Brand: Hyde champion of the game "League of Legends"


2018-05-12 08:00:30




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In the game "League of Legends" one of the most dangerous fighters in the middle line is the Brand. Guide of this character will explain his strengths and weaknesses, tactics and various necessary items. With proper skill, the champion will help the player to climb up the ranking ladder.

General character information

The Only firebender in the game is the Brand. Guide on this champion starts with examining the basic statistics. His skills require a lot of mana, because a lot of spamming them at the enemy will not work without reinforcement from the blue Golem. Itself hero is quite fragile and it can not be allowed front line fighters (JAX, Fiora, Zed, etc.). This mage requires the player to perfect the ability to calculate the enemy. All his skills are started in a certain direction, a slip-up by them is equivalent to death, if you fight with the killer cell or a sorcerer (Ari Conjures, Akali, Talon, etc.).brand guide


Their skills and deserve among a huge number of user attention to the Brand. Hyde (description skills) should start with the passive skill “Flame”. Its essence is that it increases all damage from other skills, and when activated, the enemy will appear in the area that explodes after two seconds. The first ability is “Burn” in the chosen direction starts the ball of fire, dealing damage to the first enemy. The second ability is the ‘Pillar of fire”: when you activate flame appears from the ground in a certain area. The third skill is called "Arson" - is applied directly to the hero and he for some time applied fire damage. Ultimate ability “Pyroclasm” launches a flame that jumps between enemies five times, activates the passive ability, it ignites and shoots a lot of health. The perfect combination in team battles will mark the third opponents ability to get second and run ultimate. It's guaranteed death for the weak fighters and huge losses even among armored Champions. Should also know that immobilize opponents can Brand. Hyde is: you must mark the enemy a second or third ability, and while the mark lasts, to get “Burn”.brand lol guide


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Early game

Basically, the game is only in the middle line takes the Brand. "Lol" guides provide bundles it with the soldiers at the bottom, but there he is not able to resist the powerful tanks and to save the life of his arrow. It is best to take it to the foreign Ministry and to start collecting s “Ring Doran” and two cans of treatment. Try to completely clean waves of minions, but don't forget about the dangers of the arrival of the Forester. The middle line – this is the maximum, where it is necessary to move the fight. If you have driven the enemy under the tower, put the totems on the overview and be ready to welcome guests from the jungle. Skills should pump in the sequence 2-1-3 and ultimate at the earliest opportunity. In the Summoner skills, take a leap and arson (the second, which is available to any character). It is at this stage necessary to define the objects and direction will move the Brand. The guide provides for three cases: lack of mana, the complexity of the penetration abilities and the need of damage. In the first case it is necessary to buy “Morellato" second "the Crystal scepter rylai channels" and one “Deadly hat Rabadon”.brand lol guide


Fifteen minutes, a player should already have in the Assembly two or more subjects in a standard situation when there is a lot of murders and a large amount of money. The best example of guides for testing of the Brand in this case is the collection of “Crystal scepter rylai channels”, but before that it's worth to buy “Too Big a Rod” and “Boots of the sorcerer". In the end, the player gets a good magic penetration, and if the runes are also aimed in this figure, the danger from skills will increase. Then you need to save up for “Deadly hat Rabadon”. This will add abilities to the character in terms of force abilities, because during this period the soldiers of the enemy team will have to protect themselves ‘the Banshee Veil”, and similar items. After that there is a choice between two items "Hourglass Joni” for extra protection, activation or "Echo Ludena” to increase power in the example of a guide for testing the brand

Late in the battle

At the end of the game a real threat to the enemy team needs to be in the game LoL Brand. The guide provides for the further purchase of two compulsory subjects for him. “a Staff of the Abyss” will provide even more magic penetration, which is directed against tanks (Maokai, Leona, Braum). The last item is the choice of the player. You should think, what he lacks in team fight, and what subject will bring the greatest benefit. It may be ‘Suffering from Lol” with passive arson, "the Scepter of emptiness” with an aura of protection or even “the Rod of ages”. To choose the latter is at the beginning or the middle of the match, otherwise he will not have time to collect ten power-UPS will be, ultimately, useless. The brand needs to release the fight all of her skills to capture as many enemies as possible and to inflict maximum damage.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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