepper is not required, if it is undersized or medium grade. Plant height of 0.5-1 meter capable of more or less alone to cope with problems of growth and even give a good harvest. However, tall varieties, extending to 2 meters in height, in need of assistance. Help this is a timely topping, pruning and removing unnecessary shoots.

the formation of pepper in the greenhouseEspecially important for the formation of pepper in the greenhouse, as in an artificial climate, tall varieties reach their maximum size. Under greenhouse conditions they need constant care, and, of course, the bushes should be required to tie up.
The Formation of pepper in the greenhouse made of polycarbonate, glass or film contributes to better growth and strengthening of the branches of the plant. Competent correction Bush provides him with the necessary access to light, proper ventilation and adequate food for future fruit. Proper care and formation of peppers have a positive impact not only on the rate of maturation, but also on the number, size and beauty of the fruit.

the formation of Bush pepper

"Anatomy" of pepper

The Main purpose of forming this vegetable culture is the rational creation of a strong and compact Bush with healthy and strong shoots. No matter where the formation of pepper – outdoors or in a greenhouse, this procedure is performed in several stages. In order not to hurt the plant, it is necessary, first of all, know him "anatomy". So, “design” Bush pepper include:


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• the Root stem.
• Main shoots.
• Secondary shoots.
• Main branches.

The Correct formation of pepper allows to obtain from each branch up to 20 fruits.

the formation of Bush pepper in the greenhouse

Features cropping

When carrying out procedures for pruning green foliage, you must abide by a strict balance. Too severe pruning of the Bush will lead to the fact that the plant will lose the ability to synthesize the required amount of energy required for ripening of big fruits in large quantity. Thus, the formation of sweet pepper should be carried out competently and efficiently.

the formation of pepper in open ground

Crop Tool

Pruning peppers is performed using special garden tools: knife, shears and scissors with a rounded shape ends. All the tools must be well sharpened and clean. The presence of notches and rust on the cutting surface is unacceptable as this can lead to contamination of plants from various diseases.

After you have carried out pruning of the first shoots, the plant should be tied up to a garden pole or trellis to prevent the risk of possible damage and breakage when further care or due to exposure to wind (if the pepper is growing in the open ground).

Methods of formation of the Bush

The Formation of pepper seedlings begins after reaching a stem height 20-25 cm In this phase, the Bush starts to diverge and forms the crown Bud. The main escape should have been to ten leaves and up to four lateral shoots of first order, from which you should choose the first skeletal branches of the pepper tree.

the formation of pepper seedlingsThe Formation of pepper tall varieties is performed by one of three schemes: two, three or four of the stem. The pruning scheme is selected based on the plant variety, planting plans, conditions and timing of cultivation. If pepper is well formed, the result is a hive with a strong main trunk on which there are several strong skeletal branches.

Gradual formation of the Bush

The Most popular and effective technique of formation of the pepper Bush is a diagram 2 of the stem. The process is carried out in several basic techniques and is subdivided into four stages.

formation of sweet pepper

I stage. Remove crown floral Bud

The Development of pepper starts from a single stem. When it grows to a height of 15-20 cm, it starts branching. In this place formed a flower Bud. To improve the branching of a Bush, the Bud must be removed. In the case of the formation of multiple buds, they all will be deleted.

In the process of self-cultivation of seedlings is necessary to monitor the appearance of buds and immediately remove them.

Leave the crown Bud only in one case – when do you plan to grow on the Bush one huge pepper seeds. But in thiscase, all other fruits will have a very nondescript appearance.

Stage II. Removal of excess shoots

When the branching produces several shoots of them choose a pair strongest. They are the skeletal branches of a Bush. On the remaining branches is topping. Produced crop in terms of growth and the crown.
At this stage, the plant has already got several dozens of leaflets. When thinning Bush on each twig leave in one piece, which can ensure the nutrition of the ovaries of the fetus.

After a time, each branch will form a fork with the rosebud. From newly emerging shoots should be left the strongest, and the other to pinch off from the first sheet.

This procedure is executed every time when the hive splits. Buds, which appear in branching, leaves, and internodes – are removed.

Stage III. Remove the lower leaves and sterile shoots

At the stage of the growing season to pepper the bushes may have formed fruitless branches. They are formed on the main stem below the first branching. These shoots must be removed completely. In addition, cut all the leaves, are not responsible for the nutrition of the fetus. Sheets can be cut at any part of the Bush. To the formation of pepper was gentle, at one time you should not remove more than two sheets.

Stage IV. Topping the major branches

This process is performed after forming on the Bush a sufficient number of fruits (about 20 pieces). At this stage it is necessary to hold the topping all growth points located on the main shoots. This procedure helps to slow down the growth of the green mass and to prevent the emergence of a new Bud, to force the plants into ripening. She held for 1-1,5 months till the technical ripening fruit and the mass of the harvest.

Helpful tips

• the Main principle which should be observed in the formation of the Bush pepper is the timeliness of the procedures. Superfluous shoots must be removed at the initial stage of their development, so they do not take power from the plant.
• Another important aspect is the phasing of work. At a time to form correctly the pepper Bush is impossible. While removing a large number of shoots, the plant will simply die.
• If bell peppers grown in the open ground, for trimming and pridobivanje should choose dry and windless days. Such conditions promote rapid healing of cuts and, thus, the plant easily tolerates forced injury. If the procedure for the formation of the Bush spending after rain, watering or spraying, significantly increases the risk of infection of pepper with various diseases.
• do Not rejoice, when the bushes appear tall and beautiful plants but no flowers and ovaries. This useless green mass takes energy and necessary nutrients from plants. These shoots are called fattening, and to remove them you need as early as possible.
• all the fruit in balance and not appeared small and misshapen peppers, it is recommended to leave on one Bush not more than 20 pieces.
• in order To prevent breakage of the Bush under the weight of the fruit, its branches should be required to commit to a trellis or supports. At the garter they can be gently rotate to the flowers and the ovary to move in a more lighted place.
• For the manufacture of tapestries and props, as for the garters, it is strongly recommended not to use a wire or metal structure. In the process of exploitation of these materials will oxidize or rust, what will suffer and herbs, and the fruits are in direct contact with metal elements.
• it Should be remembered that any operations on formation of pepper bushes can be carried out only on healthy land. If the present soil pathogens, injured as a result of pruning the plants will become infected and quickly die.
• Performing pruning one plant, it is recommended to disinfect garden tools, and only then proceed to the next. This simple rule will help to eliminate the infection of healthy plants.
• All clipped shoots and leaves should be collected and disposed of outside the garden. Such a measure is necessary to prevent invasion of harmful insects, which are attracted by the smell of the SAP of plants.
• When grown peppers should be possible to minimize the effect of various stresses. This applies to pruning. Shaping bushes, you need to perform in a timely manner and always in the ‘correct’ weather conditions.
• Any traumatic surgery can be performed only on healthy plants, and certainly clean and sharp tool. Affected by any disease, the Bush probably will not be able to cope with injuries and die.
• bell pepper & ndash; very photophilous plant. What adequate lighting is a critical source of health and vitality of this plant.

Therefore, the most important task a grower is to provide access of light to the extent necessary to neighboring bushes and their shoots are not “fighting” with each other for light. In low light the crop can not wait, even if the Bush had flowers. Therefore, it is important to remove from the bottom of the plant all the extra – leaves, flowers, and ovaries.


The Formation of Bush pepper in the greenhouse –work is quite delicate and time-consuming, but the result is worth it. Well maintained plants produce multiple harvests per season.
Many gardeners think of peppers rather whimsical culture that requires a lot of effort to grow. However, if you comply with all agro-technical rules and to implement the necessary recommendations, then a good crop of large and juicy fruit is guaranteed.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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