How to write a media plan. Sample media plans


2020-05-29 15:00:24




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If you are Going to order advertising in local media, an advertising campaign, we are Willy-nilly making a list of actions. In professional circles the list has received a special name - a media plan.

example of media plansWith the development of theoretical and practical knowledge in this field became possible to find a suitable sample media plans. It will already presents the main lines of action and specific promotional activities with an indication of costs. This would make it easier, don't need to invent them yourself and hope it works.

Media Plan of the company: for example real estate Agency

The Plan is drawn up for a small Agency, the average prices for work of experts, the preparation and printing of printing products. Banners, stands, posters in the office are not included as for example is already operating in the market organization. Free sources for advertising (classifieds online) is also not included in the list.

Campaign Name


Quantity and value


1 the layer 1 sector (distance, for example, from the office - 5 m around)

In the week:

- 1000 leaflets “Buy”;

- 1000 “Change”;

- 1000 “Sell”;

- 1000 – a versatile option.

Total: 16 800 p.

Advertising media

The Rubric "Private announcements"

600 RUB for 1 week. Total: 2400 R.


For a Fee in the form of ads in the private section in the newspaper of the city

2000 R - 1 times.

In the form of advertising articles in a specialized journal.

8000 roubles per month.

The Flyers in the mailboxes.

As a rule, the houses in the town centre (or district)

1 house - 144 leaflets. The average is taken 7 houses per month. 1,000 leaflets for 1500 p. + the work of the previous person.

Total: $ 2000

Participation in exhibitions

The Preparation of brochures, cards, posters

On average, about 1000 R. and the work of specialists of the Agency.

The Distribution of leaflets (with calendar, phone numbers, a list of holidays, telephone numbers services, etc. on the reverse side)

500 pieces per month 1000 p (together with the work of the promoter)

A Telephone invitation to a free consultation of experts, “cool” calls

The work of the sales person: 1 hour - 75 p. (no percentage of the transaction). Takes 1-2 days in a week.

Total: 4800 per month

Internet Advertising

Banners in the search engines.

1500 thousand per month.

Working with partners

Exchange business cards for placement in the construction offices, insurance companies, banking offices

The work of the courier: 1 hour per week - 50 p.

Do business cards: 300 p.

Total: 350 p.

The Establishment of a joint brochures

The cost of the brochures is divided equally: 1000 p 1000 brochures (if involved 3 your partner).

The newspaper

300 p. - 1 copy a month to distribute 50 pieces

The work of the courier, journalist (2000 p.), the coder (500 p.)

Total: 17 500 p.


350 p. 58

Example of media plans you need for your city it will contain specific advertising sources. And yet should continually monitor its effectiveness: to record the responses, to look for the best sources.


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media plan of a company example

The Following is an example of a media plan of advertising campaign designed for the novice periodicals.

Promotion of the newspaper or magazine




Delivery of email messages to all potential advertisers.

Once a week

Working as an office Manager with a salary or remote Manager - 50 p. per hour.

Phone deals

Two weeks before release, for 4 days

The Job of a sales Manager (over 3% percentage of the referred client).

Posting ads on the entrances and boards of the city


Paper, printing (cartridge) – 700 p.

The work of the previous person advertisements: 1 p. per PCs.

Number of copies - 2000.

Total: 2700 R.

Radioiodine residents

60 a day, every day during the month

A one-time 1000 p for production.

900 Euro a month for the exits.

Press releases on the Internet

Once post on free websites, then update every three months, addnew of the promotions and exciting offers.

Just for the work office Manager or a media Manager (work hour - 100 rubles).

The text on their own or through professionals – 100 p.

Total: 500 p.

Adding in the directory of the media

Search for sites and accommodation

Only for: 50 p. per hour.

Total: 200 p.

Paid advertising in the periodical media of the city

In Newspapers and magazines advertising article to 800 characters (2 times)

R. 5000 – newspaper, next month – 8000 R. in the log.

Distribution of points with high traffic (shopping centers, supermarkets, offices, partners and advertisers)

Once a month

The work of the courier – 50 p. per hour. Takes 1 business day.

Total: 400 p.

Advertising on the billboards of the city.

In the center of 2 pieces for 1 month

For 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 30 000 RUB.


43 750 R.

How to create a media plan

An example is of course good. But each business is different. It is therefore important to know the basics of media planning.

example of media plan of the advertising campaign

Properly selected sources of advertising (for your specialization designed for the target audience), forms of advertising, designated for its placement and the number of outputs per month - that's what the information should be reflected in the plan, and not only. Welcome a clear timetable for the placement which shows the alternation of specific promotional activities. It's easier to track the effectiveness of a particular form of activity.

The example in this article an example of media plans is not clear and specific and requires a detailed elaboration in relation to specific town and specific advertising sources. For example: newspaper "the flowers in the garden" - banner 200 x 300, with location 1 page, the number of outputs - 2 times a month.

Advertising Budget

In planning advertising campaigns welcome rate on savings. In those sources where to advertise is, you can order it at the lowest price six months ahead.


how to create a media plan example

In addition, every example of a media plan reflects the strategic goals and directions of activities of the customer. Ie corresponds to the priorities of the company. In the case of newspaper it's bright appearance, a statement to the population and potential advertisers about its existence. In the case of real estate Agency the purpose of advertising campaigns is getting increase to the existing stable income.

Thus, you cannot simply take the example of media plans and use it without reworking by yourself, not by making a high specificity, with no consideration of possible budgetary savings on advertising, and especially not appreciating the main purpose of the plan, its consistency with the priority development of the company.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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