Inexplicable and interesting facts about Earth


2018-03-25 15:30:13




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The Earth — the only known planets, which with confidence can be called populated. Today is a defining moment that distinguishes our space house from similar objects. However, interesting facts about Earth with him just beginning. Despite the fact that the answers to many mysteries of the planet are right under your feet and over your head, scientists are very much still can't explain. On the other hand, among the accumulated information are often found in more amazing facts than other events of deep space.

Bygone days

To the distant ancestors of any people all the unexplained facts on the Ground were evidence of the presence of supernatural forces: gods, spirits, fairies and witches. However, in the most distant from us in time era were found to have inquiring minds that sought otherwise to explain what is happening. They found the patterns learned to predict certain phenomena, creating theories about the world. The myth about the Earth resting on the backs of huge animals, which arose in the course of such attempts to understand the surrounding nature, extremely tenacious. It is still common, for example, from the Indians. According to their model of the universe, the Earth rests on the back of a turtle and flinches every time she takes a step.

the myth of the land


Scientists, of course this explanation of earthquakes does not satisfy. Today, almost everyone knows that the reason for this phenomenon — the movement and collision of tectonic plates. However, with earthquakes due to the many facts not known to most, some of them still remain unexplained.


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Interesting facts about Earth include, for example, the following statistics:

  • Each year, worldwide there are about 500 thousand earthquakes, and every day their number reaches 8 thousand, but most of them imperceptible;
  • Visible for the person, there are about 55 thousand times a year;
  • Earthquake bringer of destruction and having a magnitude of from 5 to 8.9, not happen more than 1,000 times a year;
  • The most disastrous in its consequences, fortunately, very rare — about once in 20 years.

interesting facts about earth

Interestingly, complete disappearance of earthquakes and volcanic activity would mean the cessation of tectonic activity. This is possible after completion of all processes that occur in the bowels. Oddly enough, similar to humans is very undesirable because it is a sign of the end of the differentiation of the subsoil, and hence loss of Land as the primary source of energy, “heated” her. We can say that the earthquake — a sign of life on the planet.

Strange flash

There are quite unusual facts about the Earth associated with the shaking of the firmament. According to the testimony of many witnesses, these phenomena are accompanied by not only destruction and aftershocks, but also the bright flashes. Physicist from Italy, Cristiano FERPA gathered a large number of references to such phenomena, covering a lot of sources up to the year 2000 BC. However, scientists drew attention to this evidence only after the publication of the photos taken during the earthquake in 1966 in Japan.

Today there are many such images. Sometimes quite difficult to understand, fake or not. However, the explanation of the phenomenon is still not found.

unbelievable facts about earth


The Cause of volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountain building lies in the movements of tectonic plates. It also leads to what scientists call continental drift. Through this process, interesting facts about the Earth are supplemented by information about the existence in the distant past of several supercontinents that broke up and after a time "going" again, but in a slightly different configuration. The last one is named Pangaea. However, the most interesting on Earth in this perspective is that the process continues at the present time. The plates each year travels the distance of a few centimeters, that is, in the future, in about 250 million years, formed a new unified continent.

Moving stones

What explains the movement of tectonic plates, so that changing the position of the strange stones in the famous Death valley in California. They are on the surface of the dry lake and leave clear footprints, slowly moving through it. Numerous studies and observations have produced small results — scientists still can't explain the movement of rocks. We only know that in 7 years, they walk about 200 m, but no one has ever seen how they move. The largest “activity” stones fall in winter.

the unexplained facts on the ground

Wonders nearby

Interesting facts about the topography of such Lands are not only of American origin. Strange stones called trovanti, there are in Romania. Living next to them, people say they know how to multiply. The curved stone gradually build up, which after some time “Bud” continue to grow, and rather quickly. Comprehensive explanations “behavior” boulders there. In some theories they are described as the silicon life form.

InKolpnyanskom area Orel region there are also unusual rocks. They periodically start to grow, like a sprouting seed. Some local residents refer to the boulders as a Shrine. It is believed that touching it gives strength and health.

 unusual facts about the earth

The Earth's Magnetic field: interesting facts

If you look at photos of stones from Death valley, it may seem that something attracts. One is forced to recall that our planet is a huge magnet. Interestingly, the origin of the magnetic field of the Earth also belongs to the category of facts without a clear scientific explanation. The main hypothesis States that it comes from the liquid part of the core consisting of alloys of iron and Nickel. However, not all the facts such hypothesis can explain.

The Researchers found that the cooling of lava can tell us about the direction and strength of the magnetic field. It was learned the samples of different time. It turned out that the field strength in some periods of the history of the planet has greatly diminished. This fact and the dependence of the field and solar activity is due to another hypothesis of the origin of the magnetism of the planet. According to her, the main role in the process is water-the ocean air. Water evaporates, electrified and gets a positive charge. When it accumulates negative ions. Due to the rotation of the planet creates the flow of charged particles, that is actually current. And, as we know from school physics course, where an electric current, there is a magnetic field.

interesting about the earth


Many unbelievable facts about the Earth have emerged from people. Unfortunately, quite often they have a negative connotation. In history there are also cases where the decision of a small group of people led to rather strong changes of the landscape. An impressive example of this — the Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan. This is a profound failure, in which the raging flames. About 35 years ago, this was followed by the development of gas. In the production area, where is located the camp of geologists, has fallen into a deep cave. Down for things there were no volunteers, since all the resulting hole was filled with natural gas. It was set on fire. It still burns, and it is unknown when this man-made miracle will cease to delight and frighten local residents.

Interesting facts about Earth are endless. With the development of science, you receive the explanation of an increasing number of mystical phenomena are just strange natural processes. At the same time study make a contribution to the Treasury of interesting information: every year scientists discover something new, the existence of what did not guess.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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