Amazing experiment with egg and vinegar


2019-05-22 00:20:22




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Not many wondered what would happen if the egg is put in vinegar. This action can be carried out with children in primary and secondary schools. Then your crumbs flash knowledge in chemistry and the lessons of the surrounding world. It is time not to think, and to experiment with egg and vinegar. The instruction in our article.

What you will need to experiment

For this experiment you need to have two eggs. Although amazing properties you will see just one of them. But the second you need to compare. In our experience, there were two brown eggs. Also, you will need a glass, but they also need to use two. And, of course, a bottle of vinegar. Amazing experiment with vinegar and an egg and cost-effective budget. This is its main advantage. Two eggs that you take for the experience to be identical in color and size. And, in General, they should not be anything different from each other. The main thing that they came in prepared glasses. Check out below the experimental eggs were intact without any chips or cracks.

Experiment with egg and vinegar. Step one: preparation

The First glass filled with plain water from the tap. But not to the brim, because when you dip the eggs in a glass, the contents will pour out. To avoid this, fill 2/3 Cup with liquid. The second vessel you fill with vinegar in the same proportions.

experiment with egg and vinegar

Step two: experimental

Begin an experiment with egg and vinegar. The first fruit you are immersed in a glass of water and another in a bowl of vinegar. The egg in a glass of water is necessary in order to compare the changes and transformations that have occurred because in vinegar. Take another instance, as experience with the egg and vinegar to show the difference and changes with them in the first minute.


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an amazing experiment with vinegar and egg

Step three: observation

A Chicken egg in the acid is immediately covered with small bubbles. After 10 minutes it starts as a strange waver in the glass. And then POPs up to the surface of the vinegar in the vessel. While in the glass with acid a chemical reaction takes place with the egg in the pot with water absolute rest. The egg just sits on the bottom of the glass. What is going on in the glass of vinegar, very interesting to watch. You just look like a nice looking egg, covered with small bubbles that occasionally pop up to the surface. Experiment with egg and vinegar can be carried out for a long time. However, two hours later it looks not so beautiful as in the beginning of the experiment. On the surface of the vinegar formed a spot of brown.

Step four: observation 12 hours later

Our curiosity has not disappeared, so we continue the experiment with egg and vinegar. 12 – 15 hours the situation has not changed much. Brown spot has become more saturated color, foam on the surface of the vinegar was denser, and the bubbles covering the egg increased in size. What do you think, where did the brown spot? Yes, this is the brown egg shell.

experiment with egg and vinegar instruction

Step five: observation after 20 hours

Here came the moment when you remove the eggs from the dish with liquid. Chicken fruit, which was in a glass of water, externally, in our view, nothing has changed. You can not say about the egg that was in acetic acid. Attention! To remove the egg from the vinegar, with the help of improvised means, whether it's spoon or large tongs. Please note which properties it has acquired. The remains of a brown eggshell, you can wipe with your finger, it has become very soft. Wash it under a jet of clean water. And here it is already absolutely not what was in the beginning of our experiment. About the egg you just recall the shape of this object. Now it has become bumpy. But do not rush to beat him to the floor. Changes with egg were amazing.

Step six: the opening of the new functions in acetic eggs

Our egg became elastic, and translucent. This means that it is possible to make a unique night light. As they had become translucent, if you Shine a flashlight to the egg, you can see how it moves the yolk. If there is a great desire, it is possible to make even a musical light show to impress your friends on one of the home parties. In our opinion, it looks very beautiful and unusual.

experience with egg and vinegar

How to make a light show

That invention you will need a music column with light and sound. Seal the extra LEDs dark tape or something suitable that you have at hand. Put the egg on the exposed light bulbs and enjoy the effect.

If you are tired of the light show

There will Come a time when you want to do with this egg is something new and unusual, it is possible to test the strength. If the throw to a small height above the surface of the egg by virtue of its elasticity will be slightly rebounding from the place of landing for short distances. This game can continue until, until you break the shell. Protective film eggs skipjack was pretty tight. The yolk did not differ from normal, except for the strong smell of vinegar.

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This experience will last for three days. Similarly, take an egg, put it in acetic acid, leave for three days. After a few days you similarly using the tools extract the egg from acetic acid food grade. It will not be as elastic as it had egg in the main experience. But in this case it will not burst.

what will happen if the egg is put in vinegar

Easter Egg

Historically Orthodox traditions, on Easter, it is customary to paint eggs. In a glass of hot water add the dye. Depending on the method of preparation, the same is added to vinegar. It is necessary in order to make the egg shell is loose, that is to free up some carbon on the surface (just as the film that we saw on the surface of the vinegar). But the color of the eggs lasts for 20 hours, and only a few minutes. Due to this, the surface of the shell and becomes slightly loose, paint particles into the micropores, thus, the egg acquires the desired color.

Explore the science, put experiments and always remember that chemical experiments are conducted under adult supervision and in chemical protection suits.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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