Vacuum drying of wood in drying chambers: technology, features and methods


2018-03-19 13:05:18




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The Construction industry is experiencing an active stage of technological development that is reflected in the applicable tools and methodologies of the repair and installation operations, and, of course, on the materials. Due to availability and low cost still remain as the relevance of traditional materials, including wood. Another thing is that to use it in its pure form is impossible, because even the solid rocks do not correspond to the construction norms in the protective properties. To overcome this barrier allow the special operations preparation, including drying of wood in drying chambers – technology that is improving a range of technical and physical characteristics of the material.

drying wood in drying chambers technology

Techniques of drying chambers

The Principle of drying in vacuum chambers based on the laws of evaporation and water circulation. That is the main tasks of the method are reduced to ensure optimal rapid withdrawal of moisture from the structure of the tree, but without negative consequences for performance. For the execution of this process and focused the technology in question. In practice, it is performed using special units, providing circulation of water through wood in the direction from the core to the outer part. Next is the excretion of water from the surface by evaporation. But it is important to understand that getting rid of moisture – not the only task that implements drying of wood in drying chambers. Technology also allows us to eliminate physical defects, but this applies to additional equipment such as presses. As for the technical implementation of the process, it is usually accomplished by manual loading of the material into the appropriate cell. Further, due to the heating plate Assembly automatically warming up at the background of intensive evaporation.


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Features of the method of vacuum drying

technologies and methods of wood drying

Compared to traditional kilns, the new technology cylindrical vacuum drying can achieve a high speed of the process. This is connected not only with the principle of material stress how the mechanics of loading and the location of the workpiece relative to the functional plates. But the thermal effect has its own characteristics. Since woody material is compressed between the plates under pressure, is provided by a high intensity impact on the structure – respectively, evaporates more moisture. In terms of energy consumption, too, is different from the vacuum drying of wood. Technology features in this parameter are due to the temperature rise of the plates and optimization of the physical movement of material inside the chamber. Therefore, to achieve the same with alternative methods of drying the results such cameras use less energy.

Stages of drying

stages of the drying process

Automated cameras allow without user intervention to implement a standard set of process steps, which looks as follows:

  • Warm material. The primary heat treatment in which the wood structure is prepared to the subsequent stages.
  • Directly drying. At this stage performs a combined operation of humidifying-drying, allowing to soften the material for further drying.
  • Cooling. In fact, this stage of crystallization structure, thanks to which became pliable due to the heat treatment of wood is regaining optimum toughness characteristics.

As noted above, all the stages of the drying process automatic controls, and the operator monitors the indicators of safety. But even before the event is required from the user setting the optimum drying condition. In particular, it sets the pressure and temperature, focusing on the characteristics of the material. For example, for coniferous pieces with a thickness of 2.5 cm requires a pressure of 500 kg/m2. With regard to the temperature, in this case it may reach 80 °C.

Device drying chamber

drying chamber for sawn timber with his own hands

Modern cameras are executed in the form of a parallelepiped or cylinder. The output side of the Assembly is provided with a cover, through which the operations are performed loading/unloading of the material. Moreover, the cover structure includes a rubber sheet fixed on a metal frame – this solution allows you to create an almost perfect vacuum with high sealing. Each layer of lumber is placed the heating plates, which are usually made of thermally conductive aluminum alloys. To implement the movements of the plates are provided with roller mechanisms. Due to the movement of the heaters is provided by a balanced drying of wood in drying chambers. Technology cameras manufacturer also provides connecting circuits with circulating water. Boilers with liquid are placed separately and provide their own heating. For stable maintenance of the vacuum inside the chamber hosted a special pump.

Hydraulic press

It was Already mentioned above that in the process of completing the steps of drying the wood structure softens and becomes pliable. This state is a part of the drying process is secondary and excess. In fact, to eliminate these effects and provides the final cooling stage. However, softened the structure of the material can be subjected to a hydraulic press that will deliver the workpiece from infirmity – at least ensure its rectification. Such presses are entered in the General set of capacities, which made the drying of wood in drying chambers. Pressing technology, in turn, eliminates the possible defects that were acquired by the material in the chamber. Final harvesting will be “right” strain with those parameters, which are necessary for the working of lumber.

Methods of drying

vacuum drying of wood technology features

At the moment the development of technology there are three basic methods of vacuum drying. The first two methods have already been considered – directly drying and press-vacuum preparation material. But there is also a method of steam processing in a vacuum chamber. Its relevance is due to the possibility of excluding from the chamber design of the heating plate, as the hot steam covers the entire space, without requiring a special flow patterns for individual sections of the blanks. This approach gives many advantages, which provide paramagnetically methods of drying wood. The drying chamber, for example, allow you to boot not only time-consuming manual method, but with a fork-lift loaders.

What is the effect drying?

methods for drying wood drying chambers

By Itself, dry as the process of optimising the hygroscopic properties of the wood gives a relatively high strength. This is sufficient to ensure that the material is consistent with the basic requirements of building regulations. But the large woodworking plants using the above technology and methods of drying wood as merely a preparatory stage for further processing of the material. In particular, for impregnation, which in addition will give the blanks the quality of fire resistance, moisture resistance, frost resistance, etc.

Organization drying your hands

For making your own dryer available funds in the first place will require a separate room. The size of it can fit a small utility room or hozblok. The construction preferably made of brick or concrete, and interior surfaces to isolate and insulate layers of foam with a foiled coating. The end result though is not vacuum, but a pressurized dryer boards. How to make the elements heat exposure? This should provide a few heaters or radiators – their number will be determined by the structural features of the premises and the requirements for the drying. The heating equipment and will provide the effect of evaporation. For greater efficiency you can add the function of thermal effects fans.


dryer how to make boards

During construction and repair operations is often a question of choosing between different materials. Financial constraints often exclude metal alloys and high strength plastics, leaving the only option of wood. But this solution is in many cases justified by technical characteristics, if you use a drying chamber for lumber. With your hands, without the cost of expensive radiators such cameras also do not work, but in the long run its application to investment will justify itself. As practice shows operation of structures on the basis of properly dried wood, the material can even in the harsh conditions to serve for years, without losing their primary properties. Another thing is that a lot will depend on the type of wood, which...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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