Social science: society and the person as inseparable concepts


2018-06-02 01:00:18




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The Two main concepts of social studies - people and society have always been inseparable, and not only for this discipline. They originated at the same time, giving rise to each other. In other words, people have the right to be called so, when consciously started to live together. At the moment the subject of study of anthropogeny (the evolution part, which concerns the formation of the human species) are both biological factors and social background and the process of emergence and development of society - sociogenesis.

man and society social studies

Biosocial human nature

Man lives in society is one of the key signs of his biosocial nature, the fundamental difference from animals, in addition to bipedal locomotion, consciousness and, consequently, of speech, and, most importantly, labor. With consideration of the phenomenon of the work of the philosophers of the last century, such as Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, and began to say that the biosocial nature of man. They laid the whole scientific concept that combines two concepts - the biological view of man and society which he builds his work.

Newborns are born completely dependent upon the parents in all areas of their life. And these people are not much different from animals. Although the adulthood of children in humans is the longest among other species, none of the cub will not survive without older individuals. But a grown man continues to strive to be part of the community. First, to jointly meet their physiological needs. But most importantly, the individual and society integrates social studies because for people important company of their own kind spiritually. At all times one of the most terrible torture was solitary confinement, maddening anyone. And suffering, lost on a desert island, favorite characters of adventure novels is not a fiction.


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a person lives in society

Public institutions

This is a community, United by the nature of activities that respond to specific social and physiological needs of individuals. Again, there is a synergy of man and society. Social studies identifies five areas of activity such institutov.

  1. Duhovno-religioznoe.

  2. Politicheskoe.

  3. Ekonomiceskoe.

  4. Kulturnoe that includes education and science.

  5. Social (including family and marriage).

They meet the diverse needs of each individual, from basic (food, sleep, safety) to the spiritual. But to take care of these needs can only be together.

What do you expect from human society

Science operates on the basic unit - the person, and their complex social system. As in any system, it has its own laws of interaction between parts and levels. And never society can not consist of one person. And he, in turn, cannot live alone, as he pleases.

people of life

Any interaction between the elements and levels of any system obeys certain rules, otherwise it is waiting for destruction and chaos. Social norms of behavior are separated na:

  1. Pravovye.

  2. Duhovno-nravstvennye.

  3. Religioznye.

  4. Traditsionnye.

Everyone should follow these rules for the freedom to create and choose their own destiny, based on the joint satisfaction of basic needs. After all, mankind has long recognized that, together, in any field, people can achieve more.

Postindustrial society

At the moment humanity is building a post-industrial society:

  1. The focus of work is service and sales.

  2. A Large part of production is automated through computer technology.

  3. Information is the main value, therefore, the instruments of its transmission is influenced to a considerable extent on society: social networks, media, the Internet.

  4. The Human personality and happiness are given priority. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in General, the very life of every citizen is the main value.

  5. Social mobility of members of society. Each person can change their social situation at any time.

Scientists continue to study the biosocial phenomenon of synergy of man and society, and the world that they have created together.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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