The co-operative production is... FZ on production cooperatives. Legal entity - a cooperative


2020-05-27 14:00:28




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Business – it is a means not only of personal enrichment, but also a way largely to support the financial area or other entity, which significantly developed the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Knowing this, most of the governments actively supporting (sometimes not even on paper) the initiatives of the citizens.

One of these forms of business is the production cooperative. It is a voluntary (!) the combination of any of citizens on a membership basis for the implementation of production activities. As a rule, the members of the cooperative are personally involved in the production process, or support it in technical or material terms. Each cooperative – a legal person. In any case, each of the participants has a personal share of contribution. It is refundable if the employee leaves the company.

Any co-operative production – is a company founded with the aim of making a profit. If it is provided by constituent documents, in its activities can participate in other legal entities. That's what the co-op.cooperative production is

Federal law

All the activities of such enterprises are regulated by Federal law, which was adopted on 10 April 1996. Moreover, in addition thereto, was adopted by the Federal law “On production cooperatives” of 8 may 1996. Their General provisions address the following issues:

  • The Definition of a production cooperative.
  • Basic rights and duties of its members.
  • The Procedure for organization and liquidation of the company.
  • Other issues that will be considered in this article (they are set out in the Federal law “On production cooperatives”, but in a more condensed form).

The legislation directly stipulates that the Charter of the enterprise must not contradict the Constitution and other laws of the Russian Federation.


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What is the number of members of the cooperative?

Under the terms of national legislation, members of the production enterprises can not enter less than five people. It is established that they can be as citizens of our state and subjects of foreign powers. This small (medium) business is no different from other organizations that conduct their activity on the territory of our country.

In addition, the participation of stateless persons. As we have said, in the activities of the organization can participate other legal entity. The company may do so through its representative on the grounds of the approved constituent documents.

Who can be a member of the cooperative?

FZ on production cooperativesThe parties may sign any person under 16 years of age who have made a share contribution in total co-op Fund. Important! Allowed individuals who have made a share contribution, are involved in the direct management of the enterprise, but do not take any personal labor participation in its activities. The number of such people can not be more than 25% of the number of members which will serve the cooperative production. This ensures a fair distribution of the parts of profit derived from sales of products.

Dimensions unit trust

The law does not set its size. May doubt the ability of the cooperative to meet its obligations, but in this case the law says that all members of this type of enterprises also have a personal (subsidiary) liability for any debt obligations.

What is?

As we already said, the establishment of a production cooperative is exclusively for profit. In this case the newly created enterprise may engage in any activity that is not prohibited on the territory of our country. Note that for the production of individual product groups must also obtain a special license.


A Meeting of the members is the main body of his reign. If the number of members exceeds fifty, it may be decided to establish a special Supervisory Committee. If we talk about the Executive bodies, in their role again, acting as the Board (or Chairman of the cooperative).

Important! Board members (and chair) can be personally involved in the activities of organizations that are its members. Note that you can simultaneously be a member of the Supervisory Board and the Board is impossible.

In some cases, the General meeting?

The law stipulates that a General meeting of all members of the co-operative may be convened in any case that is somehow related to the activities of the enterprise. Although there are exceptional situations in which the convening of such meeting is mandatory:

  • In the case of approval of Charter or if you need to make any amendments.
  • Definition of the activities of the organization.
  • In the case when there is acceptance or exclusion from the members of the cooperative.
  • In addition, the meeting is necessary for decision-making about establishment of the size of the mutual Fund and also for any changes regarding management of the assets of the enterprise. In addition, support businesses (inward investment) are also not possible without the approval of such action by the members.
  • Of Coursewithout this event it is impossible to establish the Supervisory Committee as well as termination or adoption of any of the Executive functions of other bodies of the Committee. However, if the Charter stipulates the right of the Supervisory meeting to decide such questions, the meeting has been held.
  • It is essential if the cooperative is formed audit Committee or ceases its activities.
  • Upon approval of annual reports, audit findings or audit, as well as the distribution of profits received as a result of the activities of the cooperative.
  • Also, the meeting is held, unless the organization is subject to liquidation.
  • In addition, it was necessary in the establishment or liquidation of branches of the company.
  • Finally, the members of the cooperative collected if the decision on membership in any other unions and associations.

Thus, the co-operative production – a full-fledged manufacturer with its own regulatory and executing bodies.

legal entity

Other details about the meeting

If so provided in the Charter, a meeting of members may be taken and other decisions. In the case when this right is assigned to this body, the meeting must be simultaneously present more than 50% of all members of a company who personally participate in its activities. The decision is taken by simple vote, the result of the counting of votes. However, there may be introduced some other methods, but they should be clearly reflected in the Charter of the company. Regardless of the size of his unit, each member of the cooperative is entitled to one vote.

If we are talking about amendments to the Charter of the organization or its reorganization (the only exception is the case of the conversion into a business partnership or society) and to liquidate, then the decision can only be taken if voted for by not less than ¾ of the number of members of the cooperative. In a business partnership or society, the company can be reorganized only if the decision was taken unanimously.

In the case when you want to accept or exclude a citizen from the organization, the decision may be adopted by at least 2/3 of the votes. All questions the solution of which is exclusively within the competence of the meeting, cannot be transferred to other Executive committees formed in the company.

Supervisory Committee

As already noted, with the growth of the size of the cooperative by more than fifty members of the decision meeting can be set up a Supervisory Committee, whose functions should also be immediately enshrined in the Charter. We have said that a member of such a Committee can only be a member of the organization. The number of employees of the Committee and the duration of their powers are determined by the results of the meeting.

Elected Supervisory Board shall be entitled to choose his own Chairman. Meetings of the Committee are carried out, if needed, but minimum once in six months. Despite their powers, the members of the Supervisory Board have no right to implement any relevant actions on behalf of the cooperative. In contrast, the issues addressed solely by the Supervisory authority, cannot be considered by the meeting of the members.

Other Executive bodies of the company

the law on production cooperativesExecutive bodies serve to control the over all daily functions of the enterprise. So, if the co-op more than ten people, is required to elect Board members. The term of office is immediately reflected in the Charter. It considers all production issues which arise in the cooperative between the General meetings of its members. His competence is to resolve all challenges that cannot be mastered of other Executive bodies.

Chairman of the Board Chairman. Choosing him all cooperative members at the General meeting, and candidates can only be those persons. If the company has already managed to create a Supervisory Committee, the candidacy of the Chairman of the Board put forward exactly it. In any case, his credentials should be strictly spelled out in the Charter.

So, immediately you have to set the period during which the Chairman has the right to work, a clear sign of the breadth of his powers, especially in the field of the right to dispose of property of the organization. In addition, the main document on the mandatory conditions shall contain the following information: wage effects of the injury and losses to the company.

If the co-op already has the Board, the Charter should also contain a list of questions that the Chairman has the right to decide unilaterally.

As a rule, granted to him authority enough to work on behalf of the cooperative without providing a separate power of attorney. It can be cooperative in all organs of the municipality and the government, and to dispose of (clearly defined boundaries) the property of the organization. Only he has the right to enter into contracts and sign the power of attorney (particularly those that are subject to a right of substitution), to open and close a checking account, accept and dismiss new workers (if this item is in the Charter). In any event, the President is fully accountable to a General meeting of membersorganization.

Of audit Commission

In the case when there is a need of control over the financial work of the company, the General meeting may be selected by a special Commission. If the number of members of the company at least twenty, for this position may be assigned to one auditor. In any case, the member of the auditing Commission can not be an employee of any Executive body of the cooperative.

The Commission is assigned the obligation to check the financial condition of the enterprise for the expired accounting period. In addition, it can produce the audit of the financial part of the special instructions of the General meeting of cooperative members, the Supervisory Board and at the same time more than 10% of the workers of the organization.

To allow checks on the personal initiative of the members of the Commission. All members have the right to require any Manager of an enterprise providing all the necessary financial reports and other documents.

The Results of inspections are provided for discussion by members of the General Assembly and the steering Committee. If the competence of the members of the audit Committee is not enough to clarify some complex accounting issues, they may engage external auditors (or audit firm), if such is the license for implementation of activities of the established sample.

Important! If the test demanded 10% of the employees of the cooperative, then the cost of hiring auditors (if so required) to be paid by them.Charter of the production cooperative

What are the responsibilities of a production cooperative?

On any obligations the organization meets all its existing assets. The cooperative Charter also stipulates the size and terms of vicarious liability that is imposed on all members of the organization, regardless of the size of their opening share. The obligations of individual employees, the company is not liable in any way. The same is said of the law “On production cooperatives”.

Only in the case that a member of the cooperative, to pay debts, the cost of which exceeds the aggregate price of all its assets, it is also allowed to recover only its share. However, indivisible Fund and other financial assets of the company in this case might not be affected in any case. Thus, a production cooperative is a classic company with additional liability.

List of constitutive documents

It will be short, as this document is only the Charter of the enterprise. It necessarily entered full name of organization, as well as information about its actual location. It is in the Charter must contain all the information about the size of contributions, and the conditions under which they are made. There fits the liability of the members of the cooperative in violation of the order they were written, and the conditions under which personal labor participation in the enterprise. For some violations can be applied to penalties or other measures, details of which are also inserted in the Charter.

In addition, there should be information about the distribution of profits and losses, as well as detail the liability of a production cooperative and all its members. Fully and in great detail describes the functions and powers of all Executive bodies, including in those cases where the decisions to be taken by the Chairman of the Board unilaterally.

If we are talking about termination of membership in the organization, the document shall be entered as information on the procedure of payment of the contribution, and should be considered the procedure of admission of new members and exclusion of the workers from the enterprise. There signs in detail the process of withdrawal from the cooperative members, as well as all cases where the member can be excluded from it. Entered and the data about all the available branches, as well as about the possible reorganization and complete liquidation. In the process of the organization's activities to the Charter of the production cooperative may be other data necessary for its operation.

About the conversion…

As we have mentioned, by a unanimous decision of the General meeting, the company may be reorganized with the formation of a partnership or an economic society. The procedure of such transfer is enshrined in law, they must be followed by all production and consumer cooperatives.

What right have the members of the cooperative?

small medium businessFirst, every worker has the right to participate in the activities of the enterprise and shall have one vote at the General meeting of the cooperative. Employees may also themselves be elected in all bodies of Executive power and control of the Commission.

If there is reason, members of the enterprise have the right freely to make proposals for optimizing the activities of the organization, as well as to declare the identified shortcomings in the work of leadership. In addition, all members of a production cooperative are entitled to their share of the profits obtained as a result of industrial activities of enterprises.

Each member of the cooperative may at any time request all necessary information from the officers of the Corporation and at any time to secede, after which he will have to pay an amount equivalent to the size of hisshare. If employee rights have been violated, he is entitled to go to court, including for appeals against decisions of Board members, one way or another infringe on the interests of all members of the cooperative.

Of Course, the Charter (and the laws of the Russian Federation) establishes the right to receive a wage, which is calculated from the amount of personal labor participation of the employee in the organization. Overall, all this information is contained in a law “On production cooperatives”, we were talking about above.

Responsibilities of cooperative members

The Employee must make a share contribution, and to participate in the activities of the organization, taking on direct labor participation. In addition, he is obliged to obey all the internal rules and to follow other rules, which were adopted by the Board of the cooperative. All members of a production cooperative bear subsidiary liability, which should cover all arising liabilities of the company.

Distribution Of profits

Distribution of profits is carried out as the basis of personal labor participation of the employee and the size of the contribution. If we are talking about the members of the cooperative who do not take personal labor participation in the work of the organization, the profit is distributed between them based on sizes personal share. In the case where a decision of the General meeting, part of the proceeds can be distributed between employees. The division of the profits between them in this case should be strictly regulated by the company Charter.

In addition, the members of the cooperative are distributed more and the money that remains after taxes and other mandatory payments. Note that the size of the funds, which are divided between members of the organization should not exceed 50% of the total profit, as everything else should be directed to the development of production and ensuring the overall solvency of the company.entrepreneurship


Currently, in our country this form of business is found less often. The fact that in this case you need to find a large number of skilled workers who will provide a personal contribution to the development of the company. In addition, subsidized liability that will have to answer for mistakes or a deliberate crime of leadership does not inspire potential investors and staff optimism.

In short, entrepreneurship in our country is only weakly dependent on the cooperatives.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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