The desire to eat is hunger or appetite?


2018-03-28 11:44:17




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Every person in my life felt the desire to eat. What is this? It turns out that this feeling appears in the mind or physically felt in the stomach. And depending on the manifestations, share the appetite and hunger.

desire to eat it

When the desire to eat – is hunger?

Hunger – is a physiological sensation, a bodily signal which indicates lack of nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. The feeling of hunger is felt, an empty stomach can sometimes cause headaches and dizziness.

When there is a desire to eat, it can be like hunger and appetite. If the person still than to satisfy the lack of food, is hunger.

the desire to eat is hunger

You're hungry, if:

  • The desire to eat increases gradually;
  • There are unpleasant sensations in the stomach;
  • The body “requires” caloric food;
  • There comes a sense of relief after taking a small amount of food;
  • In the event of fullness, stop eating.

The Appetite comes while eating

Appetite – psychological dependence when some situation the person is "experiencing" with the help of food.

Emerging desire to eat – it is the appetite, if

  • Desire to eat instantly appears;
  • The desire to eat something appears in the head, in the stomach there is a sense of emptiness;
  • I do not want just to eat, and something unusual, tasty;
  • After the last meal it took less than an hour;
  • After the main meal can not afford to refuse dessert;
  • At the sight of some dishes you want to try it.

desire to eat this meal

The Desire to eat is, in a word, the satisfaction of psychological dependence.

My kids

Children can not pay attention to eating, so parents should pay attention to what, when and how much a child eats to avoid later health problems.

Appetite is determined by the degree of hunger. However, it can be hunger but no appetite and baby not eating. Lack of appetite is imaginary and true.

The alleged lack of appetite the child is in the weight norms for his age, and his parents think he eats enough. Therefore, parents tend to feed the child plenty of food, eating to do more.


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Parents must reasonably relate to child nutrition and not to force him to overeat. If his body is developing normally and not feeling hungry, increase the portion does not need to from overeating not upset the metabolism of the body.

True, the lack of appetite can indicate the presence of any disease. When a child is really hungry and wants to eat, it serves as a signal for treatment to the doctor for advice.

Increased appetite in children

For children change in appetite may be associated with changes in school life. Loss of appetite can indicate illness, or maybe just a high school student decided to lose weight, "shape up". Then the parents should pay attention to food refusal brought the body to exhaustion. Together with a nutritionist to develop a menu for a child.

If the student has no desire to eat, it may be associated with feeding disorders, so it is necessary to perform school day of the child and to adjust meal times.

the desire to eat is what

If the school the child receives a full Breakfast, not to give money on snacks: muffins, brownies. To improve appetite child needs to spend more time outdoors. There is also reluctance may be due to changes in taste preferences.

Parents should monitor the diet of the student and if necessary add it and change it.

Causes of appetite

The Desire to eat is, in a word, a need that can manifest itself in different ways. It or the desire to really satisfy your hunger or to try something new, or “experience” problems.

As appetite – this psychological dependence, it is necessary to understand what causes it.

The Appetite may provoke:

  • Willingness to try new taste;
  • Inner experiences problems at work, at home;
  • Different psychological States: loneliness, irritability, resentment, anger;
  • Habit, for example, when a person sits at the computer, he should definitely have something there.

So when there is a desire to eat, this can be a deceptive feeling. It is necessary to understand what caused this desire. To try to mentally go back and remember if any action, thought, it appeared. To understand the situation, to experience it, then the desire to eat may depart or cease to be so strong.

When a person is hungry, he can eat any food, the stomach still does not feel the taste. It is only when the filling feels a feeling of satiety. The taste reveals the receptor language, and this affects the availability of appetite. To satisfy your appetite and avoid overeating, have a small pieces of food as long as you keep the language to the receptor fully disclose the taste of the product.

How to get rid of hunger

The human desire to normalizehis body, he goes on a diet. And here it is very important to deal with his hunger.

how to deal with cravings

How to deal with cravings:

  • Eat often, but small portions;
  • Eat foods with a low glycemic index, then hunger will be suppressed;
  • To include in the diet foods rich in fiber, with their help, you can achieve satiety, using a small amount of food;
  • Drink at least 1,5-2 liters of water;
  • Eat slowly, chewing your food slowly;
  • Remove the sweets so they don't catch the eye: cookies, cakes, chocolate, candy.

To signals meal time has reached the brain and the person does not have overeaten, you should not eat:

  • On-the-go;
  • In front of the TV, computer;
  • To unsubscribe or to minimize the intake of spices, as they increase appetite.

How to cheat the desire to eat? This can be done with the help of such psychological techniques:

  • To prepare meals with the same number of calories but more volume;
  • To make the above sandwich with extra lettuce;
  • Eat from smaller plates, however, they will be completely filled, it is better than a large half-empty plate.

desire to eat it in one word


Do Not forget that overeating is bad for human health, therefore it is necessary to control your appetite. To maintain good athletic shape, normal functioning of the body just enough to satisfy hunger and increased appetite will help to rid the analysis of the psychological state of the person.

We Need to be attentive to your inner signals and eat when you really need it. Do not succumb to the deceptive desire to eat, if organism doesn't need the "additional charging".

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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