Treblinka (concentration camp): the history of. Memorial at Treblinka


2018-03-28 12:02:14




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Treblinka - a concentration camp near Warsaw (Poland), where in the period from 1942 to 1943 the Nazis destroyed the Jewish population had occupied the country. The researchers believe that it killed about eight thousand people, and most of them – the Jews. Now about those terrible events reminiscent of a memorial in memory of the innocent victims of the Holocaust.

The Torturers operated in the mode of secrecy: on the perimeter on the kilometer distance from the camp was put up security, opening fire on anyone who approached closer than it should be. Railroad workers and the military accompanying the convoys were not allowed in the camp under pain of death. Moreover, even the Luftwaffe planes were forbidden to fly in these coordinates.

The Jews of Poland

Poland – a country in which was concentrated a huge Jewish Diaspora. By the beginning of the German occupation the population was more than three million people. Among them were outstanding scholars, teachers, arts workers – no one is spared Hitler's car.

Some, sensing danger, just moved to the territory of the USSR and Belarus, another part fled to Vilnius. Thus, under the authority of the Nazis on 1 September 1939 (the date of the invasion of Poland) left 2 million Jews. They were subjected to “final solution”. Already on September 21, gathered a working group, which decided to create a reservation, where will be concentrated the Jews from occupied territories.

So, in the territory of Poland created three ghettos – a special place where the Nazis put the Jewish population. Life in the ghetto – hunger, disease, deprivation and humiliation. But this does not solve the issue of the destruction. So there is a monstrous plan - the so-called operation Reinhard, the peak which creates a disposal site, including the concentration camp Treblinka. Were sent here mainly Jews from the Warsaw ghetto. But we'll cover that next.


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Treblinka concentration camp


When it was built Treblinka? Concentration camp, whose history is so sad, begins the existence in 1942. By order of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler dated 17 April, began the construction of extermination camps. Responsible was appointed Arpad Wiegand – the Nazi Governor of Warsaw.

After the decision of bureaucratic delays, in late may, construction began, and by 22 July of the same year the Treblinka concentration camp, received its first Warsaw Jews. Initially the poor were not exterminated in such appalling quantities, but soon, by October of 1942, after the construction of additional gas chambers and crematoria, a hellish machine of destruction has earned in full force.

Survived Treblinka (concentration camp) until 1943. The turning point was the uprising of the prisoners of the labor camp, after which it's a horrible place eliminated.


What was the function of this place? How could the Nazis to destroy at one time thousands of people: women, children and the elderly? Trains of twenty carriages, filled with people, went immediately to the destruction of the gas chambers. By the way, d/f "Treblinka" describes these moments, allowing to plunge into the horror of what is happening.

Consider the structure of Treblinka. So, in 80 km from Warsaw, on the field, four kilometers from the homonymous village, lies a place where it was brought by Polish Jews for punishment. Big clearing an area of 24 hectares has been fenced with three-meter fence of barbed wire, which were filed with the high voltage. the concentration camp TreblinkaWas Also a three-meter ditch – extra protection against shoots. The territory itself was in the ring from the forest. The camp was approached by a branch railway, which were delivered doomed.

The camp was divided into two. In the first (Treblinka 1) were prisoners, providing part of the infrastructure of the camp. Of course, most of the so-called “labour camp” was a place of slow death accidents. The second - Treblinka 2 was intended solely to murder Jews. On its territory there were the barracks for undressing, gas chamber, crematorium and ditches for burial. In addition, there lived the so-called Sonderkommando-the Jews who are selected to serve the killing. After a certain period of time they changed (the“old” of the Sonderkommando were killed).

Treblinka-concentration camp, which catered to 30 SS soldiers, furthermore, were attracted Ukrainians and prisoners of war defected to the enemy. A commandant was appointed Franz Stengel. After the war he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Famous inmates: J. Korczak

Many lives were claimed Treblinka. The camp has deprived the world and outstanding people. There died the great Polish teacher, author of “I give my Heart to children" Janusz Korczak. The children were his whole life, and when the Nazis came to power, Korczak in every way watched over their children – children from orphanages. First in a ghetto and then to Treblinka. Treblinka concentration camp photo

He wanted to save, to take out of the ghetto, then there was another chance – Korczak was ready to remove from the car, traveling from Warsaw to the last resting place -Treblinka. He refused. Heroically Korczak went with the children to the gas chamber, comforting kids, encouraging the elders.

C. Pullman: torturedmusician

Simon Pullman – an outstanding musician and teacher, whose life ended Treblinka. The concentration camp was his last stop after living in the Warsaw ghetto. There he created the Symphony orchestra, and then together with fellow musicians died in the gas chamber. The true date of death is unknown, as the events preceding her.

Uprising of 1943

In 1943, to death camps and ghettos captures the wave of uprisings. Rather, the impetus was brutally suppressed uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. Though the prisoners and understood their weakness compared with the German military machine, they prefer to die fighting for freedom.

The Uprising in Treblinka was initially doomed to failure. Do what you can do toil-worn and hungry people, armed only with picks and shovels, against the staff of the camp with guns in their hands? However, the prisoners deliberately went at it.

Treblinka concentration camp history

The Occasion was the so-called “Operation 1005”. After the last deportation trains with Jews from Warsaw the Nazis had as carefully as possible to hide traces of crimes. The remaining 1000 prisoners were forced to dig ditches with buried victims and burn the bodies decayed.

Gradually comes to the unhappy realization that once they finish work, they will be killed. Thus was born the idea of the uprising. During the riot the camp was burned almost completely. Most of the prisoners were shot while trying to escape, others were caught in the woods, forced to finish the job and was also shot. Only a few managed to escape. Among them were Samuel, Willenberg.

Samuel, Willenberg - one of the survivors

d f the concentration camp Treblinka

By a happy coincidence did not took the life of Samuel Willenberg Treblinka. Concentration camp (photos you can see in the article), where he arrived on one of the trains, and immediately thought Samuel was strange. So he listened to the advice of one of the greeters to be called a Mason. Thus, he became the only survivor of the doomed thousands of its composition.

He lived in Treblinka, performing a variety of work: from the sorter things to a member of the Sonderkommando. Escape Willenberg was successful - he was wounded in the leg, but was able to escape. More than that, Samuel found his father alive and joined the underground. He died at the end of February 2016. After yourself, Wallenberg left a book of memoirs “the Uprising in Treblinka".

The memorial

Treblinka concentration camp memorial

Now is a Treblinka (concentration camp)? A memorial on the site of horrific murders makes you remember all of the horrors of the Holocaust. It was opened in 1964. It is a monument, and around 17 thousand stones – symbolic. So many people were exterminated in the camp at one time.

A Place, evoke a particularly strong emotion, where in 1943 they burned the bodies of a couple of rails, hardened and covered with a black layer of soot.

In the same 1964 in Treblinka opened the Museum of memory of victims of Nazism.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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