The big Bang and the origin of the Universe. The mysteries of the Universe: what was the Universe before the Big Bang?


2018-03-20 07:55:25




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Even today, scientists are unable to say with certainty what was in the Universe before the Big Bang. There are several hypotheses, lifts the veil of secrecy over one of the most difficult questions of the universe.

Origin of the material world

Before the twentieth century there were only two theories of the origin of the Universe. Supporters of the religious point of view believed that the world was created by God. Scientists, by contrast, refused to acknowledge the man-made Universe. Physicists and astronomers were supporters of the idea that the cosmos has always existed, the world was static and everything will remain the same as billions of years ago.

However, accelerated the scientific progress at the turn of the century led to the fact that the researchers got the possibility to explore extraterrestrial space. Some of them tried to answer the question that was in the Universe before the Big Bang.

what came before the big Bang in the universe photo

Studies of the Hubble

The twentieth century destroyed many theories of past eras. The place has a new hypothesis to explain the hitherto incomprehensible mystery. It all started with the fact that scientists have established the fact of expansion of the Universe. This was done by Edwin Hubble. He found that distant galaxies are distinguished by their light from those cosmic concentrations which were closer to the Ground. The discovery of this law was the basis of the law of expansion by Edwin Hubble.

The Big Bang and the origin of the Universe was studied, when it became clear that all the galaxies “escape” from the observer, in whatever part it may be. How can we explain this? Once the galaxies are moving, then pushes them forward a kind of energy. In addition, physicists have calculated that all the worlds when we were at one point. Due to a certain impetus, they began to move in all directions with unimaginable speed.


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This phenomenon has been called “Big Bang”. The origin of the Universe was explained by using the theory of this long-standing event. When it happened? Physicists have defined the speed of the galaxies and derived a formula by which they calculated, when there was the initial “push”. No exact figures are not take, but about this phenomenon took place about 15 billion years ago.

what was the universe before the big Bang

Emergence of the Big Bang theory

The fact that all galaxies are sources of light, means that if the Big Bang was allocated a huge amount of energy. It gave rise to the same brightness that the worlds lose in the course of his distancing from the epicenter of the incident. The Big Bang theory was first proven by American astronomers Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias. They detected the CMB radiation, the temperature of which was about three degrees kallinowski scale (that is, -270 Celsius). This finding confirmed the idea that first the universe was very hot.

The Big Bang Theory answered many of the questions formulated in the XIX century. However, now there is a new one. For example, what was the Universe before the Big Bang? Why is it so homogeneous, while with such a huge release of energy a substance must scatter in all directions unevenly? The opening Wilson and Arno challenged the classical Euclidean geometry, as it has been proven that space has zero curvature.

the big Bang and the origin of the universe


The New questions showed that the modern theory of the origin of the world is fragmentary and incomplete. However, for a long time it seemed that progress on the open in 60 years would be impossible. And only very recent research has allowed to formulate new and important principle for theoretical physics. It was the phenomenon of ultra-fast inflationary expansion of the Universe. It was studied and described using quantum field theory and General theory of relativity.

So what was the Universe before the Big Bang? Modern science calls this period the "inflation". In the beginning there was only the field that fills the imaginary space. It can be compared with a snowball, hurled down the slopes of the snow mountains. Kom will roll down and increase in size. Similarly, the field due to random fluctuations for the unimaginable time changed its structure.

When formed of a homogeneous configuration, a reaction occurred. In it lies the biggest mysteries of the Universe. What was before the Big Bang? The inflation field that does not resemble the current matter. After the reaction, the growth of the Universe. If we continue the analogy with the snowball, then followed the first of them rolled down the other snowballs, also increasing in size. The Big Bang in this system can be compared with the second when a huge boulder fell into the abyss and finally collided with the ground. In that moment stood out an enormous amount of energy. It may not dry out until now. It is due to continue reaction from the explosion of our universe and grow today.

the mysteries of the universe what happened before the big Bang

Matter and field

Now the universe is composed of an unimaginable number of stars and other cosmic bodies. This combination of matter exudes hugethe energy, which contradicts the physical law of conservation of energy. What is it? The essence of this principle is to ensure that throughout infinite time the amount of energy in the system remains unchanged. But how it can be combined with our Universe continues to expand?

The Inflationary theory was able to answer this question. Rarely solve such mysteries of the Universe. What was before the Big Bang? The inflation field. After the emergence of the world in its place came the usual matter. However, in addition to her in the Universe also exists a gravitational field which has negative energy. The properties of these two opposite entities. So kompensiruet the energy emanating from the particles, stars, planets and other matter. This relationship also explains why the universe is still not turned into a black hole.

When the Big Bang just happened, the world was too small for something could collapse. Now, when the universe had expanded on some of its sites added local black holes. Their gravitational field absorbs everything around. From it can not escape, even light. Actually because of this, such holes become black.

the universe before the big Bang in the Wake of the mysteries


Even though the theoretical justification of inflationary theory, is still unclear, as was the universe like before the Big Bang. Human imagination cannot conceive of this picture. The fact that the inflation field is immaterial. It can not be explained by the usual laws of physics.

When was the Big Bang, the inflationary field began to expand at a pace that exceeded the speed of light. According to the physical parameters in the Universe there is nothing material that could move faster than this rate. The light expands on the existing world with fantastic figures. The inflation field was spread with even greater speed, just because of their intangible nature.

The Size of the Universe before the Big Bang was microscopic. To measure its current size, mathematicians have to build the figures to a huge extent. According to the General theory of relativity, an observer inside the material world, cannot see what happens beyond. This rule also applies to what was before the Big Bang in the Universe. Photos in the textbooks on astronomy may represent only fiction artists.


The universe has expanded so much that not even light has time to reach its most distant parts. At the same time, the inflation field outside world continues to exist, although it is not available to people living in the material world. Increasing the universe cooled to the extent of its growth. Radiation temperature falls, due to the fact that the wavelength becomes larger, and therefore, it must spend more energy.

The State of the Universe before the Big Bang was homogeneous. But when it began to expand, with many new elements and particles. It's quarks, neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons. There are antiparticles, which may not be equal to the number of ordinary particles. If this identity took place, then the whole universe itself would be destroyed.

Nature has done everything necessary to ensure that the number of particles was slightly larger the number of antiparticles. Thanks to this ratio and there is a material world. Cosmic microwave background radiation that continues to spread across the expanses of the Universe, arose just as a result of the destruction of some particles and antiparticles. In the scientific lexicon this process is called annihilation. Over time, the energy of the CMB decreases. It is now about ten thousand times less than the similar indicator of massive elementary particles.

the size of the universe before the big Bang

Appearance physical laws

When the age of the Universe has reached one minute, neutrons and protons combined into helium, tritium and deuterium. It was the first substance encountered in the material world. The synthesis process occurred due to nuclear reactions. In the twentieth century, physicists have studied the phenomenon and even learned how to tame it. As in a nuclear reaction released an enormous amount of energy, mankind has to accommodate this process for their economic needs. There was a nuclear power plant. Today, they nourish the energy of a thousand cities.

A Nuclear reaction has also been used as a weapon. At the end of the Second world war, the first time the Americans dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. The deadly strike was just a huge release of energy. But the rates recorded in Hiroshima, are negligible compared to the processes that took place in the first minutes of existence of the material world.

Due to the fact that modern scientists already know a lot about nuclear reactions used in the economy and the war, the researchers were able to reconstruct a rough picture of what was the universe before the Big Bang. With the help of mathematical calculations it was calculated how many items and what appeared in the first minutes after start of the reaction in the inflation field.

One more Amazing fact. All the calculations of scientists, based on modern indicators of nature, was exactly applicable to the model of the Universe. This “coincidence” saysthat the laws of physics began to act immediately after the appearance of the material world. Since everything is immutable formula never changed. They operate today. For example, we can say about the theory of relativity. The cogency of laws facilitates the work of scientists trying to understand what was before the Big Bang in the Universe.

Origin of galaxies

Using the Big Bang theory, scientists were able to explain the appearance of galaxies. When the world has just appeared, all the distances inside of him rapidly. However, in some places this process has acquired a special form. This was due to the fact that in different spatial points of the energy density had excellent performance.

In some parts of one big Universe has accumulated more particles. This process was described in detail by American scientists of the twentieth century. In the popular form the theory was explained in the film series "the universe before the Big Bang. In the Wake of the mysteries”.

In areas with a greater energy density significantly fluctuated temperature. This phenomenon was a symptom of compression of matter by gravity. Inflationary period gave rise to region with higher density. After the creation of the Universe the gravitational field has worked on these areas with increased intensity. It was here that originated the galaxies-clusters of stars around which the planets were formed. Our Land fits perfectly into this system. It revolves around its own star (the Sun) and is part of the milky way galaxy.

state of the universe before the big Bang

Modern status of the Universe

The Current period of evolution of the Universe is perfectly suited for the existence of life. Scientists find it difficult to determine how much will last this time period. But if anyone undertook such calculations, the resulting figures were no less than hundreds of billions years. For one human life this period is so great that even in mathematical terms, it is necessary to record using degrees. The present is better understood than the background Universe. What was before the Big Bang, in any case, remain only a subject of theoretical research and bold calculations.

In this material world, even time is relative. For example, quasars (a type of astronomical objects), which exist at a distance of 14 billion light years from Earth, behind our familiar “now” on those 14 billion light years. This time gap is enormous. It is difficult to even define mathematically, not to mention the fact that clearly to imagine such by human imagination (even the most passionate) is simply impossible.

Modern science could theoretically explain the life of our material world, starting with the first fraction of a second of its existence, when the only thing there was a Big Bang. A complete history of the Universe is complemented by still. Astronomers discover new amazing facts with upgraded and improved research equipment (telescopes, laboratories, etc.).

However, there are not understood phenomenon. Such a white spot, for example, is dark matter and dark energy. The nature of this hidden mass continues to haunt the minds of the most educated and advanced physicists of our time. In addition, and did not have a single point of view about the reasons why in the Universe of particles rather than antiparticles. On this occasion it was formulated a few fundamental theories. Some of these models are the most popular, but none of them is not accepted by the international scientific community as indisputable truths.

In the scale of universal knowledge and the enormous discoveries of the XX century these gaps seem quite small. But the history of science, with enviable regularity shows that the explanation of such “small” of the facts and phenomena becomes the basis for all ideas of mankind about the discipline as a whole (in this case we are talking about astronomy). Therefore, future generations of scientists will definitely be things to do and discover in the field of knowledge of nature and the Universe.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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