As the person uses the properties of water? Water in human life


2018-03-24 07:53:16




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Water is the basic element of life support of our planet. All living beings started developing. Few people know that there are many types of water. They differ in their chemical and physical properties. People today use the properties of water in the solid state. Demand is a vital ingredient not only in household but also in cosmetology and manufacturing.

Structured water

The human Body on 80% consists of water. This figure may vary slightly depending on the age and General health. No food can exist for many living creatures. But without water we can live a few people can. Although the quality also depends. Scientists have long been interested in the question of why the inhabitants of the mountain areas have good life expectancy. The clue was in the water, which has a special composition.

how a person uses the properties of waterMountain spring water appears at those places where the snow begins to melt. This is due to its properties. Molecules are combined in the macromolecules and are organized. As a result, numerous studies have revealed that the properties of water in the solid state similar to the properties of the liquid that fills the human body. It was found that the structured melt water has huge health benefits. It is much easier to penetrate the cell wall, bringing nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is no coincidence that structured water is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It is only daily to wash her face will Shine with health and youth.


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Living and dead water

About the healing properties of water people know for a long time. Natural pure water, which is located in the mountain springs and rivers that can help in the treatment of a serious illness, prolong life. It is called alive. Found in nature is also dead water. It is located in the abandoned lakes and wells. Stagnant water, on the contrary, is a danger to human health.

the properties of water in the solid stateScience is not in place. Living today pure water is not uncommon. In order to take advantage of its unique properties, it is not necessary to go to the mountain river. A quality product can be obtained by electrolysis. Are used special devices-activators. The currents in water are negative and positive ions. The liquid becomes alkaline properties, and its structure becomes identical with the water in mountain rivers. The living water promotes absorption of food, improves blood circulation. In cosmetics product is also used.

Drinking water

In ancient times, there is no question where to draw water for daily use. After all, the environmental situation was not so serious as it is now. A huge number of plants and cars, global warming and the growth of the population has done its job. At the beginning of this century, the shortage of drinking water touched 40% of the planet's inhabitants. Scientists project that this figure will increase significantly in a few decades. Because the water in the river without treatment may not be used in the home.

clean waterIn our country the drinking water supplied to the people due to its Central water supply. It is taken from underground sources. But before the use of water will be possible, it is subjected to numerous ochistka. In many sources it may not be suitable for drinking. It demineralized and begin to use in industry and manufacturing. Properties of water in solid state can be used for cooling of various devices.

Fresh water

Fresh is the water with minimal salt content. In some sources this figure rises to only 0.1%. The water in this case is not necessarily in the form of a liquid. It can also be in the form of gas or ice. It should be noted that the supply of fresh water on the planet is negligible and is only 2.5%. However, only 1% available for humans to use in everyday life. As the person uses the properties of water? It all depends on the ultimate goal. Fresh water can be used for cooking, for cosmetic purposes, for cooling devices in the production etc. In most cases, salt will not work.

waterEvery day is freshwater is getting smaller. This is caused by environmental pollution, significant population growth, the greenhouse effect. Soon for domestic purposes will have to use other types of water. And while scientists are doing everything to learn how to get fresh water by artificial means. People create bodies of water and learning how to save.

The Main sources of fresh water

Primarily uses water from surface sources. This is the rivers and lakes. In the home can also be pre-treated underground water. Part freshwater is obtained from precipitation. A huge amount of liquid located in the glaciers (over 80%). Global warming can cause the glaciers begin to melt, reducing the amount of fresh water. And properties of water in solid state can be successfully used to save that necessary for the life of the product.

Today, the main supply of fresh water is concentrated in Brazil. Second place is occupied by the CIS countries. Only one lake Baikal contains 20% of world reserves. The volume is more than 20 thousand cubic kilometers. The composition and properties of water in the lake are distinguished by their uniqueness. Baikal allows you to improve your health and bring order to the psychological state.

Tap water

The water in the apartments and the house goes through a special system – water. Liquid pre-passes several stages of purification. If the home also install a filter, water can be drunk straight from the tap. System of maintenance of her is formed by metal pipes. The quality of communication depends the gaseous property of water. Liquid with more impurities evaporate quickly under the high temperatures. Eat such water is undesirable.

Before the water gets to the people, it is conducted through the cleaning station. Here her defend, filtered through a special grid, conduct primary and secondary chlorination. Such procedures help to remove the harmful impurities, rid the water of pathogenic microorganisms. If the operation is a cleaning station is established correctly, tap water may be consumed.

Hard water

Hard is one in which is heavily concentrated salts of magnesium and potassium. There are different types of water with more impurities. This total hardness, temporary and permanent. The total hardness is determined by the concentration of all salts in the water in the primary condition. The constant can be determined only after the water is boiling. The amount of chlorides and sulphates. These salts do not break down under high temperature and precipitates.

gaseous waterTemporary hardness can be changed. This occurs also in the process of boiling. If the temperature is above 80 degrees dissolved bicarbonates. The result is carbonate sediment. That is why after boiling, the water becomes much softer. As a person uses the properties of water in the soft condition? Such a fluid would be more acceptable for human consumption. For cosmetic purposes hard water is also undesirable to use.

How to determine water hardness?

There are several signs that will help to determine whether exceeds the number of salts in the water normal. Look at things after washing. If they become more stringent, and the white color becomes yellow, you should pay attention to the composition of the water. Salts can react detergents. This can be seen even while washing dishes. The sponge will produce less foam, and can appear white flakes.

Scale – this is the first sign of water hardness. If the kettle quickly acquires precipitation after boiling, you should think about purchasing additional treatment device. After washing, the hard water there is a feeling of tightness and dryness. The fluid washes away the natural protective layer of the skin. Soft water allows you to keep your face hydrated.

Deionized water

Is water that has gone through several major stages of purification. As a result of the liquid removed salt ions and impurities, increases level of resistance. Such water does not exist in nature. It is only thanks to the multi-level cleaning. First the water passes through the filter. Further the procedure is carried out using ion-exchange resins.

composition and properties of waterDeionized water-this is the most pure liquid, which is used by people. As a person uses the properties of water? In the first place in cosmetology. Various masks and creams, prepared with deionized water, possess excellent properties. The skin is moisturized, reduces the number of wrinkles and acne. Deionized water may also be used in medicine. On liquid basis prepare various medicines.

Distilled water

Water for industrial purposes is purified by distillation. Thus obtained liquid without impurities and pathogens. You do not have to think about the useful properties of water. The world of fluid with such composition has not. The problem is that in the process of cleaning it also gets rid of beneficial microorganisms. This water is also called “dead”. This liquid has specific physical properties. She has a low conductivity, and boils at a higher temperature. Distilled water is used in heating, cooling various elements of the instrument.

Bidistilled water

Bidistillate – is another way of water purification from impurities and microorganisms. The result is a completely clear liquid. This water has a conductivity less than 1 µs/cm As a person uses the properties of water this kind? Primarily treated liquid is used in medicine. For injections need water of high quality. This liquid is also used for conducting various laboratory tests.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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