Military redoubt is a fortification


2018-06-07 11:00:30




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The Redoubt is a military facility areas, designed to protect the area. The building is organized so that provided by circular defense. To overcome such a structure has previously been difficult.

Dictionary definition

Redoubt — the word refers to a military science and has a French origin from redoute. In translation into Russian means refuge, shelter. Informed military installations on the field was lined with ditches, boulders, and mounds. Soldiers were placed inside the circle, providing the features of a fortress.What does the word redoubt

Redoubt — this is a temporary fortification. The first fortifications were reproduced with the aid of embankments, rocks, logs. In a circle exhibited peaks, the trap of the pits. The purpose of these objects was the preservation of manpower, transported goods, the Armoury of provisions.

Redoubt — this is the main method of protection front wing stationed troops in the field a long night, in a major battle. These buildings existed in every army of the 18th and 19th centuries. And the forms and methods of construction of military fortifications, each army had their own.


When considering the question of what does the word "redoubt", take into account the variety of fortifications to better understand the origin of the term. The shape of the structures could be different. Everything depended on the landscape. But more often provided the best protection when the fortress was quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal.meaning of the word redoubt

In the history of the military companies there is evidence of effective following structures:

  • Shevardino redoubt — classified as a historic monument, the building was restored in 1912.
  • Suvorovskiy Redut — the construction of the 18th century in Yalta, Peninsula Crimea.
  • The Fortress on mount Pilatus in Switzerland — classified as a historic monument. The redoubt was created as a result of military tensions between the West and the Soviet Union.

Shevardino strengthening

What does the word "redoubt", in particular the Shevardino redoubt, know of any cadet in a military school. Historically, the possibility of a circular protection remain relevant in the subject of "Tactics of defense" today. The name stuck due to the fighting Russian troops in the town of Shevardino.What does the word redoubt


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According to historical data, Shevardino redoubt allowed a long time to repel the attack of the French troops while the main force regrouped. During the battle, the object is placed in front of the front line. It was earthwork with ditches. The events date back to 1812, on August 24.

Strengthening on mount Pilatus

What does the word "redoubt"? One embodiment of such fortifications on mount Pilatus in Switzerland. This building is a real fortress. The unique structure possessed a high comfort for the personnel. Now the object belongs to the architectural monuments and protected by law.this is Redoubt

The Redoubt was intended to protect against a possible attack from the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the last to save the object as a military facility was no longer needed. The fortress on mount Pilatus in Switzerland is a defensive bunker. Second name — “the Swiss Redoubt», a secret facility until 1987. In 1991, the township made a historical monument. Located on the shores of lake Lucerne, the place is accessible to any interested person for the tour.

The Object was located inside the rock, had underground passages. Inside were the premises of life. Redoubt could exist for long time. On the external side to see a military object can only be experienced military strategist. For the layman and the redoubt completely invisible. Unique strengthening fully equipped with armored doors, doors. The building has several levels of protection placed along the perimeter of rapid-fire firearms. Retains its full combat readiness in the event of hostilities.

Suvorov strengthening

Redoubt completely restored and accessible to tourists. Inside the fortifications was located a gun. Object created in 1778 by the military leader Suvorov as a defensive item and was used as the reference point for land and sea forces. The threat was expected from Bakhchisaray.

Redoubt in the Crimea had a favorable location for landing, the object stood for an Autonomous existence. But with no provisions to survive for a long time could not. In a real fight and was not involved in its uselessness it covered. But later, the fortification was restored, inside tile flooring. Now it is located between the Mosque and the Nikolaev Cathedral.

Device fortifications

The meaning of the word "redoubt" is studied in the subject "Tactics of the British command of the last century". Strengthening was seen as a object lot of defense, which had all necessary for the existence of the personnel. Such structures were used as reference points on the borders. Based the new site at the time of exacerbations with neighbouring States.What does the word redoubt

Most of the redoubt was reproduced from scrapmaterials: earth, timber, stones and sand. To protect against firearms manufactured crater wall, behind them was the stage under the gun, guns and organized loopholes for Riflemen. On the back side there was a passage in the form of a curving ditch or trench. It eliminates the sudden breakthrough of the enemy through the gate. In modern warfare, the value of the redoubt has not lost relevance for the protection of manpower. However, as a shelter from the aircraft, these buildings were useless.

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