Gold mining. Methods of gold mining. Gold mining manually


2020-05-29 16:00:27




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Gold Mining began in ancient times. In the entire history of mankind produced about 168,9 thousand tons of the precious metal, nearly 50% of which is spent on a variety of jewelry. If all the gold mined to gather in one place, it would form a cube with a height of 5-storey building, with an edge – 20 mining


Gold – metal with which mankind has met at least 6,500 years ago. The oldest is considered the treasure found in the Varna necropolis, which is located in Bulgaria, and dated products 4600 BC

Gold has played an important role throughout the history of mankind, it is still considered a secure investment. Came and went currency, but it remains a universal and stable standard for thousands of years.

To Wield this metal has always been prestigious. The amount of gold was estimated not only welfare depended on him and position in society. So it is at the present time.

That gold has often been the cause of wars and crimes, but at the same time it has played a huge role in the progress of mankind in General. Based on it began to develop monetary system, created cultural values and architectural masterpieces, which are invaluable and still all amazing. Due to the desire to produce this metal, scientists have obtained the many chemical elements, but gold rush helped to open and develop new lands.

How to extract gold in Russia

In the upper crust of the earth layer of the gold is contained in small quantities, but these fields and plots quite a lot. Russia is in 4th place in the ranking of its production and has 7% of the global share.


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Commercial gold mine has begun in 1745. The first mine was opened by the farmer Iron Markov, who reported on his whereabouts. Later it became known as Berezovsky.

Today in Russia there are 16 companies that produce this precious metal. The leader is the company “Polyus Gold”, which has a 1/5 share of the total market production. Carefully generally cooperative metal mined in the Magadan, Irkutsk and Amur regions, Chukotka, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk edges.

Gold Mining – the process is complex, time consuming and expensive. Reduce such costs by a method of closing a low-profit and unprofitable mines. The decrease in the volume of geological exploration and implementation of new technologies, low capital – quite effective measures.

The Process of getting the gold

gold mining manuallyAs long as centuries passed, the process of extraction of this metal is constantly changing. Was originally popular gold mining manually. The miners received the Golden sand due to the simple primitive tools. In the tray was gathering river sand, and then tossed it into the stream of water washed away the sand, and the grains of the metal remained at the bottom since they are heavier. This method is used often in current time.

However, this is not the only extraction process. For example, early along the river you often find gold nuggets. They were thrown on the land in the blur of gold lived naturally. However, by the twentieth century rich placers, left, and gold learned to extract from ore.

Now gold mining is rarely practiced manually, the process is fully mechanized, but at the same time it is very complex. Cost-effective is the field in which one ton has 3 grams of gold. When the content in it is 10 grams it is considered to be rich.

Methods of extracting gold from ore

A few years ago often used this method as the amalgamation, which is based on a special property of mercury to envelop the gold. On the bottom of the barrel was placed mercury, then it was shaken up gold-bearing rock. As a result, even the smallest particles of gold stuck to it. The mercury is then separated from the gangue, and with strong heating of the gold was flaking off. However, this method has disadvantages, since mercury itself is very toxic. The gold it gives is still not complete, as it is quite tiny particles of the precious metal is poorly wetted.

The Second method is more modern - gold leached by sodium cyanide, which is capable of even the smallest particles to transfer in cyanide-soluble compounds. And already then with the help of reagents and retrieves the gold. This way you can get precious metal from even already abandoned fields, making them profitable again.

Obtaining gold at home

Gold Mining manually, and in the home. In order to get it, no need to go to the mines and spend hours rocking trays. There are more peaceful and civilized methods. There are so many items that contain gold. For example, old Soviet watch in their yellow buildings contain real unadulterated precious metal without impurities.

In order to get it, you just need to buy such a watch in very large quantities. Then you will need a plastic bucket and bowl, hot plate, razor blades, heat-resistant glass pot, brush and cotton fabric for filter, rubber gloves and viagrapillen. Of chemicals need nitric and hydrochloric acids.

Processing starts when you already have 300 buildings. The process will take only 4 hoursin this case you will have to consume 4 litres of acid. Of so many buildings you can get 75 grams of pure gold.

Obtaining gold by the method of etching

dredge for gold miningWho would have thought, but everyone, even children, are daily in the pockets and bags of gold. Everything is simple – each SIM card for a mobile phone contains a number of precious metal. It can be retrieved from there. This is done in two ways: by electrolysis or by etching. For the latter, the necessary chemical reagent "Aqua Regia".

The simplest method is etching, in which the gold is obtained thanks to the chemical inertness of the precious metal, namely – its ability to react with other elements. For etching you will need an oxidizing agent "Aqua Regia", which is made of concentrated acids: hydrochloric and nitric. The liquid has an orange-yellow color.


Gold Mining is possible and out of the water. It is contained in it, and in any sewage, sea water, tap water, but in very small amounts. For example, in the sea it exists in the proportion of 4 mg per tonne. In spite of this, to produce it possible by means of quicklime, which would require a whole ton to 4.5 tons of water.

To get from sea water, gold will need to mix it with milk of lime. After some time the liquid needs to be released back into the sea, and from the sediment to extract the precious metal. Kirovskie engineers offer another zero-waste method, in which the lime is replaced by a ash of thermal power plants. This method is considered the least expensive of all the known.

Golden bacteria

In Canada, scientists have generally found the bacteria, which is able to separate gold from various solutions. Amazing, isn't it? For example, the bacterium Delftia acidovorans is a substance that highlights the precious metal from the solution. And the reason is simple – it is simply protected, guarding himself from ions of gold, which for her is toxic. The second bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans, on the contrary, accumulates within him.

Both were found in 2006 in the “gold” mines. Study of Canadians showed that the bacteria accumulated gold, it is possible to avoid toxicity due to genetic nature.


gold miningThe Extraction of gold produced and with the help of Drago. They are called floating mining machines that have dredging, mineral processing and other equipment, providing comprehensive mechanization of mining process. They enrich the useful minerals and waste rock are removed.

The Purpose of Drago – to develop flooded mineral deposits and to remove valuable components (gold, platinum, tin, etc.) Use them mainly in alluvial, diluvial, deep and coastal marine sedimentary and placer deposits. The only exception is boulder, sturdy rocks and sticky clay.

Types Drago

Draghi is divided into two classes.

  1. Sea, by which deposits of the coastal zone and the deep mines, in lakes, oceans. They are mounted on the keel or towed, self-propelled vessels, which provide operation in a storm.
  2. Continental, which are used for development of deposits on the continents. Mounted on a flat bottomed boat.

Draghi klassificeret on:

  • Mind energy, which is used by the drive mechanisms;
  • The deep recesses of the rocks in the section below the water level;
  • A genus of apparatus (a lot of scoops with intermittent chain with a continuous chain, rotary complex, dragline bucket, clamshell bucket);
  • Capacity of bucket (large, medium and small);
  • Method of maneuvering (rope-anchor and rope-pile).

On the territory of the Russian Federation is now used dredge for gold mining, mostly occurs in the far Eastern Federal district. However, production by this method can negatively affect the ecosystem and destroy the landscape of rivers, heavily polluting the area, which is located downstream.

Therefore, this method can only be used with careful adherence to your development projects. Their implementation will require reclamation of lands that have been damaged by mining operations and the restoration of forests, soils and vegetation of river mining manually

How to make a dredge for mining gold yourself

Many prospectors, mining gold, would like to own a dredge, while significantly saving on costs as prices for this equipment are very high. In this case, it is easiest to do it with their hands. Despite the fact that the materials will be purchased the most inexpensive, still the creation Draghi will need a certain amount.

Initially, you need to make lists and Assembly drawings, you can take as an example the most famous dredge for gold mining at the moment. In principle, the first step – study, the more you know about them, the better and better will make its own.

Some important details can be found on common dumping ground, and you can buy them for a song, for example, the motor apparatus. Next you need to determine the size of the dredge, the bigger it is – the more soil can be treated, but its weight and cost will also be higher than a small assembled product.

To Build it you need withdiameter hose up to 12 cm in order to cope with the dredge on their own. The best size is 10 cm. If you need compressed air, you must purchase an air compressor, diving equipment and air receiver tank. However, this is not the first necessity, it can be done later.

To build the coveted device, you will need: engine with pump, various tools (hacksaw, hammer, wrenches, screwdrivers). It will not hurt to purchase welding machine. You can buy parts and used, but some very important and problematic - or trudeaumania, it is better to buy new in the store.

Some of the details Draghi is often impossible to make with his own hands, so they have to buy: engine, water pump, air compressor, hose, lodopropynyl the chute. The latter is the most important piece, without it, the gold is not captured, respectively, built the entire machine loses its meaning.

Trumpet Draghi should be set at the head of the gateway in order to route to it the streams of water and soil. The intake valve draws water into the pump (this is also one of the important parts). If it sucked sand, the pump may quickly break, so dredging without valve impossible.

The Elevator is placed at the end of the hose while water is supplied to the beginning and creates vacuum. It is best to use a suction nozzle. To manage large drag of the Elevator difficult, so the application mainly goes to small cars if the work takes place in shallow to extract gold from ore

The Buoyancy of the device – a separate phase of the dredge. To provide it in several ways. Originally used tyres from trucks, they weigh a bit and are cheap. The only obstacle is that to get them is not as easy as it may seem. However, it would be the best option.

Now many manufacturers of a drug used pontoons made of plastic. They are pretty reliable, but heavy. However, there are many options. Some dredge, collected at home, have a variety of plastic pontoons. One of the interesting ways – when using plastic containers or barrels having a capacity of 40 liters. You can buy them quite cheaply. If you don't mind spending more money, but to buy a ready-made, then it is easier to buy from the manufacturer.

One More important detail affecting the buoyancy, is considered the frame. It attaches the motor and lodopropynyl the chute. If you do it yourself, you can take simple pieces of aluminium that are easy to find at any junkyard. Cost is cheap, effort is almost not required. If the frame work is flat, then it simply mounted the tires from the truck.

To Test the operation of dredges can have after its complete Assembly. Take two dozen small pieces of lead that are aligned and painted in a bright color. In the reservoir is typed in the soil, and they are placed there. That's just it and you can try out the dredge. Let's see how many pieces of lead came back after washing rocks. During normal operation of the dredge loss is only possible up to 2 pieces. If lead is not enough, you should check the entire Assembly on the scheme, and if necessary, to carry out additional improvements.

Plans for gold production in the future

Getting gold by method of etchingIs becoming less and less gold deposits, open them, now mostly in South Africa, others significantly depleted and deposits with low and medium content of precious metal to develop unprofitable.

According to experts, the minerals that contain gold, it will be possible to develop another 50 years. Then they run out. Just because mankind in the last decades very intensive gold mining. And getting him in nature less and less. Now we have over the next few years to find new ways of mining this metal. The most promising method consider leaching technology of gold.

In recent years, a lot of talk about the development of the ocean as another way of mining gold. Marine placers, deposits of very much, but the bottom is still not fully understood. It is possible that in the ocean hidden most of the deposits of the precious metal. Our descendants will figure it out.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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