Essay: the image of the play Ranevskaya in "the Cherry orchard"


2018-03-20 03:47:11




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“the Cherry orchard» — the last and decisive contribution of Chekhov in Russian drama. This piece was the final of his career, but it had developed brand new styles. The image of him in the play «the Cherry orchard" is Central to the plot. On the example of the heroine and other characters of the piece, which more than a hundred years inspire playwrights around the world, it is possible to perform the innovation of the author.

image of the play Ranevskaya in the cherry orchard

Starting work on the play in the spring of 1903, Czechs in autumn made it. Premiered on the stage of the Art theatre. The statement caused a resonance in the cultural circles of Moscow. The uniqueness of this play? And why the image of him in the play «the Cherry orchard» firmly entrenched in the history of literature and became the subject of scrutiny? In order to answer this question, we should briefly outline the plot.

The scene

Events occur on the estate one of the landowner. Her name is Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. This lady abroad went bankrupt and now to get out of debt, forced to sell the family estate. In the house gathered relatives of the landowner and close friends. The image of him in the play «the Cherry orchard" is not the brightest, but he main events.


The Only thing that can save the heroine and her family from ultimate ruin, is the sale of the estate. A friend of the family – the merchant Lopakhin – trying to persuade Ranevskaya and her brother to take that chance. However, it will have to cut down a huge cherry orchard, and this step until the owners can not go.


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I Should say that in this house nobody listens to anybody. Lopakhin insists on selling the estate, guys constantly expressed admiration for the picturesque garden, the adopted daughter laments about the wastefulness of the hostess. Everyone speaks about her. Meanwhile, something needs to be addressed.

In the end the estate sell. The new owner becomes none other than the actor – a good man, active, but very uneducated. Taking possession, he immediately ordered to cut down cherry trees. Knock axe… all of the content. But why do critics of the way Ranevskaya in the play «the Cherry orchard" has caused so much interest?

image Anya Ranevskaya in the play the cherry orchard

Life to ruin

The author talked of the theatre Directors that playing this character is easy. You have to create the manner to laugh… the Image of him in the play «the Cherry orchard" emerges in the course of the play. It becomes clear that this woman was once devoid of worries. She was happy and inspired by love and beauty, which could see around him. But life circumstances made her sick several: died young son, deceived and ruined the beloved.

Abroad, the owner of the estate fled from his grief. But life in France was difficult, uncomfortable. It was a huge cottage, but it was squandered by a lover. Based on these events, which the reader or theatrical spectator learns in the course of action, it can be concluded that the image of him in the play «the Cherry orchard" has such characteristic qualities as kindness, impractical, lightheadedness, daydreaming.


From the conversation of the characters as the reader learns the details of Parisian life, which once again confirms the characterization given above. The image of Anya Ranevskaya in the play «the Cherry orchard» a few sets off the main character, emphasizes its immaturity. Daughter tells Vara that to Moscow they barely made it-barely have enough money. In Paris Ranevskaya lived in appalling conditions, but on the way home at a roadside restaurants ordered very expensive meals.

image Ranevskaya in Chekhov's play the cherry orchard

The may garden

Return Ranevskaya – this is not only a necessary trip with the goal to solve financial problems. It is also a return to the father's house, to all the dearest in life. The action takes place in late spring, when the cherry blossom in the garden creates an atmosphere of magic. The beauty of this appreciate not everyone can. But Ranevskaya and Gaev, unlike enterprising Lopukhin, able to see the beauty. And why in these days of may the decision to sell the estate to them so difficult.

The Image Ranevskaya in Chekhov's play "Cherry orchard" is a juxtaposition of Lopukhin. The lady of the house – lady although impractical and not adapted to life, but highly educated and refined. The merchant, on the contrary, nimble, active, but not able to attain or meaning of a literary work, nor the depth of the theatrical productions nor the beauty of the cherry orchard.

image Ranevskaya essay in the play the cherry orchard


The Essay “the Way the play Ranevskaya in "the Cherry orchard"” – a fairly common task for literature. Chekhov's famous heroine – the lady is extremely contradictory. Analyzing it, you will find something to think about.

Upon returning to the estate she's acting strange and irrational. Instead of taking decisive action, she indulges in sentimental memories, philosophical arguments, like in day trading a feverish ball. Thoughtlessness, extravagance, weakness and lack of will – in thisis the true characteristics of the image Ranevskaya in the play «the Cherry orchard». This woman is not able to maintain the garden, which is not just the area planted with cherry trees. This act it betrays the memory and culture of their ancestors.

The Heroine of Chekhov's work is a collective image of the representatives of the noble family, which at the turn of the century lived lives of thoughtless, idle. Wine heroine called "Cherry orchard" is also its trouble. The loss of the estate – the price paid for the frivolous life that he led it, as, however, and a large part of the intelligentsia in the late XIX and early XX century.

feature image Ranevskaya in the play the cherry orchard

In this play, as in others, in Chekhov there are no negative and positive characters. Each author applies objectively. After all, entrepreneurship Lopukhin – a trait that is completely unknown to him, – in the image of the author also unattractive. The image of the garden which so cruelly destroys the new owner – Russia itself. The country launched the disorderly nobles, and took advantage of active merchants. But there is also a third type-idealists who may be able to rectify the situation. One of them – Peter Trofimov. However, as history shows, the fate of Russia did neither the first, nor the second, nor the third. About the Czechs did not know, since he died in the same year, when Muscovites saw the premiere of “sad”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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