Onion sets: photos, best varieties, description


2020-06-24 10:20:21




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It is Very difficult to find a kitchen garden, to the beds which is not growing onions. This culture relates to the community garden vegetables are planted first. Onions have a lot of varieties for the cultivation of which requires a certain planting material. Description pearl onion of certain varieties given in this article.

The Choice of planting material

Onions for planting, you can buy in a specialty store or prepare your own. Choose varieties of onion sets (photo presented) – this is not all. It is important that planting material is white high quality. To do this, follow these guidelines:

  • Onion sets should be a characteristic odor of this type of culture, not rot, mold, and dampness.
  • All the instances of only 1% can be dried bulbs.
  • Sets poterebit - heard the sound of a dry husk.
  • Appearance should match the color and shape of purchased varieties of onion sets.
  • Surface suitable for planting material – dense, homogeneous, without signs of defeat of infections and damage by pests.
  • Diameter of bulblets – not more than 10 mm. If this size is bigger, the plants will form the arrow.
  • It is Better to buy sets of the same size, it allows a 20% increase in yield.
    Onion sets planting material

Classification by size

While choice sets, in addition to the above criteria, great importance have the size. On this basis, planting material can be:

  • Fines – the size of the bulblets reaches 8-14 mm. This onion is considered the best for winter planting, the shooter does not form. In the spring it is not used for these purposes. But onion sets in extreme cold freezes. From the experience of gardeners: plants of these bulblets are lagging behind in development, so the fruits ripen 21 days later and they are fine.
  • Average fractions – the size of the follicles more (14-21 mm). It is planted in the spring. The shooter does not form. This is called planting podzimny.
  • Large fractions – the onion sets, according to farmers, large: 21-24 mm in diameter. It is better to use when you need to spend podzimny planting. It is no secret that in early spring, almost no vegetables is not yet ripe, and the human need for vitamins. This sets get a green feather. If you plant it in the spring, may be formed of the arrow.
  • Large fraction – onion sets with the size of 24-30 mm in diameter, recently appeared on the market. The advantage of this planting material – low price, especially in mass cultivation. Good for planting before winter. In this case, it is obtained from only the greens. Can be planted in the spring.
  • Very large fraction – this small bulb, large diameter, 30-40 mm. It is grown with the purpose of getting greens. The arrows do not form, if properly stored. Experienced growers recommend before planting bulbs to warm up.
    Onions onion variety

What are the advantages of sets of the same size?

In the same bed it is best to plant the bulbs one faction. This gives the following advantages:


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  • Increased productivity.
  • We grow the culture of predictable sizes.
  • Crop Matures simultaneously, which is important in regions with unfavorable conditions.

When choosing onion sets should pay attention to planting time and objective. Some expect to obtain a high yield of large bulbs, and other happy greens.

How to grow onion sets at home?

Guaranteed to get a good harvest, it is better to grow planting material on their own, so consider growers with experience. First you select a section that you can use for sowing seeds. Better if it is a bed, where it grows tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage. In these cultures, and Luke have different depth of roots, so the soil will not be depleted. Plant any vegetable plants in one place for three or four years in a row is not recommended.

The Seeds of the onion will feel comfortable in a Sunny site with fertile soil. Before planting beds are cleared of plant debris and perekapyvayut. In autumn, before frosts, need to fertilize the soil with manure, compost, nutrient additives, with potassium and phosphorus (30 to 40 g/m2).

In fresh manure at the moment is of no use, due to its content in the soil increases the amount of nitrogen nutrition. This element stimulates the growth of the pen, not the fetus. Before planting onion sets in spring in the ground ammonium nitrate is introduced in the calculation of the square of the square patch of 20-25 g.

Planting seeds is carried out at the end of April or the beginning of next month, when all the snow melts, will be a period of return of frost and the ground warms up. But before that seeds need to prepare: wrap in soft cloth and soak for a day. During this time they swell, and in the future will grow together. After that, they need to be dried in the shade and treat antimicrobial agents.

The fall Prepared beds again dug up, loosened and rolled down. Then make grooves to a depth of two centimeters. If this parameter is greater, the form of bulbs will be extended, if less than – the root system will get a bad development, and the harvestwill have to collect small and tasteless. A number from the range must be at a distance of 25 cm, and from the seed – 7-8. If you sow the seeds of the bowl, sprouted plants will have to decimate, and if less often – to grow large bulbs that cannot be used as planting material for next year. If large specimens still to be planted, their growth will go in the arrow. After sowing, the seedbed needs mulch and cover with foil to sudden freezing did not harm the plantings.

Onion sets at home

Onion: class and description

This culture has a great variety. Every variety has its own ripening period. There is a bow, which appears first on the table in the form of green fragrant feathers. The other grows to large heads, and it is removed from the garden closer to the fall and stored all winter.

Different grades different shape, color and especially taste. Some bulbs are juicy, they almost no bitterness, while others are bitter and pungent odor. Some varieties of onion sets with the description and photo are provided below in the article.

Strigunovskiy local

This sort of old - his use of old Russian people. Perhaps that is why he is popular today. Onion has a sharp taste, and in the hole formed some fruit - up to four pieces. Thanks to the dense Golden scales is well maintained.

The Onion has a rounded shape, its flesh is white, but the neck sometimes purple. The weight of one head reaches 45-85 g.

Grown this variety of onion sets and seeds for turnips and greens. It grows in regions with warm and cold climate. In southern areas it is grown as an annual crop, the fruit Matures in one season. In Northern areas – just fine. Has a high yield: 1,2-3,3 kg of vegetables per square meter of the ground.

Golden Semko

This bow – a hybrid. For its injection used a lot of varieties of culture of this species. The result was good - the onion tasty, Matures in the medium term, and in the nest is four heads.

Form of vegetables flat-rounded, sometimes oval. The flesh is white with green veins and pungent taste. Its weight – 51-130 g. average Yield: about three pounds of fruit per square meter.

Cultivated in regions with warm and temperate climate. For Northern regions not suitable, because it is characterized by long maturation. Southern bred seeds, in temperate latitudes – the sets.

Golden Semko


Because of its color refers to the purple varieties. Matures in the medium term. Taste hot and spicy. Used for salads, and they decorate the finished dish. The bulbs flat-rounded shape - they are similar to the plates. Scales purple color, which makes the head look beautiful. The white pulp has a purple hue. Lots of follicles – 90-105 g, and nest them in two or four pieces.

Grown in the southern and Northern regions. Divorce varieties of onions, sets and seed. If you plant early, the fruits ripen in areas with cool weather. This variety has a drawback – has sensitivity to diseases.


This bow is characterized by early maturation. Its taste is assessed as acute or Peninsula. The head has a round shape with a slight flattening. The scales are Golden and have a dense flesh white. Head weight is 50-70 g them in the nest two or three pieces. Weather permitting harvest with almost 100% ripening.

Suitable for cultivation in such regions as Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region. Bred to produce follicles and lush green feathers. For this approach only sets. When you sow seeds, grow bulbs small in size, which are planted for the next year.


Variety is characterized by a maturation in the medium term and high yields. From the garden area of one square meter were collected four kilograms. The bulbs are large and their shape is oval or rounded. The scales of a Golden or yellow-brown color, the flesh – white. It is juicy and delicious. Weight of turnips is 85-100 g, although some specimens grow to 400 g During storage in the winter is almost 100% safety.

Suitable For growing southern regions, although bred bow and in a harsher climate. Get the bulbs and the pen. Suitable for reproduction sets and seeds. This variety is resistant to disease and cervical rot.


This variety grows well and bears fruit in fertilized soil. Has frost, but experts planted in the ground at temperatures below 12 OC is not recommended, otherwise you'll have to warm up the soil or sets. Planted in the garden in winter: 21 days before the frost.

Turnip has a round-oblong shape, weighs 80 g, has a Golden color with a darker shade. For planting use sets a very large fraction – 40 mm in diameter. But the heads grow large – 80-110 mm.

They Flesh is juicy and sweet with a little bitterness. This onion is good fresh, fried and canned. Stored for a long time at home without sacrificing quality and type.

Bamberger – sweet onions


This is a Dutch hybrid. From this bow the round shape and the longshelf life in comparison with other varieties. The taste of the pulp is delicate, with notes of sharp.

This vegetable culture roots lie deep and strong, so she is not afraid of drought. The yield is very high, with a square patch in one square meter you can get eight pounds of fruit. Diluted with onion, and the best time to landing – autumn, but before the frost.

Onion sets in the spring


This is a Dutch cultivar in our country have appeared recently, but managed to win great popularity. The main advantage is the rapid maturation – for 75-85 days. Yields are low – two and a half kilograms with the square. But in the winter it is stored well.

Head of medium size, their weight is 80 g. For reviews Ogorodnikov, if the sets planted in fertile soil, take good care of her - the weight of the bulbs increases to 120 g. they Have elliptical shape, the scales are colored bright red, and the flesh was dark purple. It is characterized by juiciness, sweet flavor and pleasant aroma. This vegetable is recommended by experts in the field of dietetics for regular use in a fresh kind.


This variety is popular as it is stored for a long time, until the next year's crop. Kept pace early for 73-93 days after planting, and gives high yields. The bulbs grow large, their weight – 130 g. the Golden scales are brown. Pulp the taste of the Peninsula.

Red Baron

The Onion is characterized by early ripening, he is not afraid of the cold spring, he carries it well. The first crop can be harvested at the end of the last month of spring. While providing good care and normal growth conditions gives a good harvest, about three kilograms of vegetables per square meter.

The Bulbs are round and a dark red color, their flesh is juicy and dense, rich in high content of vitamin C. This grade has found wide application in cooking. Used in cheese, fried and also for decorating dishes. Is grown in the middle belt of our country.

varieties of onion sets photo


Is Valued for its early maturity and high yield. Fruiting is stable: three pounds of onions per square meter of the ground. Landing time falls in the spring, when the weather, the air warms to a temperature of 10 OC. the Soil at this time wet due to the melted snow. This is just what you need for this culture.

You Can plant sets in the soil and in the fall, for 21 days until frost. Outside bow covered with husk pink color, and inside the flesh is white, crisp and juicy. One head weighs 120 g. the Variety is popular because of the size of sets, which is eight centimeters.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/business/22862-onion-sets-photos-best-varieties-description.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/b-znes/40259-luk-seyanka-fota-lepshyya-gatunk-ap-sanne.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/business/39811-steckzwiebeln-fotos-die-besten-sorten-beschreibung.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/centro-de/39531-arco-sevok-la-foto-de-las-mejores-variedades-la-descripci-n-de.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/business/24473-onion-sets-photos-best-varieties-description.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/business/22395-onion-sets-photos-best-varieties-description.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/biznes/40647-luk-sevok-foto-e-zha-sy-sortty-sipattamasy.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/biznes/40404-cebula-sevok-zdj-cia-najlepsze-odmiany-opis.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/neg-cios/42144-o-arco-sevok-fotos-as-melhores-notas-descri-o.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/business/37214-yay-sevok-foto-raf-en-iyi-e-itleri-a-klama.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/b-znes/41150-cibulyu-s-yanku-foto-krasch-sorti-opis.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/business/19121-onion-sets-photos-best-varieties-description.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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