Bernstein, Nikolai Aleksandrovich: biography, pictures and interesting facts


2018-03-18 15:35:12




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Russian medicine has always been famous not just good professionals, but the real genius of the science. Among the huge number of talents it is necessary to highlight a man named Bernstein, Nikolai, biography of which will be discussed in the article.Bernstein Nikolai

Quick overview

So, who's this scientist? Bernstein, Nikolai Aleksandrovich in life was a prominent physiologist, who managed to create the whole concept in this direction. To him belong the works on creation of advanced methods of registration of movements of people in normal condition and in pathology. Based on the research and development scientist, doctors carried out the rehabilitation of soldiers and civilians, injured during the great Patriotic war. Over time, developments have moved into the area of sports.

Bernstein Nikolai books

Birth and family

Bernstein Nikolai is a hereditary scientist. He was born in Moscow, November 5, 1896. His grandfather – Nathan Osipovich – was a famous physiologist who, after graduation, received the title of Privat-docent, and later became a Professor.

The father of the hero of this article – Alexander Natanovich. He is known for his work in psychiatry and psychology. Both these Sciences the man is directly linked directly to physiology. In a cruel coincidence, Alexander was the founder of a psychiatric clinic in Moscow, which during the reign of Soviet power became the Serbsky Institute – a real dungeon, where procedures were performed punitive psychiatry over people who disagree with the actions of the then government.


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Uncle Nikolai Alexandrovich – Sergei Natanovich – was marked in mathematics as a Professor and academician of the USSR.

Mother & ndash; Alexandra Karlovna – the man is truly a remarkable and strong. She soon began an independent life: worked as a weaver, a nurse, instrument nurse and as a nurse in a hospital, where he met his fate in the person of Alexander Natanovich.Bernstein Nikolai biography


Bernstein Nikolai nibbled granite science in the Metropolitan University. Initially, he became a student of the Department of history and philosophy, but later transferred to the medical faculty. It happened before the First world war. In connection with the fighting in Central Europe, he studied in an accelerated program and, after studying for four years, was on the front line, where doctors were at a premium.

Early career physician

In 1919, a former student came under mobilization in the red army as a doctor. Demobilized in 1920, he went to work as a psychiatrist in the clinic Gilyarovskogo. In this medical institution, he did not stay long and went to work in the Central Institute of labour, where he was entrusted to lead the lab, studying the biomechanics of human rights. As the main task of the institution was a detailed study of all human movements, related to his labor detail to increase productivity. It is worth noting that until any serious issues with physical activity solved very simply and dramatically – turned off unnecessary degrees of freedom. That is why Bernstein N.. (biography, photos studied today by many) made a proposal that we need to monitor closely the highly volatile situation in the periphery, in order to precede the pathological changes, and the use of “leading correction”. That is, the physician suggested not to refer to the movement as a purely mechanical process.Bernstein n a biography


Scientists put forward theory was at odds with the opinion of the head of the Institute of labor by Gastelum, which in turn is intended to construct the movement of a person by analogy with the machines and mechanisms. Largely because of disagreements in 1925 Bernstein Nikolai moved to the Institute of psychology, where the difficulties of living movement was of interest to specialists. And already in 1926, the physician wrote his work entitled “General biomechanics”.

But the Most ardent opponent of the talented scientific leader was academician Pavlov. Their disputes went on for a long period of time. As the objection and argument of his position, Bernstein wrote the work “History of the theory of the nerve impulse”. In 1936 the walls of the all-Union Institute of experimental medicine was planned to conduct face-to-face debate between these two outstanding scientists. However, this discussion was not destined to happen as Pavlov died. Learning of this, Nikolai decided not to publish the book.

Professional views

Bernstein N. A. biography which is a genuine interest among today's youth, has always paid considerable attention to clinical medicine. The scientist was an excellent neurologist, he helped to restore physical activity to people with nervous system diseases and injuries. All of these studies collectively were given the opportunity over time to offer and implement such methods of treatment, which revived the broken function in wounded soldiers during the war.Bernstein n a biography photo

In 1947, the world saw the monograph of Nikolai Alexandrovich, which he called “On the construction of movements”. In this study considerable attention was given to the construction of the structure of neurological and neurophysiological nature of actions and skills. According to the doctor, the construction of movements performed by all levels of the brain.

For example, the lowest level And is pure physiology. Higher subcortical level In charge of complex movements-running, walking, swimming and others.

The Level of interest both to physiologists and psychologists. Movements at this level have a distinct target character. D carries the semantic aspect of the action. And finally, the high level E enables you to generate the most sophisticated skills, including working in outer space, piloting aircraft and others.


During the joint session of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1950, all the work of Bernstein has been subjected to severe criticism for the so-called “antiplasma concept”. He's a scientist were dismissed from the institutions to the end of his life, never had the opportunity to work in a laboratory.

However, The talented physician and innovator not discouraged and continued to work and develop their ideas. With the help of friends he got a job in the patent journal. Full rehabilitation of Nikolai Alexandrovich was in the era of Khrushchev's thaw. At that time his work became popular among physiologists, computer scientists, psychologists. At the dawn of the 60-ies of the Bernstein Nikolai, whose books became popular, tightly communicate with specialists in physics and mathematics, and has lectured at seminars organized by the young talents.Bernstein biography and personal life

End of life

In the mid-60s scientist, was delivered a fatal diagnosis-cancer of the liver. Hereditary the doctor realized that he needed to live long, and completely immersed myself in the study of the problems of the physiology of human activity, and various aspects of biology in Cybernetics. The death of the great thinker and innovator in 1966.

Interesting facts

Bernstein, biography and personal life which is not always covered in publications after he was in disgrace, and began to lead a solitary life. Remembers his adopted daughter Tatiana, once their house came in person Kornei Chukovsky, in order to pay homage to the scientist on behalf of the Leningrad intelligentsia. Also doctor for a recommendation to repent of their “sins” before the scientific community will certainly answer: “I would rather die!”.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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