Hospitality is... hospitality Management. Basic concepts and definitions


2020-04-08 15:00:16




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Hospitality is one of the most important concepts in the history of mankind. People live in society, they develop and interact with other individuals. The person in the course of their lives have to leave the place of permanent residence. Moreover, the absence can be very different. They find themselves in unfamiliar territory, the individual needs the support of other people. Hospitality – this is free admission and refreshments of the travellers. However, this is not the only definition.

What is hospitality?

This concept has many meanings, each dictionary interprets it differently. Hospitality in the everyday sense is defined as the tradition of directing hospitality in the guest welcome and care for him. Humanitarian dictionary this concept is the value of virtue, which was common in ancient times among peoples.

welcome it

Hospitality – with sincerity willingness to accept and treat people in whatever time they came. It is a sign of kindness, respect and openness. It's not every man is capable of the manifestation of this virtue. Friendly people always have a lot of friends, are drawn to them and their example.

The History

A tradition of hospitality appeared together with education companies. At all times, hospitality was considered a good tone. This quality is inherent in the Russian people, is its main feature. Meeting guests with bread and salt – the duty of every self-respecting man. In the old days the guests were fed and watered almost violently. There were cases when the owners of the house are asked to eat or drink “almost there”. This is because estates are usually located far away from each other, and visitors came rarely.


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Later, in the XVII century, there was a festive feasts. At the time, every wealthy citizen had to collect the guests in his estate, it was an important part of social life. The appointed day was solemn, prepared for it in advance. Ladies bought special dresses that are wore only for these activities. The celebration began with the fact that the owner each guest was given a slice of bread with salt as a sign of gratitude and respect.

hospitality industry

At present people also love to gather around the table, to arrange festive meals, etc. a Lot has changed since then, but the tradition of hospitality remains unchanged.


The above definition are of the household level. But hospitality is considered to be a sphere of entrepreneurship. Moreover, today this industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. It brings a decent income and has a large network of enterprises.

The concept of spheres of activity came to Russia in 2008 from the United States. Before that our country had no idea about this sector. The hospitality industry – this is an area of entrepreneurship that consists of service businesses, which take as a basis the principle of generosity and hospitality to customers. Simply put, it includes organizations involved in catering, hotel business and shopping sector.

planet of hospitality

Prior To the introduction into practice of the term in Russia to refer to such activities used the concept of “hospitality”. It is deprecated, and the phrase “hospitality” slowly in the everyday life experts and entrepreneurs of our country.

Hospitality Management

Hospitality is the main representative of industry in Russia. This is not surprising because tourism and hospitality are considered almost synonymous. This market quickly and growing rapidly. The main center of this sector is to our nation's capital – Moscow. The city is the most expensive in the world to provide hotel services.

tourism and hospitality

However, the cost is completely justified by the quality. The most famous hotel brands appeared on the Russian market. In this regard, the requirements for specialists of hotel business. A few years ago in leadership positions in most of the cases were foreigners, but now about 90% of managers are local experts. The industry, in addition to hospitality, you can select the restaurant business. The largest network of food service in Russia – “G. M. R. planet of Hospitality”.

However, despite excellent performance, it is recognized that the school management of our country is significantly inferior to foreign. The same level of commitment in foreign countries is much higher. But every year there is a development of areas of learning and for quality education are invited foreign experts.

Problems of development of hotel business in Russia

As you know, hotels are divided into two types: online and offline. The first has a great advantage before the second in terms of its productivity. Non-chain hotels, unfortunately, are virtually unable to compete with their rivals due to the limited number of services, low demand, etc. Anothera factor that hinders the development of this activity is to find the greater part of the business in the hands of the state.

enterprise hospitality

In addition, workers are not strongly motivated to work, as almost everywhere, there are no rewards for the successful fulfillment of commitments. There are not many skilled employees that possess a high level of knowledge, it affects the quality of services provided. Hospitality – is not only the development of hotel business and other fields.


He on the market a huge number of different types of establishments: café, bar, pub, restaurant, canteen, coffee shop and much more. “G. M. R. planet of Hospitality" of the company, developing in Russia the field of nutrition. The organization owns more than 300 restaurants, which provide the highest level of service.

tradition of hospitality

Currently, the public catering sector does not cease to grow, as it meets the immediate needs of the people. Also from here you can begin the journey of the entrepreneur. Despite the fact that the restaurants and cafes in every city, a unique place to attract customers. Enterprises of hospitality aimed primarily at improving the quality of services provided, so they are in demand.


Income for these organizations is not a priority. As already noted, the needs of the client – the main objective of the companies. Hospitality – it is above all welcoming and friendly attitude to people. After all, if the client will like in the hotel or in the restaurant, he will pay the required amount, and moreover, will tell friends about a great institution.

Those entrepreneurs who are trying to get as much profit, usually short-lived stay in this market. It is necessary to predict the customers ' requests and to follow the innovations, and then the company will be in demand.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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