The origin of the moon: versions


2018-03-20 10:10:21




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The Moon – is a natural satellite of the Earth, is the brightest object in the night sky. Since ancient times, it attracted the views of people touched in their souls the poetic strings. The moon's influence on our planet is very large. The most striking example of this are the sea tides. They arise from the gravitational attraction that has a satellite. In addition, since ancient times, people used the lunar calendar. For almost all of human history it has been the primary method, not only for chronology, but also for guidance in daily Affairs. Looking at the lunar calendar, our ancestors decided whether to start them sowing or harvest, to organize or not fair festivities.

artificial origin of the moon

The phase of the moon is focused and all-powerful Church. According to the calendar it announced various religious holidays and the Great Posts.
For Hundreds of years, people have speculated about the origin of the moon. But, despite the rapid development of scientific thought, a large number of unsolved questions about our only companion still remained unanswered.

What is really the origin of the moon? Hypothesis, allowing to somehow get closer to this answer are as scientific in nature, and are just fantastic assumptions.

Folk tradition

There is a legend about the origin of the moon. According to her, in ancient times, when it was young even Time itself, on our planet there lived a girl. She was so beautiful that everyone who saw her was just breathtaking.

In those years people did not know that such anger and hatred. On Earth reigned only harmony, understanding and love. Even God was a pleasure to behold the World he created. This lasted for years, which turned into a century. The planet was similar to a blossoming tale, and seemed nothing can spoil such a beautiful picture.


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However, over the years, basking in the glow of her own success and beauty, the girl changed his modest lifestyle to loose. At night she began to seduce the most beautiful men of the planet, illuminating the darkness a bright glow. Her behaviour became known to God.

the origins of planet moon

He punished the harlot by sending her on the horizon. After that, the girl, the Moon began to illuminate the beautiful planet with their captivating and pure luminescence. People began to leave for the night to enjoy pouring from the sky and unique beauty. This gentle light is lit in the hearts of boys and girls, bringing warmth to the soul. Thus, the Moon took people calm. They could not sleep at night and fell into her tender trap. The moon presented them the most inexplicable feelings, making the hearts of earthlings fight to the beat of a mysterious and fabulous thoughts of love.


What is the origin of the name Luna? For example, if we have in mind the name, it has Greek roots. In this language the word “selas” means “Shine”, “light”, “radiant”. Hence the name of the Moon.

The Meaning and origin of Selena shrouded in myths. In some of them she is a hero associated with the Sun. If you take the works of Aeschylus, Selenium – daughter of Helios. According to other sources, she is his wife or sister. There are myths saying that Selena is the daughter of the Titan Papunta and sister of NYX. In other words, versions of ancient tales diverge. They differ in them and names of Selena. In some myths she is Giberella, Iphianassa, Neida or Chromium.

A Normal picture of Selene – a winged woman, clad in silver clothes, on the head of which is the Golden wreath. She is a major in the night sky and moves it to his chariot, which harnessed the white winged buffaloes, bulls or horses.

The origin of the name Moon is, and the Slavs. In Latin is “Runa”, and in French – lime. These words have an ancient Indo-European root which means “light” or “Suite”.

The common Slavic language very similar to all previous versions of the meaning of the name Moon. The origin of the word in this case can be explained by the same name luminaries as louksna. Translated, it means “brilliant” and “light”.

Basic mysteries of the Earth satellite

After a thorough analysis of the physical qualities of our neighbor, many details allow us to Express an opinion in favor of an artificial origin of the moon is still very likely. On the one hand, this theory seems absurd, but it rests on eight pillars, the analysis of which can reveal interesting characteristics of this satellite.

origin of the moon

Not coincidentally, this theory of the origin of the moon, which was launched in 1960 by the Russian explorers Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, have not ceased to interest their colleagues in the future. Proponents of the hypothesis about the artificial origin of the Earth satellite are of the opinion that he was once attracted by the gravitational field of our planet. The moon, in their opinion, could be towed by someone. And it is quite likely. The chance capture of the moon by the Earth is virtually zero. After all, our planet is not so big in size compared with its present companion.

The Cometary theory of the origin of the moon also are not able to withstand criticism. Because all celestial bodies carrya large number of volatile substances. However, on the moon they are almost there. Therefore, it is clearly not a cosmic origin. According to some researchers, the Moon is nothing other than a spaceship.

1 Mystery. The ratio of the masses

If you compare the moon with other planets in our Solar system, it is highlighted by some abnormal characteristics. For example, an unusually low ratio of mass and sizes of the moon and Earth. Thus, the diameter of our planet four times the same parameter of its companion. Jupiter, for example, this value is equal to eighty.

Another interesting detail is the distance between the Earth and the Moon. It is relatively small. In this regard, for its visual size of the Moon coincides with the Sun. This is confirmed by phenomena such as eclipses of our nearest star, when the moon completely covers the heavenly body.

Anomalous for researchers is perfectly circular orbit of the moon. Other satellites of the solar system revolve in elliptical paths.

Riddle number 2. The gravitational center

Researchers have noted an extraordinary and deviation of the moon. The gravitational center of this satellite closer to its geometric center at 1800 meters. It can also prove the artificial origin of the moon. Any idea why the satellite of our planet with such a significant discrepancy still revolves in a circular orbit, simply doesn't exist.

Riddle number 3. Titanium surface

Look at the picture of the moon, many believe in what you see on its surface craters. However, in the absence of the atmosphere, the planet seems not very “broken” and falling on her space objects.

origin of the moon hypothesis

In addition, craters of the moon are so small compared to their circumference, which creates the impression that the meteorite fragments fell on an extremely durable material. The Vasin and Shcherbakov suggested that the moon is made of titanium. This version was tested. The result of the obtained data it can be concluded that the lunar crust has extraordinary properties of titanium to a depth of almost 32 km.

Riddle number 4. Oceans

Artificial origin of the moon prove and located on its surface was a giant expansion, called oceans. Many researchers believe that it is nothing like the footprints emerged from the bowels of the planet lava after the impact of meteorites. While all of this can only be explained by volcanic activity.

Mystery No. 5. Gravity

Theory of the origin of the moon as an artificial body is confirmed by the presence on this planet inhomogeneous gravitational attraction. This was confirmed by the crew of Apollo VIII. The astronauts noted a sharp anomaly of gravity, which in some places in mysterious ways is greatly enhanced.

Mystery No. 6. Craters, oceans, mountains

On the reverse side of the moon that is not visible from Earth, scientists have discovered a large number of craters, geographic shocks, and Gore. However, we see only the oceans. Such a gravity discrepancy also allows to put forward the hypothesis that there is an artificial origin of the moon.

The mystery of the number 7. Density

The Density of the moon is extremely small. Its value is only 60% the density of our planet. Under the existing laws of physics, in this case, the Moon should be just hollow. And this despite the relative hardness of its surface. This is another argument supporting the artificial origin of the moon.

The scientists on this score, there are other hypotheses, which together are the eighth postulate. Take a closer look.

The Separation of matter

The history of the origin of the moon worried about people at all times. The first is quite logical explanation for the emergence of our planet the satellite was given in the 19th century, George Darwin. He was the son of Charles Darwin, who put forward the theory of natural selection.

George was very respected and well-known astronomer, who gave a lot of time studying celestial satellite of our planet. In 1878 he put forward the hypothesis that the origin of the moon was the result of the separation matters. Most likely, George Darwin was the first researcher who established the fact that our celestial satellite is gradually moving away from the Earth. Calculate the speed difference of the planets, the astronomer suggested that in the old days they were a single entity.

theory of the origin of the moon

In the distant past, the Earth was a viscous matter, and rotates around its axis in just 5.5 hours. This led to the fact that centrifugal forces are “ripped” of the planet of the substance. Over time, this piece and the Moon formed. In the place of isolation on earth, the Pacific ocean.

This is the origin of the Moon was perfectly reasonable. As a result, the version of John. Darwin occupy a dominant position in the early 20th century the Theory perfectly explains the similarity of the composition of lunar and terrestrial rocks, a lower density of the moon and its size.

However, this version in 1920 criticized Harold Jeffreys. This British astronomer proved that the viscosity of our planet in polurazobrannom condition could not contribute to such a powerful vibration to cause the two planets. Against the fact that such was the origin of the moon hypotheses put forward by other researchers. Indeed, it becomes incomprehensible, what are the laws and phenomenaallowed the Earth to accelerate so fast and then drastically reduce the speed of its travel in orbit. In addition, it is proved that the age of the Pacific ocean about 70 million years. And this is too little to adopt proposed George. Darwin the scenario of an celestial satellite.

Capture of the planet

What else explains the origin of the moon? Versions were different, but the most understandable of them was the hypothesis, published in 1909, from the pen of Thomas Jefferson Jackson OI. This American astronomer suggested that in the old days the Moon was a small planet, a member of the Solar system. Gradually, however, under the influence acting upon it gravitational force, its orbit took the form of an ellipse and intersect with the orbit of the Earth. Then our planet through the power of attraction “captured”. As a result, the Moon has moved to a new orbit and became a satellite.

This hypothesis is confirmed by rather high angular momentum. In addition, in favor of this version say the myths of ancient peoples, which States that there was a time when the moon did not exist.

However, this scenario is unlikely to have occurred. While passing near Earth minor planet in force on the outer body gravitational forces likely would have destroyed it or threw it far enough. In contrast to this theory stands the fact that the lunar and earth's surface have similarities.

Shaping Collaborative

This hypothesis in the Soviet scientific world was the main. It was first articulated in the writings of Kant in 1775 According to this version, both planets were formed from a single dust cloud. This plume has been the emergence of the proto-Earth, which gradually gained more mass. The result of the particles of the clouds began to rotate around our planet following its own orbit. Some of them were not yet formed until the end of the Earth and increases it. Others took a circular orbit and, being at the same distance from our planet formed the moon.

This hypothesis would explain the fact that Earth and Moon have the same age, similar species and more. However, it is unknown the origin of such high angular momentum and unusual tilt of the orbital plane of our satellite. It seems odd that formed at the same time planets have a different ratio of the mass of the core and shell, as well as the unknown cause of the disappearance of the light elements with the celestial satellite.

Evaporation substances

This hypothesis the researchers put forward in the early 20th century According to this version, influenced by the constant contact with the surface of the Earth space particles, its surface has been subjected to strong heating. Happened melting of the substance, which soon began to evaporate. Then began the effect of the blowing solar wind light elements. Heavier particles eventually underwent a process of condensation. This occurred some distance from Land, where the Moon formed.

This version is well explained by a small core of the celestial satellite, the similarity of the rocks of two planets, and also the low amount of available volatile light elements. But how to explain the high angular momentum? In addition, it is already known that the Earth is warming up were not exposed. Therefore, steaming was just not happening.


All existed before the mid-1970s years of the theory of the origin of the moon, for whatever reasons could not find full confirmation. While there is almost an incredible situation, when the researchers simply could not answer the question of the origin of our only satellite. This uncertainty was the main impetus for the birth of the new version.

origin of the moon versionA Relatively new hypothesis of the origin of the moon is the collision theory. It appeared in 1975, and currently it is considered primary. According to this version, the origin of the moon and the Earth happened in those days, when from the dust cloud emerged and the Solar system itself. In this case it so happened that at the same distance from a celestial object, formed from two planets trapped in the same orbit. One of them – young Earth. The other was a planet Theia. Both celestial bodies have grown gradually. Then their masses become so palpable that the planet gradually began to approach each other. Theia was smaller than Earth and therefore, began to be attracted to a heavier neighbor. According to researchers, the fateful meeting occurred 4.5 billion years ago. Theia collided with Earth. The blow was strong, but happened on a tangent. The ground seemed to have been turned inside out. Into orbit “erupted” part of the mantle of our planet and most of Tai. This substance became the embryo of the future moon, the final formation of which occurred some hundred years after this collision. When you hit the Ground got a big momentum.

Explains the hypothesis and the small size of the lunar core, and the similarity of the rocks of the two planets. However, it is not clear why did not happen the final evaporation of light elements which, even in small numbers, but present in the lunar crust.

Facts documentary movies

All materials on the moon that are widely available - not comprehensive information. What secrets are fraught with this planet? What is the origin of the moon? Documentary film about the phenomena occurring on the satellite of our planet immediately caught the attention of the audience.It was published under the title “Sensation of the century. Moon. Hiding the facts”. It tells the story of that this outer body there are mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon. And this is confirmed by the testimony of astronomers. Most often on the moon, researchers saw wandering and stationary lights, a bright sudden flash, the light from the craters of extinct volcanoes and strange rays, which penetrate the recesses of the moon's surface.

origin of the moon documentaryAlso, according to many scientists, the Americans never landed on the surface of this heavenly body. And if landed, the available materials are outright fake. The cause of this unbelief lies in the fact that the mission had not gone as planned initially. In addition, the astronauts, the former in his time on the moon, some time later and only in private conversations claimed that all of their actions were continuously monitored. It was carried out with a constantly circling around the ship of unidentified flying objects.

It would explain the artificial origin of the moon and the theory that the Moon is a spaceship. Finds the explanation and the theory of hollow planet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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