The structure of the cell center. The structural features of the cell center


2018-03-20 22:01:12




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Proved that the cells of eukaryotic organisms is represented by a system of membranes that form organelles protein-phospholipid composition. However, this rule has one important exception. Two organelles (the cell's center and the ribosome), as well as organelles of movement (flagella and cilia) are remembernow structure. What are they formed? In this paper we will try to find the answer to this question, and examine the structure of the cell centre of the cell, often referred to as the centrosome.

building cellular center

All cells contain a cell center

The First fact which attracted the interest of scientists – is an optional the presence of this organoid. So, lower fungi – they – and in higher plants it is absent. As it turned out, algae in human cells and in most animals the presence of the cell center is necessary for the implementation of the processes of mitosis and meiosis. The first method divided the somatic cells, and others – sex. Mandatory participant in both processes is the centrosome. The divergence of its centrioles to the poles of the dividing cell and pulling between them threads of the spindle and provides a further divergence of the chromosomes, attached to these threads and to the poles of the parent cell.

features of the structure of cell center

Microscopic studies revealed the structural features of the cell center. It includes from one to several dense Taurus – the centrioles, from which diverge fan-shaped microtubules. Examine in more detail the appearance and structure of the cell center.

The Centrosome in interphase cell

In the life cycle cells cellular center can be seen in the period called the interphase. Near the membrane-usually there are two microcalendar. Each of them consists of protein tubes, collected of three (triplets). Nine of these structures form the surface of the centriole. If there are two of them (which happens often), they are located to each other at a right angle. In the period of life between the two divisions of the structure of the cell center in the cell is almost the same in all eukaryotes.


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the structure and function of cell membrane

The Ultrastructure of the centrosome

To examine the cellular structure of the center was made possible by the use of electron microscopes. Scientists have found that the centrosome cylinders have the following dimensions: length – 0.3-0.5 microns, diameter-0.2 µm. The number of centrioles before beginning the dividing necessarily doubled. This is necessary in order for the parent and daughter cells by dividing the received cell center, consisting of two centrioles. The structural features of the cell center lies in the fact that centriole components, are not equivalent: one of them – Mature (parent) – contains additional elements: pericentromeric satellite and its appendages. Immature centriole has a specific area called the wagon wheel.

structure cell cell center

The behavior of the centrosome in mitosis

It is Well known that the growth of the organism and its reproduction occurs at the level of elementary units of living nature, which is the cell. A cell structure, localization and function of cell and its organelles examined by Cytology. Despite the fact that scientists have conducted a lot of research, cellular center still remains insufficiently studied, although its role in cell division clarified completely. In the prophase of mitosis and prophase of meiotic division of meiosis centrioles go to the poles of the parent cell, and then the formation of the threads of the spindle. They attach themselves to the centromeres of the primary constriction of chromosomes. Why is it necessary?

The Spindle anaphase cells

Experiments G. Bowery, A. Neil and other scientists has allowed to establish that the structure of the cell center and its functions are interrelated. The presence of two centrioles, bipolar located in relation to the poles of the cell, and filaments of the spindle between them ensures an even distribution of chromosomes connected to microtubules, to each of the poles of the parent cell.

the structure of the cell center and its functions

Thus, the number of chromosomes is the same in the daughter cells as a result of mitosis or halved (meiosis) than the original parent cells. Especially interesting is the fact that the structure of the cell center and correlative changes associated with stages of the life cycle of a cell.

Chemical analysis of organelles

For a better understanding of the role and function of the centrosome will learn what organic compounds are included in its composition. As might be expected, are leading proteins. Suffice it to recall that the structure and function of cell membrane also depend on the presence of the peptide molecules. Note that the centrosome proteins possess contractile ability. They are part of microtubules and are called tubuline. By studying the external and internal structure of the cell center, we mentioned auxiliary elements: pericentromere satellites and appendages of centrioles. They include annexin and myricetin.

the cell structure of cell localization and cell function

There are also proteins that regulate the metabolism of organoid. It is a kinase and phosphatase – specific peptides that are responsible for nucleation of microtubules, that is, the formation of active molecules-the seed that starts the growth and synthesis of radial microthreads.

Cellular center as the organizer of fibrillar proteins

In Cytology definitively established the idea of the centrosome as the main organelle responsible for the formation of microtubules. Thanks to generalizing research K. Fallonmono to say that the cell center supports the process in four ways. Example: polymerization of the threads of the spindle, formation of procentriole, creating a radial system of microtubules interphase cells and, finally, synthesis of the elements in the primary cilium. It is special education, which is characteristic for the maternal centriole. Studying the structure and function of cell membrane, scientists discover it under an electron microscope in the cell center after mitotic cell division, or at the beginning of mitosis. In the G2 stage of interphase, and early prophase stages of the cilium disappears. In chemical composition it consists of molecules of tubulin, and is the label by which you can determine the Mature mother centriole. So how does the maturation of the centrosome? Consider all the nuances of this process.

The Stages of formation of the centriole

Cytology found that child and maternal centriole forming diplosoma not identical in structure. So, the Mature structure of the lined layer pericentromere substance - mitotic halo. Full maturation of the centriole child takes longer than the duration of one life cycle of the cell. At the end of the G1 phase of the second cell cycle, a new centriole already acts as an organizer of microtubules and capable of forming threads of the spindle, and also to the formation of a special organelle movement. Them can have cilia and flagella, common in single-celled animals protozoa (e.g., euglena green, ciliate-shoes), and many algae, such as hlamidomonada. Flagella, formed by microtubules of the cell centre with many spores of the algae and germ cells of animals and humans.

the structure of the cell center in the cell

The role of the centrosome in cell activity

So, we have seen that one of the smallest cellular organelles (takes less than 1 % of total cells) plays a Central role in the regulation of metabolism both plant and animal cells. Violation of the formation of the spindle entails the formation of genetically defective daughter cells. Their chromosome sets differ from the normal amount, which leads to chromosomal aberrations. As a result – development of abnormal individuals or their death. In medicine, the fact of the relationship between the number of centrioles from the risk of cancer. For example, if the normal skin cells contain centriole 2, the biopsy tissue with cancer of the skin reveals the number increase to 4-6. These results are evidence of the key role of the centrosome in the control of cell division. Recent experimental data indicate the important role of this organelle in intracellular transport processes. The unique cellular structure of the center allows him to control cell shape and its change. In normally developing unit, the centrosome is located near the Golgi apparatus, near the nucleus, and together with them provides an integrative and signaling functions in the implementation of the mitosis, meiosis and programmed cell death – apoptoza. That is why modern Cytology think the centrosome is an important unifying organoidom cells responsible for her division and for the entire metabolism in General.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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