The names of herbs. Herb wild: the names. Medicinal herbs: the names with photos


2018-03-27 22:00:21




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The flora of our planet is extremely diverse, and beautiful. A huge number of different life forms plant brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also bring very considerable practical use: is the power source elements, a provider of medical preparations, a source of clean and fresh air filled with oxygen, and so on.

Among all of life forms of plants large place is given to herbs, both cultural and wild. They occupy almost 50% of the total mass of the flora of the planet, so consider them.

names of herbs

Grass: a General overview

Most Often, herbs are plants that have a slightly modified escape. That is, in the classical sense of escape should include the stem, leaves and flower. So herbs can be observed not all the structural parts. Often the stem is modified, the leaves acquire such form and dimensions that makes it possible to adapt to the environmental conditions.

The Flower as the reproductive organ is, of course, all herbs. However, the size, shape and color they are also very different. This factor will depend on the mode of pollination of specific plants.

The weed - a very numerous group, which includes representatives from almost all known families of angiosperms. The names of the herbs is very diverse. There are as historically established "names" and scientific data of binary nomenclature (in Latin, the first name is the genus, second species). For example, Leonurus heterophyllus, Motherwort or heterophyllous.


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The Root system, branching of the shoot, the structure of the flower and the leaves - all these Botanical characteristics will build on specific genus and species of the plant, so to select for all wild herbs some common morphological features is impossible.

herb name and photo

Classification of herbs

In the basis you can put different signs, but is most often used division of herbs:

  • Annual buttercups, cornflowers, ageratum, lapchatki, Germany, poppies, daisies - names of the herbs of this group list is very long, as they are numerous.
  • Biennial - hollyhock, Euphorbia, Melilotus, lupine, forget-me-not, Campanula, viola, and others.
  • Multi - begonia, anemone, alyssum, St. John's wort, reeds, iris, sorrel, marjoram, elecampane, and other. The names of the herbs in this category reflect their purpose. Obviously, this includes a drug well-known types.

In addition to this classification, it is possible to result and other. The basis of the putting area human use.

  1. Herbs - celandine, Bur marigold, thyme, chamomile, sage, calendula, Burnet, Lily of the valley, and others.
  2. Cultural crops - vegetables, fruits, grains (cereals).
  3. Herbs - ginger, fennel, horseradish, anise, parsley, Basil, Melissa, vanilla, korisnik, cardamom, muskatnik, saffron, Laurel, and so forth.
  4. Ornamental grasses - ornamental cabbage, fringed milkweed, heart-leaved moonseed Daur, houseleek, saxifrage, Kochia, rodgersia and many others.

The place where all the herbs can be divided into mountain, forest, meadow, swamp, desert, steppe and garden (weeds and cultivated plants).

herb wild names

The weed in Russia

These representatives very much. Almost all wild grasses, the names and photos of their representatives can be seen in any encyclopedia. And we will try to consider in more detail the variety of Russian wild herbs.

The Only drug known to over 900 species, but there are many others. On climatic zones, their distribution is uneven. It is known that most plants, including herbs, located in the southern, South-Eastern and Eastern parts of our country. Northern, North-Western and Western regions are densely populated, but not so diverse in species composition.

So, one example is the area of Siberia (Western and Eastern Siberia, the far East, all surrounding areas, up to Chukotka). Here are the most common wild herb, whose names are the following:

  • Paralithic;
  • Tribulus;
  • Dandelion;
  • Watercress;
  • Shepherd sumka;
  • Pervocvet;
  • Kalina;
  • Belokrylyj;
  • Gorec;
  • Bagan;
  • Different sedges;
  • Feather;
  • Tarragon;
  • Quinoa;
  • Celandine and many others.

Among the listed, you can find both medicinal and conventional types. One thing unites them - they are representatives of the flora living in the wild. Herbs: plants which embrace one article is simply impossible. Too many of them. The European part of Russia presents a variety of beautiful flowering herbs that form the whole carpets of colors, making the wild incredibly beautiful. Among them are the names of herbs like bilberry, common loosestrife, Veronica Dubravnaya, crow eyes, common Heather, Fisher carnation, wild geranium, Stellaria zhestkolistnye.

Due To the good climatic conditions of Central Russia is famous for its many medicinal types of herbs which also for its flowers create a beautiful summer, spring and autumn. It's like Solomon's seal fragrant, Lily of the valley, the young pobedonosnaya, mariannick Asherah, chamomile ordinary, nightshade, blueberry, nettle,jastrebinka and others.

Altai herbs

In the mountain areas and grass will dwell later.

Rank of the forest

A Beautiful perennial plant with bright pink color of the Corolla of the flower and a lovely honey scent, attracting pollinators from the June to September autumn days. Many grazing animals choose this wild beauty for the power as in roots, stem and leaves it is a lot of protein and carbohydrates. It belongs to the family Fabaceae (Legumes). The main business value - as a perennial, performs annual soil drainage, involved in soil forming processes is good for fodder. Dosage does not matter.

Acrid Buttercup

Very widespread the plant is classified as poisonous. Found in practically all regions of Russia, has a high adaptability to environmental conditions. Includes several types of herbs, the names and photos which you can see below.

medicinal herbs names

Varieties of Buttercup.

  • Corrosive ("chicken blindness" in the vernacular);
  • Kashubian;
  • Creeping;
  • Chistyakov spring;
  • Garden and others.

For the grazing animals, since escape of the plant is poisonous. After drying to condition the hay is safe. In medicine normal does not apply, but the alternative is very common as a remedy for rheumatism, open wounds, boils, tuberculosis and burns.

Mountain herbs

The Most famous among these is, of course, Altai herbs. A huge number of cosmetics, drugs, tinctures, salves, ointments are created based on extracts of these miraculous plants.

Indeed, the very air of this mountainous terrain like treats. Almost all the plants grown on the rocky surfaces of the Altai, are medicinal. Animals eating these herbs, the strong and healthy. People applying charges to these places for treatment, have less chronic diseases than residents of other areas.

Some herbs Altai, which received national recognition and is most often used:

  • Red brush (Rhodiola chetyrehchastnaya);
  • Milk;
  • Golden rod;
  • Saltwort;
  • Kopeechnik;
  • Upland uterus (plant is one-sided);
  • Veronica black;
  • White Potentilla;
  • Vasilissis small;
  • Chin squat;
  • Burnet;
  • Calendula common;
  • Melilotus officinalis;
  • The air;
  • Jastrebinka umbrella;
  • Althea officinalis;
  • Aronia chokeberry;
  • Helichrysum and many others.

Very common balms, which combine multiple herbal components. They help with many different problems: cleanse, soothe, tone, normalize blood pressure, restore sleep, relieve headaches and chronic fatigue and so on. These wild mountain herbs, the names of which were given above are very valuable objects of medicine.

Milk Thistle

Another name of this Altai herbs - milk Thistle. This plant since ancient times was revered as a very good medical assistant. Extracts from different parts of the herbs help against diseases of the liver, cleanse the intestines and eliminate inflammation, relieve swelling and to treat jaundice and many other health problems.

The plant sometimes reaches 1.5 m in height. The leaves are very beautiful, with a white border and lobed edge. The flowers look like buds rounded, dark pink or purple. Very valuable properties of milk Thistle, allowing its use in folk and traditional medicine, is the complete absence of side effects.

Beautiful appearance allows you to use it not only as medicines but also as an ornamental plant in many gardens and orchards.

Rhodiola chetyrehchastnaya

In common - red brush. Endemic plants of the Altai territory. One of the most popular among these mountain herbs. Used in medicine as a folk and traditional to treat women's diseases of the pelvic organs, infertility, male prostatitis, the inflammation. Helps to stop bleeding, normalizes the work of cardiovascular system, helps in the treatment of different kinds of viral and bacterial diseases.

names of herbs

Looks very interesting, unusual herbs. Description: a small, growing on rocky surfaces of plants, with narrow, closely spaced to each other leaves. Flowers small, pale, but the fruits in the form of leaflets very bright red. Leaf shape resembles a brush, for which this plant got its name.

The Most common medicinal herbs

To include a lot of representatives around the world. In Russia, they are also a great variety. Because almost all plants (except for highly toxic) contain useful alkaloids, essential oils, resins, tannins, minerals, and other components that allow you to use them as medicinal herbs. The names of the most common and well-known representatives of this group, growing on the territory of our country, the following:

  • Chamomile;
  • Eyebright a medicinal;
  • White Potentilla;
  • Mother-and-stepmother;
  • Melissa officinalis;
  • Wintergreenumbrella;
  • Upland uterus;
  • Red raspberry;
  • Rib;
  • Leonurus cardiaca;
  • Air ordinary;
  • Golden root;
  • Conflict scented;
  • Your pardon;
  • Calendula;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • Wild rose-Redwood;
  • Eleutherococcus senticosus;
  • Echinacea;
  • Series;
  • Celandine and many others.

Obviously, to enumerate all the plants just because their species diversity is too great.

Aloe Vera

Homemade potted plants often, as a drug used agave, or aloe. It is a succulent plant with thick fleshy leaves topped with spikes. The aloe juice contains many (up to 200) of various nutrients. They help to treat open wounds, inflammation, bacterial and viral diseases.

herbs plants

The Most common herbs

They are used as a medicinal since ancient times, but most often as dietary supplements, making meals delicious, original and very fragrant. Some names of herbs Russia will bring in the conclusion of the article: horseradish, dill, parsley, celery, parsnips, black pepper, cardamom, peppermint, lemon balm, mustard, and others.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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