Cheka: the deciphering of the abbreviations. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission


2018-03-24 13:06:08




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To understand the current situation in the political arena, it is necessary to see the events of the past and studying history. Most strongly in the current situation has affected the last century. So, the events that resulted in the creation of the Cheka and the actions of this state authority, is very affected policies.

General information

All-Russian Extraordinary Commission – on national security, with all the powers to implement the elimination of the counterrevolution in the period of the Soviet regime and the Civil war. The Cheka was created in 1917.

VChK transcript

Reasons for the creation of the Cheka

After the October revolution, the authorities began a revolutionary transformation. This resulted in major changes in the lives of ordinary people, and the people began to organize an uprising. To avoid problems, government authorities were forced to create a special device that would suppress the resistance to the new government. They became the Cheka - all-Russian extraordinary Commission. The decryption of this abbreviation allows us to understand its main functions. The authority was created on 7 December, as its head was appointed Dzerzhinsky.


For the first few months of existence, the Cheka was a very limited level of authority. The Commission had the right to deal exclusively with the preliminary investigation. But soon her field of action has expanded considerably. In February 1918, the Cheka received emergency law and from this moment you could make reprisals against rebellious without trial. That is the power given to representatives of the Commission complete freedom of action, they could carry out a lynching flesh before the shooting.


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In a very short time there were created a number of units, and the Cheka (abbreviation - Russian Extraordinary Commission) was now free to act anywhere. During the first half of 1918 acted 365 40 County and provincial commissions. KGB representatives worked in the red Army on the border and even engaged in counterintelligence activities abroad.

Methods of work of the Cheka

Transcript of all the points of the activities of the Cheka belonged to Peru, the leader of the proletariat V. I. Lenin, who not only developed, but also theoretically substantiated all the provisions. In the state apparatus, Lenin singled out the Commission's exclusive place. “Punishing sword of the revolution” worked in a variety of methods ranging from the confiscation of property and imprisonment in concentration camps, ending with the hostage-taking and terror. In addition, security officers achieved their goals by means of provocations, the introduction of agents into a number of foreign anti-Soviet organizations.

all-Russian extraordinary CommissionIn the scope of activities of the Cheka consisted of many different methods, but most of them in one way or another directly relates to terrorist. The KGB engaged in the suppression of anti-Bolshevik rebellions, conspiracies of foreign intelligence services, the provision of transport, the fight against homelessness and fever. The revolutionary ideas of the Commission could promote in their publications.

Security officers

It is Impossible to explain what the Cheka, without telling more details about the KGB, the people who were members of the Commission. The authorities paid much attention to the staff of this body, trying to send only the best shots. In the entire existence of the Commission, its Director, was one of the key members of the Bolshevik party – F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Other major positions held on prominent Bolsheviks, who were also professional revolutionaries. The most famous was J. H. Peters, M. S. Kedrov, M. S. Uritsky, etc.causes of the creation of the Cheka

The Number of Communists, who were members of the Cheka, was the number at 50%, it was the highest among all government agencies. But got there and disadvantaged people with a criminal past, sometimes even with mental disorders, which became full members of the Cheka. The interpretation of this concept, it would seem, cannot admit such, however, such facts took place, especially in the committees. The members of the Cheka were able to use unlimited power without taking into account any legal rules and morality.


The Methods used by members of the Cheka, causing a lot of anti-Soviet speeches, the discontent of the common people and even the Soviet intelligentsia, loyal attitude to the Bolshevik government. All this has led to that extraordinary Commission, which was now above all the authorities have created all conditions for prosperity of terror and mass repressions, which began in the 30-ies.what is Cheka


The Power of the Cheka infiltrated into all areas of Soviet life and began to actively promote the “red terror”. As a result, it led only to the fact that the organization's actions affected many people. All this happened solely because of unlimited power, the Cheka (the explanation of the concept given above). Analysis of the events that occurred because of the Commission, allows us to understand how exaggerated were her powers, and how many problems it has brought.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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