Language development: the caress is...


2018-03-23 07:08:13




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What do you have of a noun weasel? Someone — with a small and fluffy animal of prey, the other — with positively colored emotions and actions, with tenderness and warmth. What is most interesting – and the first and second are right. Meanings of the word weasel a few, and some of them are not with each other nothing. Let's try to understand in order.

What is weasel?

So, weasel is a fast, beautiful, agile animal of very small size. In the summer, her skin brownish color, and winter — as white as fresh snow. Her strong, clawed, nimble paws, well adapted to successfully climb up the trees.

predator weasel

Despite this, she prefers not to hide in the foliage, and between rocks or in the roots of giant trees.

Homonyms to the word weasel

The noun weasel has a homonym, which sounds and is spelled exactly the same as the name of the animal. But he calls the good feelings or actions, filled with tenderness toward the other person.

Morphological features

Weasel Noun consists of five letters and sounds (two vowels and three hard consonants, two of which are consonants — deaf, and one — conomy), two syllables, the stress falls on the first syllable.


The value of the animal is a household word and animate, whereas affection/tenderness refers to grammatical categories inanimate and also a household name.


Both words are nouns feminine and belong to the first declension.

tenderness of parents
Case number Questions Singular Plural
Nominative case Who? What? Weasel — it is tenderness, love, warmth, Milota, concern. LaSky know how to climb high trees and to escape from enemies.
Genitive Who? What? LaSky, wonderful companion of love, I have long been waiting for from him. Weasels Have very sharp claws that can inflict a very serious wound.
Dative Who? What? I do Not trust his demonstrative affection, usually he's not like that. Weasels don't come, son — easily bite or respectat the skin.
Accusative case Who? What? I See your vaunted affection, see your true face. Visit-ka patients grace in the nursery, I'll ask the vets and Rangers, if they need help.
The Instrumental case Who? What? I to you with affection, with all your soul, and you... Over the closed caresses the branches of the trees, today they managed to escape from kites.
Prepositional case Who? What? What do you know about the weasel? You no one ever loved you no one but himself, not love! Of the caresses I've only read children's books about animals.

Synonyms for the word weasel

What to do if the noun is before us in detail, is present in excessive quantities? Try to find related words to the word weasel.

Affectionate nature
  • Mercy: When Alexey Dmitrievich looked at this not very beautiful woman, in his warm gaze was focused all the grace in the world.
  • Kindness: Kindness came through in everything: touch, words, breath.
  • Tenderness: Tenderness is not there, it's time to leave, enough to each other.
  • Softness: the softness of the voice of the new teacher bribed and deceived the disciples.
  • Friendliness: the Basic condition of communication in the community — friendliness, respect for others and friendliness.


Antonyms — this is one part of speech having different sound and spelling and opposite meaning value.


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The Weasel — this is not:

  • Strictness: Strictness and kindness — a prerequisite of a good education.
  • Rudeness: Rudeness favorite hurt and wounded Margarita, she did not understand how it could occur, such dramatic changes in just a few days.
  • Cruelty: Cruelty — the mother of violence.


The lessons of the Russian language in the lower grades, students often have to choose different words of the same root word.

Swan fidelity

Noun Laska may well be among them:

  • Caress: to Fondle and cradle his child Marianne A. could not, perhaps, in infancy she was deprived of love and care of parents.
  • Gentle: Gentle daughter of Andrei Nikolaevich always happy arrival of his father and tried to wait for him, no matter how late he came.
  • Unkind: why are you so unkind freak!
  • Gently, to soothe the victim, a young police officer spoke to her calmly, gently, patiently.
  • Unkind: Prickly, cold eyes Nicholas looked cold, even with contempt.
  • Pet: In the last lesson we studied the diminutive suffixesadjectives.
  • Caress: No one in the world, the poor orphan Grishenko not caress, you will not regret, do not sympathize with his grief.
  • The Weasel: Mom, look, what a cute weasel with calves, come to know him better!

Interesting facts about weasel

Did you Know that the weasel is the smallest carnivore living on our green planet. By the way, she lives on every continent, lying in the Northern hemisphere.

  • This, at first glance, a cute animal is a kind of aggressiveness and courage. It can fend off a predator much larger than herself.
  • How to distinguish the affection from another predator — ermine, which is similar to her larger twin brother? The difference in the tail. LaSky it is solid.
  • Slavs in ancient times believed this beast of a Keeper at home, peace in him. And the Spaniards not the frog Princess, and the weasel saw the enchanted beauty.
  • Summer — brown in the winter — white. Talking about this mystery? Guessing: about her, about our affection!
  • This small predator can live almost as long as man. A real survivor in the world of animals!
  • The Romans domesticated weasels and kept them in homes as a Mouser.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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