The basic directions of philosophy of the 19th century and the emergence of positivism


2018-03-20 20:12:08




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If we consider the main directions in modern philosophy, it is certainly one of the most prominent sites in the development of philosophical knowledge is positivism. Before proceeding to the analysis of this philosophical doctrine, you must specify the sources that formed the basis of this trend, which played and plays a prominent role in understanding the world.

In the late 19th century is quite widespread irrational philosophy, which was identified as the dominant factor in the process of understanding the unconscious, the irrational, the beginning. The main cognitive resources irrationalism declared nemyslitelne aspects - will, feelings, intuition. Not the last place in the list of informative sources irrationality withdrawn the unconscious, mystical illumination, which A. Schopenhauer – one of the most prominent representatives of this direction – announced really the only source of knowledge.

Further development of philosophy and especially natural science has shown the limitations of irrational approach, his inability to participate in the construction of an adequate scientific world picture. Are unable to overcome the crisis in philosophical knowledge and the main trends in philosophy that have developed around the same time with irrationalism. Philosophy of life, as a philosophical doctrine, was undoubtedly a positive phenomenon from the point of view of the consideration of life and society in its integrity and dynamics. But she also pushed to irrational when it came to finding the reasons that motivate us to action. The representatives of this doctrine believed that life is a chaotic flow that has no objective usefulness, and therefore to speak about any mechanisms of cognition as part of life itself, makes no sense.


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Hermeneutics has made an enormous contribution to the development of scientific methodology, especially issues related to research methods texts and their interpretation. However, and here we find the influence of the irrational – any vital information is presented as a way of knowing the existence of its subject-interpreter. In short, the interpreter interprets the history and reality based on their own understanding.

The basic directions of philosophy of the late 19th – early 20th centuries as existentialism and subjectivism, psychoanalysis reduced cognitive aspects only to the limits of being an individual human person, in the course of which it can identify itself in one way or another.

A Significant breakthrough in solving the problems of philosophical crisis was the emergence and development of the principles of positivism. The original position of this doctrine is the claim about the fallacy of relying on General scientific principles of cognition, as suggested still the main areas of philosophy. Positivism asserts the fact – as the only true source of knowledge, while stipulating conditions that this fact needs to be completely cleaned from the estimated loads and verified by experimental methods (method of verification).

The founder of the positivist trends in philosophy is considered to be the French scientist Auguste Comte, which has entered the history of scientific thought as the founder of sociology as a science in the classic sense of the value. During its existence, positivism had four main stages in the development. This is one of the hallmarks of positivism, if some of the main strands of the philosophy of that time, or couldn't survive under a hail of criticism, and, in fact, turned into a refuted theory, the positivism found resources and new methodological techniques substantiate its basic principles. For example, when the classical version of early positivism was questioned in connection with the rapid development of the natural Sciences, they were fairly quickly critically reconsidered by E. Mach and R. Avenarius. The machism was the second historical form of positivism, which in the first place is critical experience. That is why this area has another name - empiric. Then appeared such forms of positivist philosophy, as neopositivism and postpositivism, prominent representatives of which was R. Karnap, B. Russell, K. Popper,  has developed a completely original methodological substantiation cognitive process.

For Example, neopositivistic believed that the main areas of philosophy are primarily intended for the logical analysis of science, which serves as a primary means of obtaining reliable information. Postpositivist went even further, the object of their interest was the emergence of theoretical knowledge, the problems of scientific consensus and advance knowledge. Postpositivism is more loyal to philosophy and its role in cognition.

The Most important achievement of postpositivism – substantiation of absence of the required conditions of reliability the ability to verify scientific fact. It hence follows an important conclusion about the nature of the development of modern science – it has in its development UPS and downs, but the General vector is directed towards the improvement of scientific knowledge.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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