Breeding chinchillas as a business: at home, farming, keeping, breeding


2020-05-06 02:20:19




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Our planet has long been inhabited by thousands of species of living creatures and plants, many of which still have not been studied or poorly explored. Species that gained popularity in humans, listed in the Red book. As a rule, animals with valuable fur, one of which is chinchilla. This animal used for the production of fur, but more humane breeding chinchillas as a business: at home, for the sale of live animals lovers of beauty. And it brings no less profit, breeding with the aim of obtaining the furs.

What is a chinchilla

Chinchilla – furry animal family chinchilla belongs to the rodent family. Chinchilla originally from South America. Northern rocky areas at the height of 400-5000 m above sea level – in their habitat.

breeding chinchillas as a business in the home

The Animal has a length 22-40 cm, of which 10-17 cm is the tail. Chinchilla-a small animal with a short neck and rounded head, her body covered with thick fur is ash color, due to which the rodents are not afraid of the climate of the mountains. The weight of an adult – 800, Eyes chinchilla black, with vertically spaced eyes that allows them to navigate at night. Chinchilla has a mustache with a length of 8-10 cm, rounded ears, which reach 6 cm and have a membrane, which gave the animal the ability to close them when taking sand baths. Skeleton chinchillas are arranged in such a way that the animal can be compressed in the vertical position, in order to get through the narrow gaps between the rocks. The front legs have five toes, the back – four. Hind legs 2 times longer than the front, due to which chinchillas make high jumps. Chinchillas have a developed cerebellum, so they have a good coordination of movements, in terms of rocky terrain just needs to survive. Chinchillas live up to 20 years in captivity, this period is reduced by half.


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History breeding chinchillas

When Spanish conquistadors landed on the shores of South America, the rapture warm fur clothing of the locals knew no bounds. My name chinchilla got the name from the tribe of the Indian people - Chinchas. It was the beginning of the Providence of furs for shipment to Europe. The wild chinchilla was almost wiped out. All attempts to move them to the mountains for farming ended in failure, since the failed attempt to carry out breeding chinchillas at home, as a business. The conditions of the chinchilla was not known in those days.

M. Chapman became the first who managed to transport 11 chinchillas to North America. The females produced offspring, and then began taking the experience of Chapman for the breeding of chinchillas in captivity. North America, Canada, Europe and South Africa successfully began to breed animals. Today, chinchillas are very popular among lovers of exotic, which carry out breeding chinchillas as a business. At home, it is quite profitable.

The Business of breeding chinchillas

In today's economy to open a business you need to choose an available niche. Breeding chinchillas at home as a business – a great idea that does not require special skills and a lot of initial capital.

This kind of business has high profitability and quick payback, so if you to develop a good business plan, and seriously implement it, you can get a good income. You are interested in breeding chinchillas at home as a business? Where to start, how to succeed - all this in short you learn. As in any business the main thing here is patience, thoroughness, adherence to all the rules of caring for the gentle animals.

breeding chinchillas at home as a business

In the process of reviewing this activity can be detected that the breeding of chinchillas in the home as a business provides several opportunities for profit.

  • Sell chinchillas as Pets;
  • Selling calves for breeding;
  • Selling animals for the production of fur.

The Content of chinchillas in house conditions

Before you start breeding chinchillas at home business manual content chinchillas in the apartment you need.

The First thing you need to start a business organization, this arrangement of the place of residence of animals. Chinchilla is a very active and agile animal, which need enough space for jumping and running. For these purposes it is necessary to buy or build a cage with minimum dimensions of 100 cm wide, 80 cm high and 40 cm in depth. The cage should be placed in dry and light indoors and be made of unpainted metal with a mesh size of 1,5x1,5 cm for the bottom and 1 9kh1,9 cm for the walls and ceiling.

breeding chinchillas as a business at home reviews

It is Desirable that the cage had a sliding tray to change the bedding. Chinchillas are very clean and have no unpleasant smell, so the litter can be changed once a week.

The Breeding of chinchillas (as business at home) feedback is only positive. Commented on the sellers chinchillas like people, are passionate about their work, not just selling rodents, and helping customers care for their new Pets.

In the cage be sure to place shelves with a width of 15 cm at different heights, so that the animals couldto get around it. Necessarily the availability of house for vacation.

breeding chinchillas in the home as business profitability

On the front wall of the cage should install a drinking bowl and a feeder. The best option – waterers and feeders mount to the bars as bowls, set inside the house are doomed to be inverted in the process of game animals. Just nearby, you need to install the manger for hay.

In the cage be sure to establish a zone for taking sand baths, but not on a permanent basis. Enough to put a pool filled with Lalita, for half an hour. Excessive bathing in the sand bad for the skin of chinchillas.

If you started breeding chinchillas in the home as a business, the contents should be performed according to the rules, one of which is obligatory presence of the air conditioner. You need to install next to the house animal the thermometer to regulate the temperature level. Chinchilla't tolerate heat, this is especially true for the summer period. The comfortable temperature range for chinchilla - 18-23 degrees, minimum – 14-15, the maximum is 28, going beyond the minimum and maximum can lead to death of rodents. Animals do not like the sun and prefer silence.


Chinchilla relates to herbivorous animals, so feeding her can herbal plants and specialized feed for chinchillas. In the cage should always be free access to dry hay and water. Chinchillas like to eat, you can give her a piece of dried Apple, carrots, or berries of hawthorn.

 breeding chinchillas at home as a business how to start how to succeed

Health and healing chinchillas

Chinchillas are prone to diseases more than other animals. However, there may arise difficulties with the narrow destination doctors. So often the vet can't determine what is wrong with the pet. Basically chinchillas are prone to dental problems and gastrointestinal tract.

Breeding in house conditions

The Breeding of chinchillas (as business at home) imposes on you a great responsibility. Before you bring in your home with chinchillas, you need to find worthy parents for future kids.

Choose animals of those colors that you want in the future to work, it is not necessary to have multi-colored animals. Analyze the reputation of breeders of chinchillas, from whom you can buy adults, check out the clean lines, pedigrees.

If breeding chinchillas (as a business) in the home – your first experience, do not just make a lot of individuals, it is enough to try your hand at one family, consisting of females and males. At chinchillas is dominated by females, so when meeting future Boyfriends better to plant the female to the male.

Pregnancy and childbirth chinchillas

The Chinchilla in the wild has given birth and nursed babies on their own, and this skill have preserved them to this day. Usually birth occurs in the morning and unbeknownst to the owner, as a rule, it is only a couple of hours. Pregnancy of females lasts about 105-115 days. One female usually gives birth to 1-3 calves are born. Female can breed up to 3 times a year. A distinctive feature of chinchillas – the birth of pubescent and sighted calves weighing 35-50 g. the Kids immediately unable to move, and after a couple of hours and run around the cage. But babies can be deposited from mother not earlier than 8-10 weeks.

breeding chinchillas at home as a business

It is Necessary to observe several conditions:

  • For weeks after birth the offspring of chinchilla you can't swim in the sand, so a bath is better to remove from the cell.
  • Also need to provide the mother with vitamins – give the raisins, almonds, dandelion greens, nettle.
  • For safety kids need to clean all the high shelves.
  • Cover the cage from drafts.
  • Keep the house neat.


Chinchilla – the active animal that needs to be adaptations for grinding teeth and things that stimulate curiosity and interest. It is therefore important to equip the house chinchillas with items that will provide the animal physical activity and will serve as a source for entertainment. If you do not provide the chinchilla toys, she will gnaw shelves, houses, a drinking bottle, this will not only bring additional expenses on home improvement, but will cause problems with your teeth. Toys should be made of natural material, no sharp corners.

breeding chinchillas at home as a business content

As toys you can use:

  • Snags, thick branches;
  • Tunnels out of cardboard, wood, plastic;
  • Hanging toys in the form of wooden balls, sticks;
  • Ladder.

Business with pleasure - the key to success

As you can see, the content of the chinchilla will not cause any difficulties. Not only breeding chinchillas at home as a business has high profitability, it is also a very exciting process. If you're a fan of not only exotic, but also small animals, then this activity will have you in mind.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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