Business plan tire service: sample, example. How to open a tire from scratch


2020-05-15 21:00:21




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The Car has long ceased to be a luxury. Transport is available in almost every family. So any business related to the service machines will bring good profit. Every small community or neighborhood must be tire. How to open it? Let us examine the order.

Types of tire

To Open a business today, even people without specific knowledge and skills. The main thing is to have patience and the will to succeed. How to open a tire from scratch? A business plan needs to be in the first place. First you should decide what type of tire will be most in demand in a particular region. The most common is the stationary shop. This is a traditional activity which involves the whole range of services related to the operation of the wheels.

business plan tireIt's Much simpler to write a business plan tyre service mobile. Is visiting the body shop on wheels, to open which will require much less financial cost. You should determine the range of services that will be provided to customers. Much more will be able to earn not only on tires but also on selling. In addition, we can offer used tires in good condition.

It Should also be noted that the tire divided by type of serviced vehicles. The most common are workshops for cars. You can also make an exclusive business plan. Tire for specialized machinery (trucks, cranes and trucks) will be popular in the city.


It is not Enough to make a competent business plan. The tire needs to be documented, to avoid problems with government institutions. Initially, you must register with the tax authority. A small workshop can open a private entrepreneur. In the future will have to pay a single tax. In addition, it is necessary to register in the pension Fund. The more employees will work in the Studio, the large amount will have to pay to government agencies.

 business plan tire Additionally have to sign a lease with the premises in which services will be provided. It will be easier for those who decided to open a mobile tire service. To provide services will have to find just the right vehicle.

Equipment for workshop

How to open a tire from scratch? The business plan is not complete without the selection of the appropriate multi-function equipment. All devices that can be used in the workshop are divided into automated, semi-automated and computerized. The last option is the most expensive, but also greatly facilitates the work of the master.

 how to open a tire from scratch business plan You first need to purchase diagnostic equipment. With the help of the expert will quickly be able to identify any defects and damage to the tires. The quality of the diagnosis depends further work in the garage. For painting discs, you will have to buy a special paint car. Can not do without welding and balancing equipment. For pumping of tires by nitrogen should be used special installation. Nitrogen significantly slows the aging process of the tire and prevents corrosion of the disc. For the heat treatment of the damaged tyre will have to purchase a special vulcanizer.

What else should be on the tire?

The Workshop must be provided with a certain amount of cutting tools, gloves, special glue and other materials necessary for providing a full range of services. It is worth remembering that all cars are different. The facility must provide assistance to owners of domestic cars and foreign cars. I have to stock all the necessary materials.

Face workshop

What other highlights should include a business plan? The tire – a popular institution among car owners. You need to make sure that customers come back to shop again when needed. For this quality of services is not always enough. In the Studio must be clean and tidy. Matter well as clothing employees. Ideally, this should be the same for all uniforms with the company name.

business plan sample tire exampleBefore the opening of the workshop you can see a specialist forlogo design. The designer will be able to create an original logo that will become the face of the tire. The logo should be placed on the stand at the entrance to the workshop and on promotional leaflets. The same logo should be on the uniform of masters of the company. The emblem of the tyre should be easily recognizable and enjoyable to read.


From the place which will be a workshop depends on the profit from her work. Best to open a tire not far from highways and gas stations. You can get started also in close proximity to major highways, parks and the train station. The main indicator here is the large influx of cars. The more vehicles will pass by the workshop, the more drivers will pay attention to it.

how to open a tire store business planGarazhnyjj KOOPERATIV is not the best option for those who have decided to open a tire from scratch. The business plan necessarily involves audience. It is worth considering that in a confined space the number of regular visitors of the workshop will be limited.

Choosing a place to do business, it is necessary to pay attention that there are in the immediate proximity of similar garages. Unhealthy competition can become a serious hindrance to the development of their own business.

What are the additional expenses?

The Possible financial costs must include a business plan. The tire can be expensive if you plan quality services for a broad audience. But the initial investment is quickly recouped. When you consider all the costs at the initial stage to open a large workshop need not less than 8000 have. E.

tyre from scratch business planThat will include the business plan of the tire? The sample will consist of the major costs. For the purchase of basic equipment will require about 2,500. E. Purchase of tools and equipment will require approximately 500. E. rent will cost approximately 500-600 have. E. on a monthly basis. In addition, you have to buy cash management equipment. The cost today is approximately $ 300. E. consumables will have to spend about $ 200. E. at the initial stage. An advertising campaign and furniture for workshop will require around 2000. E. in addition, one should consider the cost for staff salaries.

If there is a large amount how to open a tire? Business plan you can make also with minimal cost. The services will have to provide your own in your own garage. This workshop will require no more than 1000. E. at the initial stage. But the big profits must not count.

What problems can occur?

In any kind of business at the initial stage, and in the process can cause problems and professional difficulties. The tire is no exception. First, note that this type of activity is largely seasonal. Motorists often change tires in the early fall or spring when weather conditions change. It should be kept in mind in considering the business plan of the tire (example, example). Any expert will tell you that to start promoting the workshop better in the middle of autumn. When drivers need to change tires on their vehicles, the tire should already be known to many.

business plan example tireThe Big concern may become competition. This is especially true of those who decided to open a workshop in a small town. Will have to work hard to gain trust and popularity. At the initial stage will be to attract customers with low prices and various promotions. The more services will offer a workshop, the faster you can spin.

Advantages of the tire business

Despite the difficulties, the tire can generate a good income with the proper organization. This activity is quite profitable. As practice shows, even small workshops in garages, pay for themselves very quickly. Assuming that services will be provided by two masters, the approximate monthly income will be from 1000-1500. E. In the offseason profits can grow several times.

The opening of a workshop do not need the registration certificates and various licensing agreements. Everything you need – registration in tax inspection and pension Fund. At least official papers – another significant advantage. In just a month if you want you can start a profitable business.


It is Necessary to consider all nuances, considering the business plan (example). The tire will be profitable if the work is to be performed with knowledge ofbusiness. To this end, the cooperation should invite only skilled mechanics. The salaries of employees can not save. Work done bad masters can lead to disastrous consequences. Often the cause of the accident is a poorly installed rubber. Just one incident can ruin the reputation of the workshop for many years.

Invest in a tire better those who are versed in this kind of activity. The business should bring not only profit, but pleasure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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