Icebreaker "Vladivostok": specifications, photos. Test of icebreaker "Vladivostok"


2020-05-04 06:00:17




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In the fourth quarter of 2012 at the Vyborg shipyard was founded icebreaker «Vladivostok» project 21900 M. the Vessel is one of the most powerful in its class. 21900 M is an improved version of previously launched 21900. «Vladivostok» is the first icebreaker of the three created project 21900 M, and the third in a series 21900. In 2006, the water was gone “Moscow” and “St Petersburg”. Both ships passed under the authority of the company «Rosmorport”.

icebreaker Vladivostok

Not pictured icebreaker «Moscow», is the flagship of the series 21900. Between the upgraded project can be attributed to a larger number of crew members, the possibility of taking on Board special personnel, the transfer to the helipad on the bow of the ship, installation of a more powerful crane, the expanded cargo deck. In October 2015, icebreaker «Vladivostok», the first of three ships of the new type was delivered to the customer — company «Rosmorport”.

The stages of the creation

Construction of two out of three planned icebreakers of 21900 M series began in 2012. The deadline for both was scheduled for the beginning of winter season of 2015-16. The third is to be commissioned in late 2016. The court called «Vladivostok» and «Murmansk”. The first was built at the plant in Vyborg (Leningrad oblast), the second at the plant in Helsinki (Finland). According to official data, in February 2016 icebreaker «Vladivostok» working in a relatively new oil-loading seaport Primorsk, located in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic sea. As both vessels were built in parallel, given the same blocks and even the timing of the tests, briefly go through the creation of one of them. Namely the flagship of the series, which is the icebreaker «Vladivostok», a photo of which is presented below.


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icebreaker Vladivostok photo

In this perspective, well-visible helipad located on the bow of the vessel — a distinctive feature of the project “M”.

So the chronology of build:

  • In October 2012 construction began.

  • 5 Aug 2013 - the ceremony of the beginning of formation of the corps.

  • April 29 next year, the future icebreaker is launched. Go to setting equipment.

  • On 18 November of the same year (2014) — installation of propeller-steering columns.

  • December 2014 — April 2015 — mooring test.

  • August 12 — shipping, towing winch, windlass and mooring winches Finnish colleagues.

  • 12 Sep 2015 begin sea trials of icebreaker «Vladivostok», which lasted until 5 October.

  • October 9, 2015 in Saint-Petersburg took place the solemn ceremony of signing the act of acceptance of the vessel.

Design Features

One of the interesting features of the project 21900, which has become more simple by the implementation of the project 21180, became the screw-a steering column. The icebreakers of this project, there is virtually no concept of “reverse”. Thanks to the additional shafts «Vladivostok» can move in any direction with the same speed, though the nose, though stern, even though the Board. In the project 21180 system shafts no — there propellers are planted directly on the motor axis, which is actually within the hull of the icebreaker, while the «Vladivostok» it is inside.

trials of icebreaker Vladivostok

In the same way as the nuclear icebreaker «Vladivostok» has a fuel capacity that allows you to be at sea for up to 40 days, modern navigation equipment, giving the opportunity to work in a clean sea, and in the difficult Arctic conditions, but it does not belong to the class of nuclear-powered icebreakers.


For «Vladivostok» and the subsequent orders of the Vyborg shipbuilders for 10 months, has built a special samoposluga barge “Atlas”. The principle of it is little different from a regular floating dock, except that “Atlas” busy with construction and not maintenance. The possibility of barge makes it possible to build vessels up to 150 and width to 30 meters (length «Vladivostok ~ 120 meters, width 27 meters).

icebreaker Vladivostok specifications

During its construction was used a special types of steel, through which a barge can operate in ice. Work within it can be conducted 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Therefore, icebreaker «Vladivostok» was built in just 2 years. In addition to launching and building new ships, barge is also designed to receive goods outside of the water area of the shipyard.

Raising the flag

Running a Large test vessel can be called the arrival in Saint Petersburg and mooring at the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment. For three days (22 to 25 September) in a series of fun and anyone could get in there and inspect the new icebreaker «Vladivostok». The flag-raising ceremony on the ship was one of the scheduled events of the fair, and on September 23 the Russian tricolor rose above the icebreaker.

icebreaker Vladivostok, the flag-raising ceremony

As noted by the Governor at the press conference, it's a real holiday for the whole country. The event was attended by representatives of local authorities, Deputy Minister of transport,representatives of the Directorate of the ports of the Black, Caspian and Azov seas, the representative of the administration of the ports of the Baltic sea.


In addition to “visit” the exhibition, nearly a month the ice breaker was in the open sea. Tested the maneuverability and operability of the units and all systems in General. Sea trials for the ships of this class have two parts. Directly running — in the clear sea and ice trials — in areas close to places of the future work of the vessel. This allows time to identify all defects. The second ice trials scheduled for April 2016. Unlike in the port, this time in the plans at the port of Murmansk, and then «Vladivostok» go to the Arctic to test the icebreaking capability.

the Vladivostok icebreaker project 21900 m

According to official sources, the Arctic icebreaker will not be alone. He should be “Murmansk” - second ship built under the project 21900 M in Helsinki. Upon completion of all tests, both ships must return to St. Petersburg.

Vessel Characteristics

Now is the time to elaborate on the icebreaker «Vladivostok»: specifications, displacement, power of the machine and other parameters. For a better understanding of compare icebreaker «Moscow» (21900) and «Vladivostok» (21900 M). Thus, the number of crew on the “Moscow” is 26 people, on a new ship — 37. In addition to basic tasks, a new icebreaker can be used as a research vessel and take on Board another 25 people scientists. Length - 114 and 119 metres respectively. They have a displacement of 14,000 and 14,400 tons. Width - 28 and 27 meters. On deck characteristics will not compare, just point out that the new icebreaker cutting is elongated from side to side, and under the helipad, move to the nose «Vladivostok», also continues useful deck space. Common to both projects is one — both belong to the class of diesel-electric ships, in this case, the linear diesel-electric icebreakers.

icebreaker Vladivostok

On this Basis, the use of ships of the new project is quite wide. Except a strip of road with a continuous speed of 2 km/hour, they will be able to work as a research, industrial, and as supply vessels.

The Inside

In addition to the main technical characteristics, it is possible to mention that the developers have revised not only the driving characteristics. Icebreaker new project made and new design. Every detail meets the conditions of economy, durability, fire safety. As noted by the representatives of many St. Petersburg universities (whose graduates may receive the honor of being a part of team new ships) — the first time it can be called “a real marine home». Note that in the plans of the Corporation, which includes the Vyborg plant, the establishment of special factories for the production of a practical and good ship furniture. The most important thing in the case is not metal, construction, machine and the people running it all. And when you consider that the scope of the new vessels are not only limited to work in harbours, this issue is of paramount importance.


Icebreaker «Vladivostok» began his working life in winter navigation 2015-2016 in the Russian marine oil loading port Primorsk. In April 2016 it is paired with “Murmansk”, the second icebreaker of project 21900 M is spent on ice trials in the Arctic. As they say all ships — 7 feet under the keel and successful operation in conditions of ice and clean water

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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