What is the middle ages, what is this era? Middle ages: definition, timeline, and periodization


2018-03-26 06:16:17




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“the Middle ages” is a term coined much later time, it is marked. It was imposed initially, in order to determine the time for a strict ban on all things connected with Antiquity. This was the period that followed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, and lasted until the beginning of the Renaissance when interest in Ancient Rome and Greece broke out with new force.

Time-frame range

what is the middle agesApproximately it is limited to VI and XVI centuries, and this Millennium is called the middle Ages. But, of course, the precise time of the middle ages is not installed. Opinions very much. Called and the end of the XVII century, after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 (one of the borders the end of the middle Ages), with a few interruptions was one thing after another epoch-making events, giving more freedoms to mankind. And each of them have a certain group of historians is the end date "dark times", although this term is more appropriate in relation to the Early and Middle Ages. The watershed to date include the discovery of America (1492) and the beginning of the reformation (the fight against the abuse of the Catholic Church) attributable to 1517. Then came the English revolution, ending the Thirty years war, the conclusion of the Westphalian peace and the equal rights of Catholics and Protestants. And each of these momentous European events is considered by medievistiki as possible the final time frame of the middle ages.

Miscellaneous schools – different views

Representatives of medievistiki studied mainly the history of the European middle Ages, but similar events occurred in Russia and further in Asia, Africa, out in the open just America. Among scientists are proponents of long Ages. In their theories they are based on more complete data about a radical change in all layers of human society. The beginning of a New time, they consider the beginning of the French revolution. There is no consensus concerning the beginning of this time period. In “the history of mankind” - encyclopedia of UNESCO - the border between the Ancient world and middle Ages is connected with the time of emergence of Islam. Obviously, every scientist has a right to their point of view.


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The Vastness of the concept

time frame of the middle agesSo what is ‘middle ages"? This is, by the standards of human history, relatively short period, including a lot. Varied stages of development of society, new religions and countries have opened up continents and produced great scientists that changed view of the world and science in General, has been “great migration". Obviously, such a multifaceted concept need to be considered in different planes. Because, really, considering the atrocities of the Inquisition, as she brutally suppressed even the hint of dissent, the end of that time, you have to consider the equation in the rights of representatives of different faiths, not the appearance of the masterpieces of the geniuses of the Renaissance.


What is the Middle ages? Briefly it sounds like - a period of historical development of society between Antiquity (Ancient world) and the New time. Another thing, where Antiquity ends and the New times begin. Each historical stage has its own socio-economic system: Antiquity – the slave system, the middle Ages-feudal, New time – the capitalist. The time frame of the middle ages in Europe, and not only coincide with feudalism completely, but, for example, in Russia, his remains were destroyed in October 1917. In some countries the vestiges of feudalism have not been overcome until now. In respect of Europe researchers opinions vary. It is argued that for a long time, medieval society was mixed, and in all areas. Obviously, it was not because the team is changing formations.


The Common version is that the emergence, dominance and decay of feudalism - this is the era of the Middle ages. And the term itself was introduced by the Italian humanists (for example, Flavio Biondo), which directed considerable efforts to the revival of classical Latin. the middle ages is They marked the period preceding their time and separated from their associate-gods of antiquity, the phrase medium aevum, sounds like "me they euim”, which means “middle age”. No matter how short-lived the Middle ages in comparison with the existence of the Ancient world, different periods was characterized by distinctive features, and therefore, there is a periodization of the Middle ages.

The Necessity of periodization

It is a division of the 12th-century domination of this historical period into three main periods. The first kind of time stretching from the end of V century to the middle of the XI, and it is called the Early middle Ages. Classic, or the High middle Ages, came from the previous step (XI century) and ended in the XIV century. Later, at the end of the middle Ages, also called the Early New time. His period of XIV-XVI century. Historiography of the XX century has changed under the influence of the French school, formed around the journal «Annals», in whose honor was named. They put forward the idea of “longMedieval”.

Features of Early middle Ages

the periodization of the middle agesThe Beginning of the Middle ages coincides with a significant expansion of space, which is born of Western European civilization. A characteristic feature of the Early middle Ages is the formation of States in England, France, Saxony, Russia. During this period, lasting approximately 5 centuries, has been “great migration", which is based on the invasion of the Huns from Asia into Eastern Europe, which was the periphery of the Western Roman Empire. Pushed back by the Huns the peoples moved mainly on the territory of Gaul, Spain, Italy and Dacia. Another feature of this historical period is the transition from paganism to the Christian religion, taking place under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, whose role in this time period is difficult to overestimate.

The Empire of the Franks

The Middle ages – this is the rule of the Church. She was the core of the entire Western civilization, it has United the people, and she was the center of culture. Established and new industrial relations – there is a feudalism, which is based on the dominance of large land ownership. We can not say about the emergence in this period of the state francs, which the regulations of the dynasty of the Carolingians, whose representative, Charles the Great, unified the territory, approaching in size to the footprint of the Western Roman Empire. Save and the Empire has failed. For the Early middle Ages, generally characterized by the fluidity of boundaries of the emerging States. Everything is in the process of education and formation. Begin to develop certain literary directions – the Early middle Ages was a Golden time for the emergence of a Heroic epic. Generally called "middle ages” – «lay» and the French ‘Song of Roland" Spanish "Poem of the CID" and German "Nibelungenlied". So the times were not quite the “dark”.

War and rebellion as the engines of progress

The name of the next stage - “high”, “classic”, “Mature” the middle Ages - suggests that this period ended and flourished (became the most productive) all started in the previous time.  middle ages Finally formed feudal relations, strengthened centralized power, formed the estate-representative monarchy (when drafting laws participated the representatives of different classes). This era had unique characteristic features – begin to emerge parliaments and political parties. Not spared this time, and bloody party strife. Which claimed a quarter of the population of the country the dynastic war of the roses, when part of the population, loyal to the genera of the Plantagenets-Lancaster and killed supporters of Yorkies, that is, the British destroyed the British. Another feature of this period is the peasant uprising, for example, John ball and Wat Tyler in England.

Treasures of medieval architecture

the beginning of the middle agesWhat is the Middle ages? This is a great architecture which combines 4 styles - “the Carolingian revival’ (named after the ruling dynasty in the Frankish state), Ottonian art (on behalf of the representative of the Saxon dynasty, Otto I the Great), Romanesque and Gothic styles. The heyday of the latter originated in France in the twelfth century, and was at the time of the Late middle Ages. Throughout Europe is scattered with fascinating examples of these architectural styles. And “Gothic” is actually the ornament of Europe, its calling card. Cologne Cathedral (1248-1437), Notre Dame de Paris (1163-1437), Gothic churches and cathedrals of Prague - what can compare with this mysterious beauty. They are not in the least inferior to the masterpieces of the Renaissance.

The Horrors of the dark Ages

What is the Middle ages? This is the Great famine, pandemic plague, or Black death, that the Inquisition, the bloody Crusades and the Jacquerie – a major antifeudal uprising of the French peasants (Zhakov-suckers) in 1358. However, the Later middle Ages is also called the Early modern time, there began a rapid growth in all directions – strengthened the city developed crafts, originated manufactory, trade was gaining momentum. Have been enormous changes in social, cultural, scientific and political life of Europe. Decline of the papacy – the stem of the middle Ages. The change of formation was prepared by a hitherto unknown size and power of the riots of the lower strata of the population – the Dutch revolt and the Great peasant war in Germany.

The Traditional understanding

In our time, the periodization of the Middle ages is based on each country's characteristics, but also with the recognition that in one form or another, this historical process is common to all countries in the world. Therefore, specific time limits no. XVII century-a time when feudal relationships go stale, and starts the birth of capitalism.defining the middle ages

But the misery that came in the XV century - the famine, the terrible disease, the atrocities of the Inquisition, create a grim picture, as if by the brush of Hieronymus Bosch, and are associated with the middle Ages. So oftenonly the definition of the Middle ages are not the great works of literature and architecture, Great discoveries, and the fires on which heretics were burned, including Giordano Bruno, scary white mask with a long beak, in which doctors went through the dirty streets of plague cities. At that time Europeans still did not wash. Therefore, long term “medieval” is synonymous with such concepts as “dense”, “backward”, “scored".

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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