Breed chickens masaiya: description of the best breeds


2020-04-08 19:20:49




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The Popularity of meat-egg hens from farmers is primarily due to their versatility. Bred by the owners of personal plots as the old breed of this direction of productivity, and new. Slightly more complicated than laying hens, and simple, than the broilers, care — that's what is different about these chickens (masaichi of the breed). How to choose kind? The answer to this question is quite complicated. Because the derived breeds of breeders was quite a lot. Therefore, later in the article and consider what features differ the most popular meat and egg chickens.

Which bird is more profitable to grow?

The Best masaichi breeds of chickens today, according to many farmers is:

  • Ri;

  • Kuchinsky anniversary;

  • Moscow white;

  • New hampshAndR;

  • Orpington;

  • Adler silver.

breed chickens masaiya

This is the most productive Breeds of chickens mesojednik. The description and photo of just such hens will be presented in the article. On each of these species we will discuss in detail.

Rhode island: history, description

This is popular in Russia breed chickens masaiya was removed in the US in the 1840-1850 as a parent it was used of Cochin China, red Malay, Leghorn, Wyandotte, Cornish.

Plumage chickens Rhode island have very thick. That is why they are well suited for the maintenance in Russia. Cold this bird migrates perfectly. The color of the plumage of the Rhode island brown. Over time the coloring of these chickens a little pale.

Performance data Rhode island

These chickens are Prized by farmers, of course, first and foremost thing to gain weight and thus have a lot of eggs. Indicators of productivity, many owners of personal plots I think this bird is one of the best to date. Egg laying Rhode island is about 160-180 per year. Some chickens provided good care you can get and 210-215 PCs. the eggs of this breed are quite large. Their weight can reach 55-60 grams.


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A Good indicator of the productivity of this breed is in relation to meat. Adult chickens Rhode island weigh in 2.5-3 kg, males — 3.2-3.8 kg.


Puberty Breeds of chickens masaichi pOd of the island Reach to 6-7 months. Rushing They year-round. Laying in the winter The Kura do not stop even in an unheated shed. The young stock of this breed is characterized by endurance. The attack on the flock of Rhode island is almost never true. Not too demanding the chickens to feed. Diet they usually are the same as for poultry meat breeds (concentrates — the mash — concentrates). However, when the content owner of the household economy, be sure to ensure that chickens do not overeat. The speed of weight gain is too much food not affected, but eggs a bird will carry very little.

 chickens masaichi breed

Indicators of productivity Rhode-island iced teas are superior to many other masaichi breeds of chickens. Photo of cock on the page above, his strong Constitution clearly shows. But there's this bird and one absolute advantage. One of the features of the breed Rhode island is that it is merely excellent genetic material. These chickens are used by breeders to develop new highly productive meat-egg hybrids the most.

Kuchinsky jubilee chicken

Breeding of this bird lasted for a whole 43 years. She was bred by domestic experts on the basis of genotype 4 foreign breeds. Later time the resulting productive hybrid was further crossed with livenskiychickens.

Plumage Kuchinsky anniversary is brown or Golden. Body she Quite compact, but very sturdy. The plumage, like Rhode island, the representatives of this breed is thick. So winter Kuchinsky jubilee chickens are well tolerated, almost no lowering in egg production. But still the air temperature in the barn when the content of this breed should not fall below +3 C.

best masaichi breeds of chickens

Performance data

Weight Kuchinsky jubilee chickens are gaining 2.7-3 kg, males — 3.4-3.5 kg. Indicators of egg production they are 180-200 units a year. Lowers productivity in this respect, the breed of chicken masaiya Kuchinsky anniversary only during the moulting period. Weigh the eggs these hens of about 60 grams. To feed this bird, like Rhode island, it is unpretentious. Contain it by standard techniques, chickens used for meat and egg productivity.

Features Kuchinsky anniversary

The advantages of the hens of this breed, in addition to simplicity and high productivity, the farmers also include the fact that they have not lost their maternal instinct. Incubate Chicks Kuchinsky anniversary alone.

Chicks of this breed can be distinguished on the floor is a daily age. Alcohlic males Have the coloration of the wings always lighter than the body. Good reviews of farmers the breed, among other things, earned and relative earliness. To lay eggs Kuchinsky anniversary starting around the age of 6 months.

The Moscow white chicken

This highly productive breed chickens masaiya was developed in the USSR in the middle of the last century. As a parent it was used Pervomayskaya, white plimutrok, white Russian. Breed characteristics of these chickens are:

  • Pure-white plumage;

  • A strong Constitution;

  • Dense plumage.

The productivity of chickens

In terms of egg production white Moscow practically does not yield the rod-island iced teas and Kuchinsky anniversary. From one chicken you can get up to 180 eggs per year. The weight of the hens of this breed are gaining in the 2.4-2.5 kg, males — 3-3.4 lbs. puberty white reach Moscow in 6 months. The eggs of these hens weigh about 55 grams. Shell Color they have is white.

Features breed white Moscow

As of Roda island, this bird is often used to produce new productive hybrids. For example, broiler, bred by crossing the Moscow white with new gensAndRamie, in the age of three months weighs about 1.5 kg.

Feature of the hens of this breed is that they sometimes carry “the egg in the egg”. The maternal quality white Moscow almost lost. Therefore, the output of the young farmers involved in their cultivation, have the incubators.

masaichi breeds of chickens photo

Chickens new Hampshire

This meat-egg breed first appeared in the USA in the 30-ies of the last century. She was bred specifically for medium and small farms. That is new hapshire just ideal for keeping, for example, cottages.

AboutThenok pen these hens are brown. Looks like bird of new Hampshire a few squat. The body is oblong and it is sturdy enough and the legs short. The plumage of these chickens is very dense and thick.


Masaichi breeds of chickens, description Which was given above, characterized by good parameters of egg production and weight gain. New hapshire in this respect, white Moscow, to the Rhode island and Kuchinsky anniversary almost. body Weight of hens This breed may reach 2-3 kg, males — 3.2-3.8 lbs. In the first year chickens new Hampshire lay about 200 eggs weighing 55 grams. Later, this figure begins to decline. Puberty hens reach to 6 months.

What is different breed?

As Kuchinsky jubilee, the sex of chickens new Hampshire you can determine at a very early age. Males of this breed on the wings visible white fuzz. The chickens are the feathers in this place brown. Rooster of the new Hampshire rules supposed to change at least 1 time in five years. Otherwisechickens will not conform to breed standards.

Materinski instinct of these hens developed. But sit down on eggs not all individuals.

masaichi breeds of chickens pictures and title

Breed orpington chickens masaiya

This bird bred in England by breeder William cook in the late nineteenth century. Originally officially recognized orpington only with black plumage. Later, there were obtained pale yellow chickens are of this breed. Today there are already about 10 varieties of orpington in color.

LookingT hens of this breed are heavier than many other mesojednik. Short-legged, like new Hampshire, they don't look. The plumage of these chickens is dense, so for breeding in the Russian climate and they fit well.

What is productivity?

Eggs orpington chickens are about 180 units a year. Males of this breed reach the weight of 5 kg. body Weight of adult hens is usually 3.5-4 lbs. since the chickens is quite large, and their eggs weigh quite a lot — 60-65 grams.

Other features

The Maternal instinct of these chickens developed just fine. Chickens are usually born healthy and viable. However, the weight they gain is, unfortunately, quite slow. The peculiarity of this breed, according to many farmers, is gluttony. To accelerate weight gain by the young animals, the owner of the infield have to spend a lot on food.

chickens masaichi breed how to choose

Voracity, of course, can be attributed to the shortcomings of the breed. However, in chickens orpington, in comparison with other varieties, there is one important advantage. The fact that these hens do not reduce egg production over usually three years. The advantages of this breed, many farmers take very tasty, juicy and tender meat.

Adler silver

Speaking about what are currently the best masaichi breeds of chickens, then, of course, not to mention Adler silver. In the breeding of this bird is used highly may day and Russian white chickens. Later in the breeding work also included new Hampshire and orlovskie cocks.

The Main advantage of the Adler silvery chicken is considered endurance. The attack on the flock of this bird does not happen almost never.

The productivity of representatives

In the year one Adler silvery chicken can lay up to 180 eggs. Body Mass of adult males of this breed is normally about 4 kg, hens — 2.7 kg. Eggs Adler silver weigh approximately 60 grams. Puberty these chickens reach the age of 6 months.

What you need to know the owner?

When growing Adler silvery chicken farmer needs to consider some of its features. For example, the pullets of this breed can start laying eggs at the age of 5 months. It is impossible to avoid. Otherwise, the productivity of birds in terms of egg production in the future will be low. Due to the early masonry Adler silver in the first place by overfeeding. Too much protein in the diet of hens of this breed when grown in eggs shouldn't be.

Weight Adler silver dial very quickly. And sometimes they are grown as broiler meat. In this case, feed the chickens, of course, is as nutritious food.

masaichi breeds of chickens description

Eggs these hens lay less, than representatives of many other breeds of the same group. However, the absolute benefits of the Adler silver is the fact that productivity in this respect, it does not reduce during 4 years. The maternal instinct in the process of breeding these chickens, however, completely lost.


Here such Here and there by far the best masaichi breeds of chickens. Photo and name They were presented to the reader in our article. Care for such a bird is usually simple. Eggs and meat from it you can get quite a lot. Perhaps that is why in most cases the owners of personal plots prefer to keep in their backyards is such a versatile chickens.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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