Work in the United Arab Emirates: search methods, options and other details


2019-05-12 01:20:29




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Another economic crisis, the American and Western sanctions are the reason that conversations about emigration from Russia again distinctly sounded. But the Russians and citizens of CIS countries have less go to work in Europe and America, after ascertaining that there was not all so smoothly as it might seem at first glance. Today many are attracted to work in the United Arab Emirates.

Arab Emirates

The Security, stability and unique conditions for business development – this is what distinguishes the UAE. And in this amazing country, the low level of unemployment and the majority of the population are foreigners. This determines the demand for foreign professionals in the UAE that employers will not treat the citizens of Russia and CIS countries, as attitudes towards migrants, for example, in Moscow.

Immigration laws

To legally enter the United Arab Emirates, you must apply for a visa. To “scout”, it is possible to obtain a tourist visa-it is impossible to get a job, but will work to find housing and include resume to potential employers. Tourist visa is issued on 30 days with the possibility of extension. Even got a guest visa, which is also impossible to work with. Failure to do so could face deportation from the Emirates.

If the employer has already found or made a firm decision immediately to get a job, you must obtain another work visa, so-called resident. Work in Arab Emirates for Russian available only after completing this step.


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The Document can be obtained quite easily, and extend will not be difficult. In this respect Arab Emirates more loyal than European countries and especially the United States of America. Residence visa is issued for up to three years. It is possible to find a job, start your own business and enjoy almost all the benefits of legal residence in the United Arab Emirates.

However, to obtain citizenship of the UAE will not work under any circumstances, as it is transmitted “inherited”. Citizens of the Emirates can only be children born to citizens of that country. In addition, there is no intermediate stage between a visa and citizenship, such as residence permit.

work in Arab Emirates to Russian

The business Owner or employee can open resident visa for yourself, your family. But there are a number of nuances. As the United Arab Emirates – it is a Muslim country, to issue a permit is only entitled to the head of the family, which, according to local tradition, can only be male.

Methods of job search in UAE

Working in the United Arab Emirates, you can find yourself or through an intermediary. The second option is much easier, in addition, will not have to worry about other important aspects: organizing flights, visa and many other documents, finding housing and so on. Services of such firms are from 500 to 1000 dollars, and sometimes more, depending on what is included in a specific proposal. But some of these intermediary firms are scams, so be sure to read carefully the reviews before to apply to consultants.

To find a job in the United Arab Emirates for the Russian complex, and without knowledge of the English language - even almost impossible. You can search on specialized sites job web sites hotels – they from time to time publish a list of available jobs. Another way, which is much more effective than those listed above, – is to include the summary in the required offices. This approach is actively used in the United Arab Emirates and brings good results. But if you just send a resume in electronic form, not the fact that a suitable place will be even next year.

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Requirements for foreign workers

Foreigners with high qualifications and work experience at home or abroad in United Arab Emirates job offer more likely. The demand for professionals remains high, but without knowledge of the English language and education to get work only in low-paid position. The language and without education and experience easier – you can undergo specialized courses and to get to a position where it will be career growth.

Requirements for aliens who are sent to work in Arab Emirates the following:

  1. Age 18 to 30 years, for those who are aiming for leadership positions – up to 35 years.
  2. Fluency in English. Knowledge of other languages will be an added advantage for employment.
  3. Attractive appearance. Many migrants find work in luxury hotels in the United Arab Emirates or in restaurants, and in the service sector appearance is important.
  4. Gravity. Contracts run for one to two years, so that work in the United Arab Emirates – not for those looking for seasonal earnings. But the migrants, aiming at a long stay, here easier – the whole system is set up to find the workplace for a long time.

Labor legislation

Most of the population of the United ArabEmirates – migrant workers, so the government and then facilitates the migration and labor legislation to protect and comfort the stay of foreign nationals in the country.

For Example, if a foreigner goes to the Emirates not with the purpose of finding a job, and already have an employer, all the bureaucratic concerns fall on the shoulders of the latter. In addition, work in other companies (other than the one originally adopted migrant) is prohibited when changing the place of employment need to apply for a new visa. The employer provides the employees of the migration office, which issued the document, a detailed contract with foreign workers.

the work of a doctor in the United Arab Emirates

Instead of the usual 40 in the United Arab Emirates has 48 hours. Overtime, which is not uncommon, paid extra, and often at double rate. Some large firms pay foreign employees accommodation, food, plane tickets (return ticket upon completion of contract) and a medical insurance policy. Paid leave is 28-30 days, paid sick leave – up to 90 days per year.

Pensions to migrants who have worked in the UAE, are not available, but the government is now considering this question. However, it is worth to get a individual retirement account in the Bank immediately after arrival in the United Arab Emirates.

The Penalty of prohibition to work in Arab Emirates put for early termination of the employment contract. If the employee still violated the provisions of the contract, the ban is extended for another six months. A lifetime ban as punishment is applied in very rare cases.

Market Demand

The Main work in Arab Emirates for Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russian – it is the service sector. In restaurants and hotels arranged the majority of migrants. They work as bartenders, valets, maids, entertainers, consultants in stores (need minimum knowledge of English), hostesses, waiters or security guards.

Working in the United Arab Emirates (jobs can be found on the websites of universities that maintain exchange programs) students, young scientists and teachers too. Young people can take vocational training and find a good place. For example, a good job for women in the United Arab Emirates – stewardess. The girl can take courses after College and immediately apply for a free place. Teachers and young scientists most often enter the country via exchange programmes between universities.

work in luxury hotels in the United Arab Emirates

The Needs in the workforce and the construction area. It's true that Russians don't hurry to the construction site. As a rule, such places are migrants from India, Pakistan or Iraq. Women from these countries often arrange posudomoya, cleaners, maids or prostitutes.

About working in public office is not worth dreaming. These places are available only to citizens of the country. Very difficult, but with enough desire you can get a job as a pilot in the United Arab Emirates. It is necessary to have a diploma of higher education in this field, experience, and know English language perfectly, in addition, will be required to pass the examination.

Only in the UAE employs about 100 thousand Russians. The average salary compatriots in this Muslim country is composed of nearly 3 thousand dollars, so it is not surprising the desire of many to leave their homeland in search of a better life.

Internship in hotels and restaurants

Today, many universities offer students and graduates an internship or training abroad, including in the United Arab Emirates. Such programs are completely identical to regular employment in the service sector. To get a good position, you need to have a diploma of higher education in the hospitality or restaurant business or be a student in these fields and at a sufficient level to know English.

During practice or training definitely paid a stipend, sufficient for a comfortable stay in the country. After work is possible to stay in the Emirates on a permanent job, a good reference and experience.

work for women in Arab Emirates


The Russian doctors and medical staff it is no coincidence massively go abroad, including in UAE. Being a doctor in the United Arab Emirates – prestigious, high-paying, but hard work. The medical staff put forward strict requirements:

  1. Good knowledge of English and Russian languages (including, of course, and professional vocabulary).
  2. High qualifications. This fact is confirmed in a special examination. To retake the exam twice a year.

If the specialist is licensed, you can open your own clinic, cosmetic or dental office. However, this option requires a significant financial investment.

Positive aspects of working in UAE

The Advantages having to go to work in the United Arab Emirates, the following:

  1. An Invaluable experience of interaction with foreign colleagues and employer.
  2. Receive good recommendations at the end of the contract. With such a letter to a foreigner open access inmany large companies both at home and abroad.
  3. High salary, which is almost completely retained by the employee. And all thanks to a very loyal taxation system.
  4. Full benefits package. Employers are interested in highly skilled employees that provide the foreigner with lodging, food, medical insurance, and so on.
  5. The UAE Government (in the framework of the Wage Protection System) ensures the payment of salaries even if the employer was unfair.

The Negative side of employment

There are of course negative aspects of employment in the United Arab Emirates:

  1. The Hot climate. Summer in UAE the temperature is even above 50 degrees Celsius, and at other times – 25-35 degrees. It rains only few days a year.
  2. Option is not suitable for those who are looking for temporary income and seasonal employment. All contracts with foreigners are signed for one to two years, and early termination of the migrant faces a ban on entry or further employment in the country.
  3. Muslim traditions. Islam literally everywhere, you get used to it, but at first it may be hard to follow all the traditions of the local population, and it is necessary.

work in Arab Emirates Belarus

Organization of everyday life in the Emirates

Moving to the United Arab Emirates – it is not only employment. You also need to find housing and take care of many other household nuances. As for the cost of housing, rents in the UAE capital is expensive, especially when talking about the Central areas. The visitors noted that the cost of food reasonable, petrol is cheap, car is two times cheaper than in Russia, but that's the price of entertainment and alcohol are very high.

Moving with family

To move to the UAE with family visa you need to arrange for the head of the family. Them, according to local tradition, can only be male. He also needs to find a paying job (the salary should be not less than 10 thousand dirham), buy homes (at a cost of not less than 270 thousand dollars) or to open your own business.

There are two pitfalls:

  • First, the women do not have the right to sponsor her husband or minor children, so the estate and the firm will have to issue a man;
  • Second ladies must work and individual visa, if the salary of the husband is less than 10 thousand dirham.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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