Power formula. Force - (physics)


2018-03-25 20:36:15




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The Word “power” so comprehensive, that to give him a clear concept – a task almost impossible. Diversity is the strength of the muscle to the power of reason does not cover the whole range of sub concepts. Force, considered as a physical quantity that has a specific meaning and definition. Power formula specifies the mathematical model: the dependence of the forces on the basic parameters.

History study of forces includes determining based on the parameters and experimental evidence of the dependency.

Force in physics

Strength – a measure of interaction of bodies. the Mutual action of bodies upon each other completely describes the processes associated with change of speed or deformation of bodies.

the power formulaAs a physical quantity the force has a unit of measure (in SI system-Newton) and the instrument for its measurement-a dynamometer. The principle of operation of dynamometer based on a comparison of the force acting on the body with the elastic force of a spring dynamometer.

The force of 1 Newton accepted the force under which a body of mass 1 kg changes its velocity by 1 m in 1 second.

The Force as a vector quantity is defined:

  • Direction;
  • Point of application;
  • Module, absolute value.

Describing the interaction, be sure to specify these parameters.

The Types of natural interactions: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak. The gravitational force (the force of gravity with its variety – the force of gravity) exist because of the influence of the gravitation fields surrounding any body having mass. The research fields of gravitation is not finished until now. To find the source of the field is not yet possible.


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A Larger number of forces arises from the electromagnetic interaction of atoms that make up matter.

The pressure

When interacting body with the Earth it exerts a pressure on the surface. The pressure force, the formula for which is: P = mg, determined by body mass (m). The acceleration of gravity (g) has different values at different latitudes of the Earth.

Force vertical pressure equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the elastic force arising in the support. Power formula this changes depending on the movements of the body.

Change weight

The Action of the body on the support due to interaction with the Land often referred to as body weight. Interestingly, the magnitude of the weight depends on the acceleration of movement in the vertical direction. In the case where the direction of the acceleration is opposite to the acceleration of free fall, an increase in weight. If the acceleration of a body coincides with the direction of free fall, the weight of the body decreases. For example, while rising in the Elevator, in early recovery the person feels weight gain some time. To assert that its mass is changing, not necessary. Thus share the concept of “weight” and “weight”.

Spring Force

If you change the shape of the body (its deformation) there is a force that tends to return the body to its original shape. This force was given the name "elastic force". It occurs due to electric interactions of the particles which compose the body.

elastic force formula

Consider a simple deformation: tension and compression. The stretching is accompanied by an increase in linear dimensions of the bodies, compression – decrease. The quantity characterizing these processes is called the elongation of the body. Let's call it "x". The formula for the elastic force is directly related to elongation. Every body undergoing deformation, has its own geometrical and physical parameters. The dependence of the elastic deformation resistance properties of the body and the material of which it is made, is determined by the coefficient of elasticity, let's call it stiffness (k).

A Mathematical model of the elastic interaction is described by Hooke's law.

Force due to deformation of the body, is directed against the direction of displacement of the individual parts of the body, is directly proportional to its elongation:

  • FY = -kx (vector records).

The “-” says the opposite directions of deformation and strength.

In scalar form, a negative sign is missing. Elastic force, the formula for which is as follows FY = kx, is used only in elastic deformation.

The Interaction of the magnetic field with the current

The Influence of magnetic field on direct current is described by ampere's law. The force with which the magnetic field acts on a current-carrying conductor placed in it is called the ampere force.

The Interaction of the magnetic field from a moving electric charge causes a force manifestation. Ampere force, the formula for which is F = IBlsinα, depends on the magnetic induction field (B), the length of the active part of the conductor (l), current (I) in the conductor and the angle between the direction of current and magnetic induction.

ampere force formula

Thanks to the latest dependencies, it can be argued that the vector of the magnetic field may change when you rotate the conductor or the direction of the current. The left-hand rule allows you to set the direction of action. If the left arm placed so that the magnetic induction were in the palm, four fingers were aimed at the current in a conductor, it is bent at 90° the thumb will show the direction of the magnetic field.

Use thisthe impact of humanity found, for example, in electric motors. The rotation of the rotor is called the magnetic field created by a powerful electromagnet. Power formula gives an indication about the possibility of changes in engine power. With the increase in the current value field or the torque increases, which leads to an increase in engine power.

The particle Trajectories

The Interaction of the magnetic field with a charge widely used in mass spectrographs in the study of elementary particles.

The Action field in this case causes a force called the Lorentz force. When injected into a magnetic field moving with a certain speed of a charged particle Lorentz force, the formula for which is F = vBqsinα, causes motion of a particle on a circle.

In this mathematical model v – module to the particle velocity, the electric charge which – q – the magnetic induction field, α – the angle between the directions of velocity and magnetic induction.

the Lorentz force formula

A Particle moves in a circle (or arc of circle), because the force and velocity directed at an angle of 90° to each other. Changing the direction of linear velocity causes the acceleration.

The left-hand Rule discussed above takes place in the study of the Lorentz force: if the left hand positioning so that the magnetic induction were in the palm of his hand, four fingers extended in line, were sent by speed positively charged particles, bent by 90° the thumb will show the direction of the force.

current formula

Problems plasma

The Interaction of the magnetic field and substances used in cyclotrons. The problems associated with laboratory study of plasma do not allow to maintain it in closed vessels. Highly ionized gas can only exist at high temperatures. To keep the plasma in one place in space by magnetic fields the spinning gas in the form of a ring. Controlled thermonuclear reactions can be studied, also spinning high-temperature plasma in the cord by means of magnetic fields.

An Example of the action of the magnetic field under natural conditions in the ionized gas – the Northern lights. It is a majestic sight observed in the Arctic circle at an altitude of 100 km above the earth's surface. Mysterious colorful glow of gas were able to explain only in the twentieth century. The earth's magnetic field near the poles could not prevent the penetration of the solar wind into the atmosphere. The most active radiation directed along lines of magnetic induction that causes the ionization of the atmosphere.

power formula

The Phenomena associated with the movement of charge

Historically, the main quantity that characterizes the flow of current in the conductor is called amperage. Interestingly, this concept is nothing to do with force in physics has. The strength of the current, the formula for which includes the charge flowing per unit time through a unit cross section of the conductor has the form:

  • I = q/t, where t-time of flow of charge q.

In fact, current – the value of the charge. Unit of measurement is the Ampere (A), in contrast to N.

Definition of the power

Force the substance is accompanied by the performance of the work. Work force – a physical quantity, numerically equal to the product of force into displacement, passed under its action, and the cosine of the angle between the directions of force and displacement.

The Desired work force, the formula for which has the form A = FScosα, includes the magnitude of the force.

power pressure formula

The Action of the body is accompanied by a change of velocity of a body or deformation, which speaks of the simultaneous energy changes. The work force is directly dependent on the value.

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AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/education/8688-power-formula-force---physics.html

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DE: https://tostpost.com/de/bildung/15596-formel-kraft-energie---formel-physik.html

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ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/education/9446-power-formula-force-formula-physics.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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