The perfect and the imperfect form of the verb


2018-04-02 14:29:09




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The verb aspect in the Russian language, is a consistent grammatical category, as is found in all forms of this part of speech. The same reason allows it to be regarded as predicative categories, as it can be realized not only as predicate.

Of the verb – it is its indispensable basis. He takes a direct part in the formation of this part of speech. All lexemes with the meaning of actions this category divides into two groups: perfect and imperfect form of the verb. Their means of expression have their own specifics. It consists in the fact that the form of the verb is determined by its base, not by inflection. And this, in turn, determines the close relationship of the lexical meaning of the part of speech with the class.

That is a form of the verb-category semantic, nominative. It indicates how the action that calls the verb takes place in time. It also helps to distinguish the meaning of those statements, which consist of identical word forms. For example: it Was morning. The sun rose and the morning. The sun came up. The view reflected here. At the same time, this category is interpretive. This means that with its help it is one and the same event may be differently depicted subject of speech. Example: Kate has not performed exercise. Katia did the exercise. The General situation here is the same: there is a pending exercise. However, the form of the verb explains it differently. Imperfect indicates that Kate was not trying to perform the exercise, and perfect says that it was unable to fulfill it.


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In modern literature, linguists grammatical meaning of this category is most often determined by the differences between the actions and integrity of its limit.

Verbs perfect form, called the action limit. That is, in time it reaches a limit, after which or terminated, or moves to the next phase. For example: the Little one first went and continues to go. The tree burned. Action that calls the perfective verb has already happened or can happen independently of their occurrence in time. It cannot put the question of date, this: what happens now? In this sense, the action that he describes, cannot be divided into parts, for facts and events, it appears to be complete.

Verbs imperfect sight, call or ultimate, that is, those that have a limit, but continues in time (he reads a book), or unsaturated (belonging). For this kind of urgent question: what happens now? It has the property to indicate the action that develops in time, but can also refer to the fact that zavershivshiesya in reality.

The structure of the proposal the form of the verb together with other tools used for the characterization of the speech. Its contextual value is also called private.

The Verbs belonging to the perfect form, stand for:

1) repetition of a few actions in a particular situation. For example: Kitten then press down the mouse, then let go, then get caught again.

2) the Specific facts that happen once. Example: He ran, out of breath, grabbed the forgotten items and bolted out of the room.

The Verbs belonging to the imperfect mind, means:

1) the Situation, which is constantly. For example: I Love the Fatherland!

2) a Situation which is repeated many times. For example: Putting the kids to sleep, the mother sings songs to them.

Given all the above, we can give the following definition of mind: is the morphological, dual, nominative-explanatory category, which indicates differences in the course of any action. It is expressed by the contrasting values of two kinds-perfect and imperfect.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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