Australia: form of government, description, history and interesting facts


2018-03-27 06:29:12




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Australia – a country that is located in the southern hemisphere and is considered the smallest continent. The country consists of six States controlled by governors, and two territories. Not everyone knows what form of government in Australia, so in this article we will look at this topic.

Australia's form of government


The Head of state is Queen of Britain. It is the Governor General. Australia is a former colony, so it is part of the British Commonwealth. Dominant religion-Christianity, and the primary language – English. Australia, the form of government which is a constitutional monarchy, has its own laws and practices as any other country.


Australia is a country of immigrants. The first aborigines arrived on the continent of Asia 50 thousand years ago. Before the arrival of Europeans they were mainly engaged in picking fruit and hunting. In the seventeenth century the coast explored by Dutch navigators. The development of the continent began with John cook, who announced found land New South Wales. In January 1788 to the shores of the country came to the ship with British convicts, and January 26, they began to land on the mainland of Australia. That is why this date is considered the Day Australia. Sending convicts to the colony lasted for several decades, moreover, to the mainland arrived immigrants from the British Isles. A huge impact on the economy of the state had a gold rush 1850-1860 years, which at that time supplied a third of all the world's gold.

Look at Australia. The capital Canberra form of government

In 1927, was an artificially created capital, Canberra. After that it was identified as an independent administrative unit. The creators have built a capital for reconciliation in Melbourne and Sydney. Was soon adopted by the legislative act-the Statute of Westminster, by which the country gained full independence in all internal and external Affairs, she has kept in touch with the British government. Now the capital of Australia performs a single function – management. There is a House of the Parliament, and the headquarters of all political, public and state organizations.


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Australia. The form of government and polity

The Executive power assigned to the government, which is led by the Prime Minister. The party that wins the most votes in the General elections forms the government. Australia, the form of government which is a constitutional monarchy country with its own laws. This form of government means that the country is ruled by a monarch, but his power is limited by the Constitution. Australia, the form of government which involves the formation of a Federal state, along with the United Arab Emirates combines two or more state-territorial formations. While it retains political independence. Italy, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus – countries with a Republican form of government. Australia's is a Federal state.

what form of government in Australia

Interesting facts about Australia

1. On the country's coat of arms depicts an ostrich and a kangaroo. They were chosen because they can only move forward. This symbolizes the direction of the country – forward.
2. Is the driest inhabited continent on Earth.
3. It is the smallest continent, which is both the largest island on earth.
4. Most species of poisonous snakes live here. Coastal Taipan, which is the most terrible and poisonous snake, is found in Australia. The venom contained in its bite that can kill a hundred people.
5. It is the only continent where there is not a single volcano.
6. In the local mountains each year more snow falls than the Alps.

Australia's form of government and polity7. Here is the longest straight road in the world. Its length is 146 kilometers.
8. Australia, the form of government which is a constitutional monarchy, is among the ten most sparsely populated countries in the world.
9. The country has more than 10 thousand beaches. If you go every day to another beach, even in 27 years it is impossible to visit each of them.
10. Here dwells a lot of poisonous spiders. Moreover, two kinds of the most venomous spiders in the world.
11. The country has the largest population of wild camels. There are about 750 thousand. Very often they harm the farms of the locals, so to control the population of them regularly shoot.
12. The longest fence in the world are built in Australia. In length it exceeds even wall of China, reaching almost six kilometers. As we all know, it was built to control the migration of dogs Dingo.
13. The Australian ugg boots are considered boots. Australians claim that this Shoe was worn in the countryside in the early twentieth century.
14. In the country is grown about twenty million tons of wheat, much of which is exported.
15. A wonder of architecture is the Opera house in Sydney. It consists of thousands of rooms and can accommodate up to 5 thousand people.

a look at Australia capital Canberra form of government16. The huge arch bridge, the harbour bridge is here.
17. The country is among the ten countries with the mosta high standard of living.
18. Due to the fact that the mainland is in the southern hemisphere, where the summer heat at a time when we celebrate the New year. Even the disc they have turned upside-down.
19. Australians have the highest literacy, per capita.
20. Sheep on the continent two times more than residents.
21. Foreign students the state provides benefits and good housing options.
22. More than a third of people in the country refuse to marry.
23. Australians are one of the most gambling Nations, so they spend on games more money than people in other country. A fifth of all the poker machines in the world are produced here.
24. All residents are required by law to vote. Those who for any reason did not attend the elections, must pay a fine.
25. In the country it is not customary to leave a tip that sometimes affects the quality of the service.
26. The houses here are poorly insulated, so if you lower the room temperature becomes quite cold.
27. The local supermarket is easy to find kangaroo meat. It is a useful alternative to the fatty lamb.
28. The cleanest air on the planet - is in Tasmania.
29. It is the only continent on Earth which is occupied by one state.
30. It is home to a huge number of immigrants. Almost every 4th inhabitant is a native of another country.

countries having a Republican form of government, Australia


Australia – one of the most interesting countries on Earth. It is not like the others, so probably every man wanted at least once to visit this wonderful continent.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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