Nits - what's that?


2018-03-26 07:15:07




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"SIC" is the word obsolete about ten years ago. About what literature it met and in some cases was used, explained in this article.

SIC it


So Nits — this is the part of speech that is not used by our contemporaries. With the exception of some areas, which are discussed below. The word came in Russian language from old Church Slavonic. The dialect that was used by our ancestors, you can find a synonym "down." In the speech of inhabitants of Kievan Rus over time, it became increasingly rare to meet, but always in the Church's vocabulary. And there acquired a slightly different meaning.

Religious literature

"SIC" is the word that the Scriptures itself is not found. Only as part of phrases, for example, with the verb "to fall". What does this idiomatic expression? According to one of the dictionaries, "fall down" is a symbolic act designed to Express the highest degree of humility. Believers do it with fervent prayer. Of course, not only the authors of Orthodox literature in the use of this word. Not just the dialect found in the "New Testament".

"SIC" — that's retarded. Old words poets and writers in his works used to give solemnity. Here are some examples.


In the story the great Russian writer of the noble robber is also found in the aforementioned phrase. Similar expressions for the beginning of the XIX century, it was somewhat outdated. In "Dubrovsky" it is found in the Chapter which describes the arrival into the possession of the hero minions Troyekurov. The peasants deeply devoted to the former owner, but when he saw aides of his enemy, "fall prostrate." Such is the force of habit of the Russian serf. Thus, we see that the adverb "SIC" is found not only in Church literature.


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SIC it


"Fall down" — what's this? First of all expression of extreme devotion. The phrase is also found in Pushkin's "Boris Godunov". It is found in Lermontov. However, this has a different phrase — "to lie prostrate on the earth." Apparently, the phrase that occurs in the poem "Mtsyri", in the eighth Chapter, used by the author in order to emphasize the humility of his characters.

"SIC" is "touching the ground". In Western European languages, the equivalents of the adverb is, but they can be found in the works of authors of the 18th and 19th century. For example, in the novel "Elixirs of Satan", owned by Peru of the romantic writer Hoffman. The hero of this book was what today is called a split personality. From time to time he seemed possessed by a demon, but this condition quite suddenly gave way to a bout of extreme humility. Then the character went to the temple where they prostrate and began to furiously read a prayer.

The word the meaning of which we reviewed, is a homonym. Namely, Nits — a small settlement located on the territory of Germany.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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