How to determine the mortality of the noun? To determine the gender, number, case noun


2019-03-23 01:00:24




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Even in the early grades students are taught how to determine the case from the noun. Unfortunately, not all at once do it. You must own a large enough amount of information to perform this task without difficulty.

The Noun as part of speech

how to determine the mortality of the noun

Each of us is familiar with the noun. We, without hesitation, use it daily in our speech. Now imagine that this part of the question anymore. Try to talk about any event without his help. This is unlikely to be able to do this because they.things. gives the name of all objects and phenomena that exist in our lives. All that we see around us and what we tell, not without him. But because its main function is considered to be nominative, i.e. to give names to all objects.

Calling each other by name, we also can not do without the noun. Owning native language perfectly, we put this part of the speech into the required shape. To determine from a scientific point of view, what the case number is used in the word, we will try in this article.


Before you learn how to determine the mortality of the noun, you need to understand that this declination. In itself, this word is set to “change”. That is, the bow – that means to change them.things. according to case and number.

In the Russian language there are several types of declination.

how to determine the case of nouns

The first type includes words that end in –or –I. They must be in the form of a male or female. For example: car, man, painting, nature.

The Words in the second declension have different criteria. Such nouns have the endings-o, -e or zero and belong to the middle and male birth. For example: regulation, Assembly, and fiber.

When faced with the word in the feminine having on the end the soft sign (respectively, zero ending), then it belongs to the third declension. For example: daughter, thing, speech, and night.

Each group has its own endings. It must be remember, getting a job: “Identify the case and declension of nouns”.


From the kinds of categories depends on the true definition of declination, and, as a consequence, its case forms.

In Russian, there are three kinds. Before we learn how to correctly identify the case of nouns, you need to know this information.

how to define the accusative case of the noun

Masculine include words that combine with a personal pronoun “he”: the boat, the head, the result.

The neuter is determined by the word ‘it”. To him belong the most abstract and inanimate concepts: perception, happiness, prosperity.

To female, respectively, are such words, which are combined with the word “she”: love, photography, life.

To determine gender, it is necessary to consider how a personal pronoun is consistent need a noun.


Now is the time to learn how to determine the case of nouns. You need to know, what questions does each of them.

define the case and declension of nouns

The Initial form of the words in this part of the question is always the nominative case. It performs in a sentence the function of the main member – to be.

Before you determine the case from the noun, ask a question. In them.p. – “who?”, “what?”. Example: vase, flower.

Next comes the genitive. It is possible to substitute the auxiliary word “no” question “who?” or “what?”. For example: vases, flower.

Dative requires the word “give” (“who?”, “what”?). Example: vase, flower.

Very often confused with the nominative accusative case. It answers the questions “who?” or “what?”. Also to it add the form “see” or “blame”. For example: a vase, a flower.


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By requires questions “who?” or “what? Combined it with the word “marvel’. For example: a vase, a flower.

And last, the prepositional phrases: “who?” or “what?”. To assist him, added the words “think” or “speak”.

Now we know how to determine the case of nouns. For this simple tasks only need to correctly match the question to the desired word.

Features of nominative and accusative

Despite the seemingly simplicity determine the mortality sometimes still have questions. All this is because some forms can be the same. This absolute similarity between words are called homonyms.

For example, very often the same forms of them. and wine. cases. In order to distinguish between them, we need to carefully examine the context.

Compare two sentences:

  1. In the meadow grew a beautiful tree.
  2. Approaching a clearing, we saw a beautiful tree.

Word Forms are absolutely identical.

There is the question of how to define the accusative case of the noun. For this we need to follow the syntactic role of this word. In the first sentence, the word “tree” is the subject agreeing with the predicate “grew”. It alone performs the action, so we can easily determine that his case –nominative.

to determine the kind of number of case of nouns

Now look at the second example. The grammatical basis is "we saw". Over the tree is performed some action, but because in the case before us accusative case.

Dative and prepositional phrases

In some cases the same prepositional case and dative.


  1. We walked along the road.
  2. I thought about the road ahead all night.

Again, a complete coincidence of word forms. In this case, we use the method of artificial substitution of the plural. Work:

  1. We walked down the road.
  2. I thought about the roads.

Now we see that plural. the number to distinguish the cases easier: in the first case-the dative (what?), in the second – prepositional (what?).

There is another small trick. Dative is in possession of two of the preposition “to” and “”. Thanks to them easy to distinguish it from other forms.


Often the lesson, students are given the task to determine the gender, number, case nouns. Usually it is necessary to perform morphological analysis of words.

how to determine the case of nouns

For example, a sample parse of the noun.

Our boys participated in the competition.

  • In the competition – them. things.
  • The Initial form (what?) – a competition.
  • Fixed characteristics:

denotes the name of any objects, so it is a household;

- inanimate;

environments. the sort (it);

- ends with-e, and refers to environments. genus, so the type of declension - second.

  • Non-permanent signs:

- the plural. number;

- answers the question ‘what?”, combined with the auxiliary word “think”, consequently, the prepositional case.

  • The proposal will serve as the secondary member – Supplement.


We have studied in detail how to determine the case from the noun. In addition, we were able to perform morphological analysis of words in order to confirm all the information. Thus, we do not have a difficulty in this case. You just have to ask the question, and the case can easily be determined. The appearance of homonymous forms, it is sufficient to look at the syntactic role of a word or to replace the singular the plural.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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